Victor Ireland starting a new company

[quote name='mykevermin']Good news. I look forward to their first product 7 years from now, but in a nice, gold-embossed package.[/quote]
Don't forget the optional $90 Special Edition, complete with Memory Card stickers, cloth map, lifesized Pendant, and, if you pre-order at particpating EB stores, a Hand Puppet!
[quote name='evilmax17']Why did he make it a point to say "I don't hate Nintendo"? Is there some history there?[/QUOTE]

Vick refused to localize games for the DS and GBA, noting the former as gimicky, and predicting that both would be failures.

I for one am glad to hear that WD is back in spirit; may Vick make better business decisions this time around.
Meh, WorkingDesigns was simply out-classed by companies such as Atlus, who could release a high-quality localization of an obscure RPG and not take years to get it done. I have most of the WD RPGs, mainly because I collect RPGs, but I was never a big fan of Vic or his company.
[quote name='argyle']Meh, WorkingDesigns was simply out-classed by companies such as Atlus, who could release a high-quality localization of an obscure RPG and not take years to get it done. I have most of the WD RPGs, mainly because I collect RPGs, but I was never a big fan of Vic or his company.[/QUOTE]
are we talking about the same Atlus that cut out a part of persona 1? Also one of the WD localizater has been hired by Atlus after WD went out of business.
If he can keep his attitude in check and learn to not blame everyone else for his screw ups then I cant wait to see which game the company can release after 5 years.
[quote name='argyle']Meh, WorkingDesigns was simply out-classed by companies such as Atlus, who could release a high-quality localization of an obscure RPG and not take years to get it done. I have most of the WD RPGs, mainly because I collect RPGs, but I was never a big fan of Vic or his company.[/QUOTE]
Please. WD was notorious for delays, but Sony rejecting most of the games they wanted to localize (through the years, and not just at the end) was what did them in. Atlus had plenty of delays and failures themselves.
[quote name='dafoomie']Please. WD was notorious for delays, but Sony rejecting most of the games they wanted to localize (through the years, and not just at the end) was what did them in. Atlus had plenty of delays and failures themselves.[/QUOTE]

Yea, that's what we always hear. "Boo-hoo, WD had it SOOO hard, the man (aka Sony) was keepin' them down!" Please. There are tons of other publishers that made it, while WD didn't - largely due to Vic's massive ego. I don't buy that story.

As for Atlus cutting from Persona 1, I could say it was a different time then and it would be true. But it's much easier for me to say that they improved by leaps & bounds since then while WD didn't. And if they've hired one of WD's localizers? Fine. I'm sure there was talent in the company.

What's the last really good game WD put out? Growlanser was so-so. So was Arc The Lad, imo. Heck, the games they're best known for were the Lunars, which were good but not great.

I know they had their fans - and again, I did as much (if not more) as most people did to help keep them in business - I bought every one of their RPGs since Lunar 1 on the PSX at launch. But I also wasn't that broken up to see them go. I don't like to see anyone out-of-work, so I'm glad some of their employees are finding work at other companies. But I won't miss looking forward to the next mediocre WD title for years.
WD was notorious for delays. Case in point: ordering Alundra from an online retailer and WD kept delaying the shit for freaking ever. I'll put it this way: the delay got so bad I forgot about having ordered the game and when it came, I sort of had a 'when the hell did I order this' moment....................... then I proceeded to play the hell out of that sumbitch. Vic, be smart: bring Alundra (not Flint, goddamnit) out to the next gen. Despite being an obvious Zelda ripoff, err... tribute... it was a fairly fun game, save one, small, minor, little bitty thing: NO MORE FREAKING ROULETTE WHEELS!!! (Bonus points to anyone that knows exactly what I'm speaking of, and feels my pain)
bread's done