Value in the PSP Value Pack? - A CAG Editorial

[quote name='woobacca']Hey WSB, I can't tell if you're being serious or subtly poking fun at the everyone who's been saying the same thing. ;)[/QUOTE]
It's a great talent, isn't it? :)

In this case though, I'm being serious. I really didn't read much of what anyone else wrote before I added my own opinion.
Someone asked if Sony would come out with a Greatest Hits series for $20.

I seriously doubt that they would, considering no other portable gaming device has ever come out with greatest hits for cheaper... they just drop the price. But then again it could be possible since the games are damn near the same price as consoles... So I don't know.
i agree that the psp has barely any bass, but when i put the earbuds and put my hands around my ears and squish the earphones in then i get alot more of a bass sound
i watched the spidey 2 umd movie and immediately put it up on ebay of UK with a 35 dollar buyitnow and it sold the next day *shrugs*

only the first million PSP will include the spidey 2 movie, it is a craptastic movie, has some nice action scenes but really it is a sh!tty movie.

It does retail for about $30 tho, so i think calling it a "$10 value" is flat out inaccurate(sorry cheapy)

again, i sold mine for $35 after watching it once.

the cloth is a good cloth for cleaning the screan without scratching it as well as cleaning the bottoms of dvds/cds/games so i would say it is more like a $4 item not $1.

the memory stick is about $10 of an item. the headphones i havent used(i have a good set of headphones already)

The remote thing and wrist strap are useless/worthless as cheapy D suggests but you can probably ebay the remote for about $5 to $10(i am guessing). The value pack for me was a good deal, bc like i said i sold the spidey movie for $35 and i actually make use of the memory stick(for games, i am waiting for a pricedrop on the good memory sticks)
I think was most interesting about the article is its perspective. We know that the PSP has all these things in it and come to the conclusion that the materials inside the box aren't worth it. Current Sony marketing doesn't mention ANY of these inclusions... so I can imagine the stickershock that the more mainstream consumer feels.
[quote name='dracula']i watched the spidey 2 umd movie and immediately put it up on ebay of UK with a 35 dollar buyitnow and it sold the next day *shrugs*

only the first million PSP will include the spidey 2 movie, it is a craptastic movie, has some nice action scenes but really it is a sh!tty movie.

It does retail for about $30 tho, so i think calling it a "$10 value" is flat out inaccurate(sorry cheapy)

again, i sold mine for $35 after watching it once.[/QUOTE]

You're lucky seeing as most UMD prices on Amazon (if I recall correctly) have dropped to 12 bucks already. Especially lucky since the DVD goes for 30 with extras and a DVD case. In a few weeks people will probably refuse to pay more than 10 bucks once they can buy the movie separatly for 12 or 14 bucks with a case.
[quote name='Alpha2']You're lucky seeing as most UMD prices on Amazon (if I recall correctly) have dropped to 12 bucks already. Especially lucky since the DVD goes for 30 with extras and a DVD case. In a few weeks people will probably refuse to pay more than 10 bucks once they can buy the movie separatly for 12 or 14 bucks with a case.[/QUOTE]

yeah i was surprised someone bought it(tho when i listed mine, there were no other spidey 2 umd movies on ebay, go figure), but remember the spidey 2 umd movie is only in the first 1 million units so that is not really part of the value pack. really is selling the umd movies for $12? is that all of the movies? i was under the impression the umd movies are going to be $30 everywhere. got a link?


holy smokes, it looks like the movies really will be only $14, that is VERY nice. I think i will mostly just use my psp to watch movies and play lumines(and maybe mercury). there arent really many games that appeal to me for the PSP(yet) aside from those 2.

I was totally against the umd movies initially bc i thought they were going to be $30. If the msrp on these is really $14, then that is very reasonable. They will probably be about $7-$10 for used umd movies and that is basically about the price of a dvd movie rental.
that editorial was a really good read - definitely informative. Hope you keep writing them cheapy.
Superior Editorial.

The memory card is necessary to save games, albeit, a larger capicity card should have been provided, 128 MB minimum.

I also think the earbuds should have been deleted, as well as the wired remote control. Wireless is the only way to fly for a remote control.

As for the case, come'on Sony, provide a real case.

The wriststrap is a good idea, since cameras and such come with such an item, but why white?

The cleaning cloth is wonderful, however, cleaning solution should also have been provided.

The movie is a nice bonus, but the game video UMD is completely worthless.
/agreed 100%

I am using nothing from the value pack but the PSP. I do show off the demo disk when people want to see what it can do...

I think picking UMD instead of solid state format like a little hard drive/flash was a massive mistake. Love the thing tho.

[quote name='Apossum']

Memory stick duo-- why not compact flash? that little difference could've changed the way everyone looks at this system.


That makes about as much sense as Xbox letting you use a Gamecube memory card to save games. Memory Sticks are sonys format - there was a zero chance of them going with compact flash. They could've gone with the regular memory sticks instead of duo, but im not too sure that wouldve made much of a difference.
I have a feeling they're phasing out the regular Memorystick completly which is why they're pushing the pro duo.
Great read Cheapy. I agree with you on all points. I think it's better to play the wait and see game.
dont have time to read the next 3 pages, but CheapyD pointed out the value is estimated at around 40ish. And spiderman 2 is not guaranteed with every bundle. So think about the people paying 50 extra for 30$ in crap. Its craptastic,

Was a good editorial.

For the next one, how about a series on "Best/Worst Bargains in Gaming".

It perhaps could cover more obscure gaming purchases, for example, people keep mentioning headphones on this thread. For the PSP, a lot of people are struggling with those plastic screen protectors with a lot of debate over which is best.

You could categorize it by platform (ps2, psp, xbox, ngc, etc.).

Just an idea.
Thanks for the recommendation on the Koss. Amazon delivered them to me overnight (using free super saver shipping!) and I like them a lot.
The bundle is crap. I don't want any of it (especially Spiderman, which is one of the only actual items with value) - do I tell Sony what movies to buy? Sheesh - I find it offensive.
And did you notice the disks are called Universal Media Disks, and they don't work on any other system? Universal my ass.
VP is even less Value now... gizmogc just pointed out that PSP Value Packs are out there without Spiderman 2 UMD now.

Can anyone confirm if they included anything else to replace the "value" of the SM2 UMD? I checked out Amazon, EBgames, and Gamestop, and all have removed references to the SM2 UMD being included.

This now makes this 'bundle' almost like Sony is sticking it to anyone wanting the system right now.
[quote name='seanw']Thanks for the recommendation on the Koss. Amazon delivered them to me overnight (using free super saver shipping!) and I like them a lot.[/QUOTE] Cool...glad you like them! Best $15 headphones you ever bought, right?

[quote name='jlkeeton']VP is even less Value now... gizmogc just pointed out that PSP Value Packs are out there without Spiderman 2 UMD now.
Can anyone confirm if they included anything else to replace the "value" of the SM2 UMD? I checked out Amazon, EBgames, and Gamestop, and all have removed references to the SM2 UMD being included.
This now makes this 'bundle' almost like Sony is sticking it to anyone wanting the system right now.[/QUOTE]
Spiderman 2 is not really part of the Value Pack. It is considered a bonus to those who purchase one of the first million Value Packs.
[quote name='CheapyD']
Spiderman 2 is not really part of the Value Pack. It is considered a bonus to those who purchase one of the first million Value Packs.[/QUOTE]

Exactly, but it was one of the highest value items you saw in the VP, and now it's possible you won't even get that if you don't find the right VP. I thought that would be a significant detraction and was curious if anyone knew if Sony put anything extra in those VPs that are missing SM2. The VPs here all still have SM2, but the PSP hasn't been selling like hotcakes, either.
Amen, Cheapy, you're spot on with this. I was rather annoyed at being fleeced as an early adopter. I can accept that the same system will probably cost $50, then $100 less over the next 3 years; that always happens with gaming systems. Asking me to buy my system, at the highest price it will EVER BE, and THEN add on a bunch of peripherals that I may or may not want, is just greedy. Given the choice, I'd have decked out my psp with that logitech case and a 512meg Memory Stick....and, oh yea, a screen protector. That's about it.

I don't know if this has come up in discussions on these boards also before, but major retailers have been doing this for awhile, if you attempt to buy a system online from them. When I was looking for an Xbox, when the system first came out, my situation was that I could only order online. NONE of the stores would let me purchase JUST an XBox....and then choose what games I wanted separately. Every single major retailer (EB, GS, TRU, BB, more) offered the system only in value packs, which would come with 3 games....different packs came with different games, and you couldn't mix-and-match. So my options were to either not buy the system at all until months later, or buy it for a noticeably higher price, wiith 3 $50 games (1 which I really wanted, 1 which I was so-so on, and the other which I couldn't care less about). I viewed this as an annoyance, and mildly extortionate ("sure, we'll sell you an xbox, we understand that it's hard to come by since it's brand-new and you didn't pre-order. But...ahhh....we only have 'bundled' systems left. You'll have to buy one of them.") There wasn't anything different about the product, or the packaging with this "bundle" than with the regular systems. The system, second controller, and 3 games were all simply packed into a larger cardboard box for shipping. I'm sure this does wonders for their sales figures, though, when they project things like "attach rate" for console sales.

I also object to the term "value pack" in this case. Ususally a value bundle of any kind means that you will have paid less overall than if you had bought all of the items separately.

Did anyone notice the super-bundles that they were selling, for more than $250? You'd get like, a system and 3 games, but they might not be the three games that you'd choose, and the price is still the same as if you'd bought the system and 3 games separately. However, the store does get a fast and easy sale, and a great attach rate. Value, indeed.
I agree the value pack is a sham, it's pretty universally know it's a sham for sony to peddle thier cheap accessories which you will need to replace anyway. HOWEVER

I use the wrist Strap and I feel FAB! There's nothing wrong with it! BOOYAH
iPod Thefts Push Up Crime Rate On The Subway

The latest trend in music is apparently the latest trend in subway crime as well. Underground thieves are increasingly targeting iPod owners.

Police say iPod thefts, particularly kids stealing from other kids, have contributed to a 14 percent rise in subway felonies this year through mid-March as compared to the same period last year. That amounts to 10 felonies a day – still less than the 12-17 a day from 1995 to 2000, the NYPD points out.

“I had it in my pocket, and then it wasn’t there,” said one victim.

But many iPod-toting straphangers say the crime trend doesn't scare them.

“I feel safe wearing it in the subway,” said one rider. “I think there are enough people that have them, I don't feel like somebody's going to rip me off.”

“I've had friends whose stuff has gotten stolen,” said another iPod owner, “but whatever. You have to watch your stuff.”

The portable music players stand out, with the telltale white earphones giving away the fact that they're plugged into a gadget that retails from $200 to $450.

“I actually changed my headphones,” said another iPod owner. “I think the black headphones are camouflage, so people just think it’s a regular MP3 player – hopefully.”

The most common method riders use to prevent theft is to keep their iPods out of sight and hold on to them tight.

“I keep it in my bag all the time,” another rider said “I actually changed my headphones. I think the black headphones are camouflage, so people just think it’s a regular MP3 player – hopefully.”

The NYPD has been trying to combat the rise in subway crime with “impact teams” of eight officers and a sergeant at stations where robberies are most common.
[quote name='broke']The bundle is crap. I don't want any of it (especially Spiderman, which is one of the only actual items with value) - do I tell Sony what movies to buy? Sheesh - I find it offensive.
And did you notice the disks are called Universal Media Disks, and they don't work on any other system? Universal my ass.[/QUOTE]

The universal comes from the fact that they support a variety of different media types such as games, movies, and music. They support media universally...
The PSP neoprene case is worth more than $3, and it is a better design than the Logitech case.

Seriously, who here wants to haul around a portable system in a big plastic case?

The purpose of the case is to prevent it from getting scratched in your pocket, not to lock it up and protect it from the world.

Honestly, loosen up people.

BTW, the headphones are sexy, and the design is awesome.
And if you think someone is going to steal your PSP out of your pocket while you are listening to music, you have poor self-image issues.
And besides, it's not like they are going to fight you to the death for it.
[quote name='Quackzilla']The PSP neoprene case is worth more than $3, and it is a better design than the Logitech case.

Seriously, who here wants to haul around a portable system in a big plastic case?

The purpose of the case is to prevent it from getting scratched in your pocket, not to lock it up and protect it from the world.

Honestly, loosen up people.[/QUOTE]

BTW, the headphones are sexy, and the design is awesome.
And if you think someone is going to steal your PSP out of your pocket while you are listening to music, you have poor self-image issues.
It's not like they are going to fight you to the death for it.
[quote name='spoo']I love Editorials, good, bad or ugly. This one is good but you forgot to mention the $50 games for a handheld.[/QUOTE]

Good games are $40.

Bad games are $50.

Just like DS, bad games cost $10 more.

But still, I would take a $50 PSP game over a $40 DS minigame any day.
[quote name='Quackzilla']The PSP neoprene case is worth more than $3, and it is a better design than the Logitech case.

Seriously, who here wants to haul around a portable system in a big plastic case?

The purpose of the case is to prevent it from getting scratched in your pocket, not to lock it up and protect it from the world.

Honestly, loosen up people.

BTW, the headphones are sexy, and the design is awesome.
And if you think someone is going to steal your PSP out of your pocket while you are listening to music, you have poor self-image issues.
And besides, it's not like they are going to fight you to the death for it.[/QUOTE]

While you are certainly entitled to your opinion, it is clear from reading your post that:

1) You didn't read the article from NY1 that I posted above and don't live in a major city.
2) You haven't used the Logitech case nor compared its size to the included case.
3) You value the color of the headphones more than the sound quality, because those headphones sound like ass.
1) I don't fear petty thieves. Put it in your pocket, it's heavy enough that you will know if someone is stealing it. Nobody is going to fight you for your PSP, they would rather lift an Ipod.
2) The logitech case is a hard shell case, the PSP case is a slide out case, which is my personal preference.
3) The PSP earbuds are good enough for me, I can't stand headphones and besides they are on par with the $25 earbuds I already own. I'm not an audiophile, and I can't even tell the difference between 133 and 192 kbps audio.

The price difference is due to the fact that the PSP system is made in Japan (accessories made in China and Vietnam), so they don't have to pay any tariffs within the country, but there are tariffs applied when they are imported in North America.

The DS is made in China, so both Japan and North America have to pay tariffs on it (less for NA). That is why the DS is cheaper in NA.
[quote name='Quackzilla']1) I don't fear petty thieves. Put it in your pocket, it's heavy enough that you will know if someone is stealing it. Nobody is going to fight you for your PSP, they would rather lift an Ipod.
2) The logitech case is a hard shell case, the PSP case is a slide out case, which is my personal preference.
3) The PSP earbuds are good enough for me, I can't stand headphones and besides they are on par with the $25 earbuds I already own. I'm not an audiophile, and I can't even tell the difference between 133 and 192 kbps audio.

The price difference is due to the fact that the PSP system is made in Japan (accessories made in China and Vietnam), so they don't have to pay any tariffs within the country, but there are tariffs applied when they are imported in North America.

The DS is made in China, so both Japan and North America have to pay tariffs on it (less for NA). That is why the DS is cheaper in NA.[/QUOTE]

trust me if you invest in good ear/headphones you WILL HEAR the difference and it doesn't have to be expensive. the sony psp earphones are cheap and make games and movies sound low even on the higest volume setting.
bread's done