Victims of Hype


1 (100%)
ITT list games you bought that ultimately weren't worthy of their hype.

Metroid Prime - This game had the cutting edge console graphics, nice atmospheric music, but one thing was missing....the fun.

Half Life 2 - This game has an interesting sci-fi theme and some loveable characters, yet the gameplay just felt wrong. Platforming was a mess, and the shooting was not all that enjoyable. Then the god awful loading times that pop up near every corner... There were some truly brilliant cinematic moments in the game, but they didn't warrant all the frustration and boredom.
[quote name='crystalklear64']Every game ever made, especially the ones you think lived up to their hype.[/quote]

You're very correct, but I am going to have to ask you to please narrow it down to your most unfortunate 10 perhaps... ;)
Halo 1 and 2 are terrible least the campaign portions.

As far as hype goes...pretty much any big game I suppose.
MGS4 for me. I bought a PS3 just for that game and got a friend to do the same just for it. Ultimately it was a disappointment, in both the single player and multiplayer aspects. Great for the collection but I have no desire to ever play it again. A lot of potential, wasted, in the multiplayer portion of the game.
[quote name='crystalklear64']Every game ever made, especially the ones you think lived up to their hype.[/quote]

agreed. whoever made this list is an idiot. now metroid prime 2 wasnt that great and felt like a game made up of leftovers of the first game. halflife 2 was and is stil a great game hell even half life one is still great and trupms alot of current gen games in alot of ways ( except graphics).
[quote name='howlinmad']Disagree with you about Metroid and HL2.

Halo 1, 2, and 3 come to mind though.[/quote]

Really? I know it's the in thing to hate on Halo 3, but they're really solid games with great multiplayer, and no game, no matter how amazing it is could live up to the hype of Halo 3.

One game I really didn't think lived up to the hype was Assassin's Creed. It was still a fun game, but it definitely didn't live up to my expectations.
[quote name='tokitoki50']Really? I know it's the in thing to hate on Halo 3, but they're really solid games with great multiplayer, and no game, no matter how amazing it is could live up to the hype of Halo 3.

True on all accounts. Anyone who's given any Halo game a honest shot knows it gets a lot more right than wrong, but the series will never be able to escape its status of overhyped, nor does it really deserve to. Neither Halo 2 or 3 were the end-all of FPS games like the sequels were being billed out to be prior to release.
[quote name='pochaccoheaven']fable 2, new p.o.p, mario galaxy, halo 3, dead space, mirror edge,zelda t.p,star war f.u, de blob?[/quote]

yeah TP was definelty something that didnt live up to the hype but the past few zelda games havent in honesty. oot was awesome but aftr that the games were fun but tp to me was a big letdown in lot of ways especially the ending and the overll lack of challenge.
[quote name='kurokubushi']Crackdown

Unless they do some major polishing on it, Resident Evil 5 is going to be a letdown.[/quote]

Crackdown had hype?
[quote name='bardockkun']...

Crackdown had hype?[/quote]
Lol, seriously- Aside from the free HALO3 beta, it had zero hype.

HL2 was great.

Brute Force was one of the most over-hyped POS ever, also Killzone 1.
Metroid Prime was so good. It had no right to be (3D Metroid? As an FPS?) but it managed to be anyway. I couldn't have asked for a better game to pick up with my Cube (besides SSBM, I guess).
[quote name='h3llbring3r']Lol, seriously- Aside from the free HALO3 beta, it had zero hype.

HL2 was great.

Brute Force was one of the most over-hyped POS ever, also Killzone 1.[/quote]
I Totally forgot about the Halo 3 beta as well. That shows how much hype that game had in my book. Though I remember people criticizing Crackdown before game was even out as having Halo 3 beta to compensate for lackluster game.

Also great call on Killzone. I remember playing that and thinking it was going to be awesome, but instead it had the worse AI teammates and same scenario's placed infront of you over and over again (and choosing as 3 other characters changed little about the game).
[quote name='rickonker']So I guess nobody let John Romero make you his bitch? Or that game should've been listed by now...[/quote]

I think Daikatana goes without saying since it's like the Ishtar and Waterworld of gaming.

RUN, killer cybernetic frogs:
Half Life 2. I didn't even finish it the first time I played it. Same goes for the original Halo (that series got better with every entry). The most recent game that was was a complete letdown was Perfect Dark Zero. It was pretty embarrassing actually.
[quote name='Thongsy']MGS4 for me. I bought a PS3 just for that game and got a friend to do the same just for it. Ultimately it was a disappointment, in both the single player and multiplayer aspects. Great for the collection but I have no desire to ever play it again. A lot of potential, wasted, in the multiplayer portion of the game.[/quote]

agreed. although i bought a PS3 for more than just MGS4.
Every single first person shooter. Sorry, don't like any of them.

Halo is my first thought. I'm still bitter spending the money on this.

Smash Bros. All of them. I have not been able to get into them no matter how much I try.
[quote name='b3b0p']Every single first person shooter. Sorry, don't like any of them.

Halo is my first thought. I'm still bitter spending the money on this.

Smash Bros. All of them. I have not been able to get into them no matter how much I try.[/quote]

Not true for me. Smash Bro's Brawl met all my expectations.
[quote name='javeryh']LOL at Metroid Prime and Half-Life 2 - two of the best games ever made.[/quote]

Maybe I sounded a bit harsh, I don't think they're bad games. It's just I'm used to much much better.
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[quote name='h3llbring3r']All this hate towards HL2 makes me wonder: Were you guys playing it for the first time on a console?[/quote]

I played it both ways, neither clicked.
Enter the Matrix - Most hyped games are at least passable games once the furor over the title dies down. This one is not. It was supposed to bridge the gap between the first and second movies and offer all sorts of exciting gameplay. It doesn't, it sucks bawlz. Probably the worst $50 game I ever bought.
Oblivion.. just not my cup of tea. I don't blame peoples excitement for the game though. If they loved it, more power to them.
Fable 2, PoP, Assassin's Creed, GTA4 in a way ( Really hyped up and I loved it but failed on certain points ), Metal Gear Solid 4.
[quote name='keithp']Super Mario Sunshine. Bleh. Couldn't get into it.[/quote]

Huge Mario fan here, and I even I couldn't find the fun in this one. Glad they switched out of the openworld 64 gameplay and went to a more classic Mario direction with SMG.
I think Bioshock to some extent.

The first half or so was simply incredible, but after the infamous "twist" for whatever reason the game just never got back up to full speed in my opinion. I think it was the fact that the game became more cookie cutter after that and your character gets powerful enough with weapons and plasmids to the point where you can engage Big Daddies toe-to-toe (thus eliminating a lot of the challenge). It just felt the majority of the development time was spent working on the first half of the game and the second was a bit of an afterthought.

It's still a good game, but not quite deserving all the hype leading up to it due to the inconsistency.
[quote name='howlinmad']Disagree with you about Metroid and HL2.

This. Metroid Prime is one of my favorite games ever. How about...Too Human and Advent Rising.
[quote name='antlp89']This. Metroid Prime is one of my favorite games ever. How about...Too Human and Advent Rising.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but Advent Rising is awesome.

I hope someday it gets a sequel. I hate cliffhanger endings :bomb:
For a recent game I'd say Fallout 3. But dont' get me wrong, I'm not saying it's a bad game. I was reading positive reviews, watched videos, constantly saw commercials. The only western RPG I played and liked was Mass Effect, but I wanted to see what the hype was about. I played it off and on for a couple weeks but came to the realization it just wasn't for me. So yeah, the hype got me on that one.
[quote name='captainfrizo']I think Bioshock to some extent.

The first half or so was simply incredible, but after the infamous "twist" for whatever reason the game just never got back up to full speed in my opinion. I think it was the fact that the game became more cookie cutter after that and your character gets powerful enough with weapons and plasmids to the point where you can engage Big Daddies toe-to-toe (thus eliminating a lot of the challenge). It just felt the majority of the development time was spent working on the first half of the game and the second was a bit of an afterthought.

It's still a good game, but not quite deserving all the hype leading up to it due to the inconsistency.[/quote]

i can understand that. im playing it now and the big daddied become a basic annoyance more than any kind of big threatening challenge once you get powered up enough. still that said i love the gama so far mostly because of when they set it and alot of the stuff of that era they use it very cool and original. itd be a cool game world to have multiplayer in.
It's all a matter of opinion, but I really could care less what everybody else is doing. So it's not really the "in thing" for me. Halo just seems like another average shooter.
But that's where we differ. I think it's the in thing to think the Halo series is great.

But hey, that's what makes the hobby we all enjoy great. There's something for everybody.

[quote name='tokitoki50']Really? I know it's the in thing to hate on Halo 3, but they're really solid games with great multiplayer, and no game, no matter how amazing it is could live up to the hype of Halo 3.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']Final Fantasy VII.[/quote]

Damn. Beat me to it.

My other one was Resident Evil. Yeah, I said it. Everyone loved it and I gave it a try but walking around like a tank sucked balls.
Ah, so i'm not the only one feel this way!

Hyped games for me, SSBB (total crap), BioShock (creepy, i like it, but i don't get it), Resistance 2, Gears 2 (eh, the first ones are actually better), MP:C (what the hell is this?! Motion sickness inducer or something?), biggest regret of all, Wii Fit (balance my ass, it's more like anally tip toeing to fool the AI).

oh forgot Halo, i still don't understand what's the fuss is about. The helmet is cool though, i still haven't played the game yet, maybe never.
bread's done