Valkyria Chronicles - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='SeanNOLA']I definitely think it's worth hanging onto. I think that, in the future, when people are collecting old PS3 games, this one will be one of the harder-to-come-by games, the same way that Earthbound or Panzer Dragoon Saga are now. There will come a time when you will see a bin full of $20 VC's at your local Toys-R-Us, and then you'll never see one again outside of eBay.

Psychic Sean has spoken.[/QUOTE]

Not going to happen because sega is one of the publisher willing to reprint their games (Rez), and you can't compare it to the SNES days since gaming is a lot more popular or the last game on a dying system.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Game seems really overpriced. Seems like a great Downloadable title, but from what I heard it only has like 10 levels or something? And thats it? For 60 bucks that's insane.[/QUOTE]

You have been misinformed.
I agree it's a little overpriced, but most $60 games are. The downloadable argument surprised me but I guess it depends on what people expect from a download title. This has a good 40-50+ hours of gameplay, plus exquisite art and music, hours of voice, etc.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Game seems really overpriced. Seems like a great Downloadable title, but from what I heard it only has like 10 levels or something? And thats it? For 60 bucks that's insane.[/QUOTE]

- Full voice acting with Japanese and English cast
- Brand new proprietary graphics engine developed by Sega
- ~30-50 hours of game play depending on how much you want to level your troops
- Additional difficulty levels for skirmish maps (more of a replay value bonus)

No, I do not think the game is overpriced given the content. Now, you can love, like, or hate the game but there is definitely some solid value in Valkyria Chronicles.

Just my humble opinion, of course.

And yes, the demo is easy -- the two levels are the first from the storyline and skirmishes. Things get harder later on, fo' sho'.

Not going to happen because sega is one of the publisher willing to reprint their games (Rez), and you can't compare it to the SNES days since gaming is a lot more popular or the last game on a dying system.

Sega didn't reprint the game, GameQuestDirect did and distributed the game with the approval from Sega.
[quote name='Ecofreak']- Full voice acting with Japanese and English cast
- Brand new proprietary graphics engine developed by Sega
- ~30-50 hours of game play depending on how much you want to level your troops
- Additional difficulty levels for skirmish maps (more of a replay value bonus)

No, I do not think the game is overpriced given the content. Now, you can love, like, or hate the game but there is definitely some solid value in Valkyria Chronicles.

Just my humble opinion, of course.

And yes, the demo is easy -- the two levels are the first from the storyline and skirmishes. Things get harder later on, fo' sho'.

Sega didn't reprint the game, GameQuestDirect did and distributed the game with the approval from Sega.[/quote]

Oh wow, I was just assuming there was like 10-15 battles (like the one in the demo) didn't no it was a big epic adventure.

Is there a good story?
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Oh wow, I was just assuming there was like 10-15 battles (like the one in the demo) didn't no it was a big epic adventure.

Is there a good story?[/QUOTE]

That's kind of debatable. There is a story. It isn't entirely astounding.
But the presentation is fantastic.
The story isn't anything groundbreaking but I felt it was very well-done, if you don't mind the occasional Japanese melodrama. It felt like the good old days of SNES RPGs.

I sort of wish they hadn't
introduced the whole Valkyrian mystic powers thing and instead stuck with a more grounded, political story, but what can you do.
The characters are likable, the story and acting is kind of typical Japanese RPG/Anime though. There's the inevitable magical artifact, way too verbose people, etc...

If you can stomach that style, it's actually pretty good for that style of story, but only okay if you aren't a fan.
Here are some new character images for the upcoming Valkyria Chronicles anime. Bad news is that the water canvass style is gone, but the good news is that the original Japanese voice actors for Alicia, Welkin, and Faladio will reprise their roles.




[quote name='DarkNessBear']Oh wow, I was just assuming there was like 10-15 battles (like the one in the demo) didn't no it was a big epic adventure.

Is there a good story?[/QUOTE]

I was a big fan of the story, personally.

A group of individuals, thrown together into a troupe with internal strife from the start. Themes of prejudice and racism. Questions regarding value of one life vs. the greater good. Can love bloom in the battlefield? Sprinkle on some political intrigue and I was a huge fan of the story.

In my opinion, it was a very humane story. People suffered on both sides of the war, which doesn't often get talked about in more typical action-style games.

And as a disclaimer, I tend to eat this stuff up like Pop Rocks & soda.
[quote name='Ecofreak']Here are some new character images for the upcoming Valkyria Chronicles anime. Bad news is that the water canvass style is gone, but the good news is that the original Japanese voice actors for Alicia, Welkin, and Faladio will reprise their roles.

I was a big fan of the story, personally.

A group of individuals, thrown together into a troupe with internal strife from the start. Themes of prejudice and racism. Questions regarding value of one life vs. the greater good. Can love bloom in the battlefield? Sprinkle on some political intrigue and I was a huge fan of the story.

In my opinion, it was a very humane story. People suffered on both sides of the war, which doesn't often get talked about in more typical action-style games.

And as a disclaimer, I tend to eat this stuff up like Pop Rocks & soda.[/quote]

The faces on those character images of the anime are not the same as the faces of Alicia, Welkin, and Faldio in the game, which is completely jarring.

I loved the story of Valkyria Chronicles. I am not predisposed to like anything anime either, I do not even watch anime. I enjoyed the story because of its substance.

I cannot think of a great way to word this, but I loved the characters and the interactions they had with each other. Then throughout the game, the characters would change based on events and actions; I thought there was a great sense of progression.

I agree with EcoFreak that one of the appeals of the story is how much it relies on real world themes. I thought it was interesting and entertaining that the game had themes such as racism, death, power, etc. The game does not delve deeply into these topics, but Valkyria Chronicles at least touches the topics in what I believe is a successful way. Most games do not even have these themes or fail in their execution.

Also, that text about love blooming in the battlefield at the beginning of the game reminded me of Metal Gear Solid. Which reminded me of an interview David Hayter had with Evil Avatar Radio—now In-Game Chat—where he said:

"Can love bloom on the battlefield?"

"I'll tell you later."

"Love is blooming in my pants."
[quote name='Razzuel']Also, that text about love blooming in the battlefield at the beginning of the game reminded me of Metal Gear Solid. Which reminded me of an interview David Hayter had with Evil Avatar Radio—now In-Game Chat—where he said:

"Can love bloom on the battlefield?"

"I'll tell you later."

"Love is blooming in my pants."[/QUOTE]

That quote chain is priceless! :lol::applause::lol:

And I'm glad you enjoyed VC's story. :)

The sales figures for the top 100 games of 2008 in Japan were released recently in Famitsu, and VC clocks in at 141,589. Hopefully, the sales figures will pick up once the anime is released in March combined with the game's re-release as a "Best Hits" budget title in the near future.
[quote name='Ecofreak']That quote chain is priceless! :lol::applause::lol:

And I'm glad you enjoyed VC's story. :)

The sales figures for the top 100 games of 2008 in Japan were released recently in Famitsu, and VC clocks in at 141,589. Hopefully, the sales figures will pick up once the anime is released in March combined with the game's re-release as a "Best Hits" budget title in the near future.[/quote]


I am glad you enjoyed the quote. If you want to hear David Hayter say it, which is really awesome I suggest you go here: and start listening at a little bit before or right at 42:45.

Yeah it is sad that it is selling so poorly across all markets.
[quote name='Razzuel']
Yeah it is sad that it is selling so poorly across all markets.[/QUOTE]

New IPs that lack a massive hype-machine generally have a rough start.
I just finished the
Second Battle in Chapter 11
. I really screwed that battle up badly, getting a D rank. It took me 5 turns before I tried to
Destroy the barriers across the bridge so my tank could cross it.
So it ended up taking me 15 turns to beat it. And Alicia, Rosie and Largo all went down at one point. So as you can see, I screwed up badly.
I picked this up yesterday and gave it a quick spin last night. So far, it is exceeding my expectations, which were high as this has been my most wanted game for a few months now.

The gameplay, the music, the art, the characters - all seem to be woven into one bundle of awesome.

Its games like these that remind me why I have a PS3.
[quote name='Yanksfan']I picked this up yesterday and gave it a quick spin last night. So far, it is exceeding my expectations, which were high as this has been my most wanted game for a few months now.

The gameplay, the music, the art, the characters - all seem to be woven into one bundle of awesome.

Its games like these that remind me why I have a PS3.[/quote]

Which is why I facepalm at Sony taking one of the advantages they had with the PS1/2 (RPG's) and handing it over to Microsoft on a silver platter. The quantity-to-quality ratio is so far in Microsoft's favor it's staggering.

360- Tales, ME, Fable 2, LO, SO 4 (Feb. 09)
Both- ES, Fallout 3 (although 360/PC only gets the DLC), FFXIII (2010)

Folklore and Disgaea 3 IMO are a push with Blue Dragon, IU, and TLR on 360 as they are all slightly-moderately flawed games.

I'm on chapter 6 of VC after a few hours of play and I'm so glad I found a used copy to use in conjunction with the 30% off Gamestop coupon this week. Still wish this had trophies though :bomb:
I just beat the game. Awesome, awesome game. There were a lot of really good moments that I don't see a lot of in RPG's (The stuff I didn't see coming).

I beat all but 2 Skirmishes, and every Report that I was allowed to do (I think there's still one, but I'm not sure). And for those wondering, I beat the final battle
in 8 moves
. I can't wait for the DLC.
I finished the game earlier last week. I will say that I quite enjoyed the game as a whole, but severely disliked
the cgi following the last battle and how the game ended with faldio/plane
. I finished the majority of fights with a C ranking, which I found pretty assinine... because I got Ds on two battles that were damn near flawless and in less than 10 moves, but the mission that I had 5 people faint, I ended up with a B ranking.... which makes me wonder what was really being considered that battle.

It definitely has superb gameplay, but for me the game does not have much replay value because of the lack of incentive to do so (no trophies or additional content unlocked). Some of the potentials were amazingly funny though
sadist jane, VEGE-TA-BLES!, etc
. I do like how they unlock new information in the book based on the amount you use them.

This game has me fairly excited about Stormrise as well, hoping SEGA keeps up their PS3 streak moving from 1 good game, to TWO in a row! With the Sega Genesis Collection and Bayonetta, maybe SEGA glory days will be relived.
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[quote name='dyeknom']I finished the game earlier last week. I will say that I quite enjoyed the game as a whole, but severely disliked
the cgi following the last battle and how the game ended with faldio/plane
. I finished the majority of fights with a C ranking, which I found pretty assinine... because I got Ds on two battles that were damn near flawless and in less than 10 moves, but the mission that I had 5 people faint, I ended up with a B ranking.... which makes me wonder what was really being considered that battle.

It definitely has superb gameplay, but for me the game does not have much replay value because of the lack of incentive to do so (no trophies or additional content unlocked). Some of the potentials were amazingly funny though
sadist jane, VEGE-TA-BLES!, etc
. I do like how they unlock new information in the book based on the amount you use them.

This game has me fairly excited about Stormrise as well, hoping SEGA keeps up their PS3 streak moving from 1 good game, to TWO in a row! With the Sega Genesis Collection and Bayonetta, maybe SEGA glory days will be relived.[/QUOTE]
Ratings are based on the number of turns it took you to complete the mission. Nothing else.
[quote name='PrinceOfHosts']Any word if this is gonna be patched with Trophies?[/quote]

Even if it's not, you should still play through it now. I'd definitely play through it again if it had trophies, though.

Really good farming technique:
Skirmish 6, have all Leaders, use Evade Boost, Caution and Defense Boost on a scout. Send that Scout towards the capture point. Grenade the sniper, kill the turret guy, capture on 1 Turn. Takes about...3-4 minutes and you get 55,000exp on Normal.
Awesome! I got my the soundtrack from Play Asia today. I love the music in this game.

The art on the CDs is totally fucking amazing. I was really surprised of the quality of the material and packaging. Too bad I cannot read Japanese.

If anyone is curious what the outside and inside look like then here you go (the only thing missing is the second disc, which is in my drive right now).



How long are the average tracks? I'd love to get the soundtrack, but am not a fan if the majority of the songs are less than 2 minutes. Soundtracks with songs of such short length don't really let me "get into" each song before the next one starts.

Congrats on your purchase!
Here are the names of the songs and their respective length:

Disc 1:
01 No Matter the Distance... (Game Opening ver.) 2:09
02 Main Theme 3:30
03 Beautiful Gallia 3:05
04 Desperate Fight 3:31
05 Randgrith City 1:57
06 Everyday Training 1:49
07 Street Fighting 2:32
08 Hope for Tomorrow 3:46
09 Daily Life of the 7th Platoon 2:18
10 The Field 3:03
11 We Are the Barracks 2:34
12 Strategy Instructions 2:43
13 Urgent Instructions 1:48
14 Hard Fight 2:25
15 Conferral of Honors 1:13
16 Europa at War 2:21
17 The Gallian War 2:58
18 Battle 2:47
19 Farewell and Tears 4:05
20 War in the Empire 3:25
21 Old Memory 2:50
22 Maximilian 3:52
23 Close Combat 3:18
24 Valkyria's Omen 3:55
25 Resistance 1:49
26 Valkyria's Awakening 2:37
27 Difficult Battle 3:24
28 Defeat 0:28

Disc length 76:12

Disc 2:
01 Empty Loneliness 2:28
02 Title Main Theme 0:37
03 Chronicles of the Gallian War 3:17
04 A Moment of Relief 3:27
05 People of Darcus 2:49
06 7th Platoon of the Volunteer Army 2:04
07 Fierce Combat 2:54
08 Randgrith Archduke's Family 2:29
09 Anxiety 3:35
10 Decisive Battle 2:58
11 Recollection of That Day 3:03
12 The Limits of the Quarrel 3:08
13 Defensive Fight 2:33
14 Composition of the Confrontation 3:25
15 The Violating Ones 2:29
16 Quiet Chat 2:39
17 Ground Battleship Marmot 1:45
18 Crisis Draws Near 2:15
19 End of the Ambitions 2:57
20 We Are the 7th Platoon 2:20
21 Final Decisive Battle 2:49
22 Conclusion 2:20
23 Succeeded Wish 3:13
24 Those Who Succeeded 4:06
25 No Matter the Distance... (Game Ending ver.) 4:37
26 Succeeded Wish ~Piano Solo~ 2:45

Disc length 73:02
[quote name='Razzuel']Here are the names of the songs and their respective length:

Disc 1:
01 No Matter the Distance... (Game Opening ver.) 2:09
02 Main Theme 3:30
03 Beautiful Gallia 3:05
04 Desperate Fight 3:31
05 Randgrith City 1:57
06 Everyday Training 1:49
07 Street Fighting 2:32
08 Hope for Tomorrow 3:46
09 Daily Life of the 7th Platoon 2:18
10 The Field 3:03
11 We Are the Barracks 2:34
12 Strategy Instructions 2:43
13 Urgent Instructions 1:48
14 Hard Fight 2:25
15 Conferral of Honors 1:13
16 Europa at War 2:21
17 The Gallian War 2:58
18 Battle 2:47
19 Farewell and Tears 4:05
20 War in the Empire 3:25
21 Old Memory 2:50
22 Maximilian 3:52
23 Close Combat 3:18
24 Valkyria's Omen 3:55
25 Resistance 1:49
26 Valkyria's Awakening 2:37
27 Difficult Battle 3:24
28 Defeat 0:28

Disc length 76:12

Disc 2:
01 Empty Loneliness 2:28
02 Title Main Theme 0:37
03 Chronicles of the Gallian War 3:17
04 A Moment of Relief 3:27
05 People of Darcus 2:49
06 7th Platoon of the Volunteer Army 2:04
07 Fierce Combat 2:54
08 Randgrith Archduke's Family 2:29
09 Anxiety 3:35
10 Decisive Battle 2:58
11 Recollection of That Day 3:03
12 The Limits of the Quarrel 3:08
13 Defensive Fight 2:33
14 Composition of the Confrontation 3:25
15 The Violating Ones 2:29
16 Quiet Chat 2:39
17 Ground Battleship Marmot 1:45
18 Crisis Draws Near 2:15
19 End of the Ambitions 2:57
20 We Are the 7th Platoon 2:20
21 Final Decisive Battle 2:49
22 Conclusion 2:20
23 Succeeded Wish 3:13
24 Those Who Succeeded 4:06
25 No Matter the Distance... (Game Ending ver.) 4:37
26 Succeeded Wish ~Piano Solo~ 2:45

Disc length 73:02

Wow -- thanks for typing all that up! I'll definitely consider getting it, if I can find the funds.
[quote name='Ecofreak']Wow -- thanks for typing all that up! I'll definitely consider getting it, if I can find the funds.[/quote]

No problem. Yeah if you like the music, you should definitely get it.

Since I have finished the game, I can listen to the music to remind me of all the awesome times I had haha.
Man, my in-laws need to get the f**k out of town so I can game again.

I finally get a taste of VC and then they show up for a week long visit.
[quote name='Yanksfan']Man, my in-laws need to get the f**k out of town so I can game again.

I finally get a taste of VC and then they show up for a week long visit.[/QUOTE]

Distance makes the heart grow fonder! You'll get your VC fix soon enough. ;)
I finally beat this a couple of days ago, and then I played it through again to get A ranks on all the missions and some of the medals I missed the first time. I doubt I'll go for A ranks on all the skirmishes though. That seems... more like work than fun.

Still, what a fantastic game. I'm already hoping for future games using a similar system. Not sequel per se, but maybe a game that plays the same way with a different setting and story.
Well The Totally Rad Show podcast on Revision 3 gave this a glowing review a couple of weeks ago so maybe it'll hit 100K in sales soon?
just checked and they are out of this game online and in store. Are big retail chains totally dropping this game now? I think i saw it at bestbuy thou...
[quote name='KingBroly']Even if it's not available online, it's at their stores.[/quote]

you sure? I checked online and it said that there is no copy of the game for 100 miles...and i live in the's going on? If they do have it i'm totally game to get it. I think i'll call them and ask right now.
[quote name='riddler']you sure? I checked online and it said that there is no copy of the game for 100 miles...and i live in the's going on? If they do have it i'm totally game to get it. I think i'll call them and ask right now.[/QUOTE]

Stores don't just drop games, if I understand the business correctly. They'd rather discount it to oblivion than send it back in order to get back some money.

So if all the Walmarts in your area no longer have copies, I hope that means they're sold out.
Finally bit the bullet and got this. $25 GS gift card from doing surveys, 10% coupon, edge card and it was mine for $22.40. I'm a couple chapters in and it's been enjoyable so far. I didn't feel like the story was going to be such a big part of it from the demo, but that's just a plus. I will definitely keep on recommending this game to other PS3 owners.
[quote name='QiG']Finally bit the bullet and got this. $25 GS gift card from doing surveys, 10% coupon, edge card and it was mine for $22.40. I'm a couple chapters in and it's been enjoyable so far. I didn't feel like the story was going to be such a big part of it from the demo, but that's just a plus. I will definitely keep on recommending this game to other PS3 owners.[/quote]

It's a JRPG. Of course the story is going to be important.
[quote name='KingBroly']It's a JRPG. Of course the story is going to be important.[/QUOTE]

And potentially derivative, but I think VC's story is unique enough to make it memorable and (for me) highly enjoyable.
Normally I don't really care about SRPGs but I played the first couple chapters at my friends house last weekend and enjoyed it quite a bit. I'm tempted to pick it up but keep hesitating at whether I'll like it enough to beat it or whether it'll end up getting too difficult for me to finish. I heard you can save anywhere so that should alleviate some of my potential frustration.

Was also thinking about waiting for a price drop but it seems the game might sell out if I wait that long. is showing some local stores have copies. Have a $20 gift card there and was thinking of using it for a PSN card to buy SF2THDR. Might just use it towards VC now.
I traded in LBP and MGS4 and boy am I glad I did. I hated those games. VC seems like a pretty rad game. I've talked a few friends into getting it. My only annoyance is the white boarder on the edges. They annoy the hell out of me.
[quote name='Sk']I traded in LBP and MGS4 and boy am I glad I did. I hated those games. VC seems like a pretty rad game. I've talked a few friends into getting it. My only annoyance is the white boarder on the edges. They annoy the hell out of me.[/quote]

Aww, those edges are awesome! I like them because they convey that the game is painted onto a canvas. It is another part of the visual design that creates the water color painting style.
[quote name='Sk']I traded in LBP and MGS4 and boy am I glad I did. I hated those games. VC seems like a pretty rad game. I've talked a few friends into getting it. My only annoyance is the white boarder on the edges. They annoy the hell out of me.[/quote]

I agree. The edges are like watching picture in picture. There should be an option to turn them off.
I'm sad now, becoz I got a D rank on chapter 16.

It seemed like such an easy mission, but I blew up all the rocks and ended up paying the price :cry:

but I'm happy, becoz I beat chapter 15 in only one turn~!!!

snipers hiding in smoke bombs FTW!!

anyway, hopefully I can beat this game this weekend! whoo~!!
[quote name='QiG']Finally bit the bullet and got this. $25 GS gift card from doing surveys, 10% coupon, edge card and it was mine for $22.40. I'm a couple chapters in and it's been enjoyable so far. I didn't feel like the story was going to be such a big part of it from the demo, but that's just a plus. I will definitely keep on recommending this game to other PS3 owners.[/QUOTE]

Surveys? Erewards?
bread's done