Video Game Collection Software/App?


15 (100%)
I figured this would be the perfect place to ask this question since we have a lot of collectors here. I'm looking for a iPhone/iPad App, Mac App, or a website that allows me to add and keep track of my gaming collection and make wish lists of stuff I'm wanting or that is missing from my collection.

I know of the "Collectorz" software but that's Windows only and I'm not a big fan of the $30 price tag. Anyone got any suggestions?
Well, CAG has a very capable collection system. But I don't know how good their mobile website is.

I've actually had a similar thought in the past. I have an iPod Touch, and would love to take it with me shopping. If it had an app that let me keep track of my collection, that would be great while I'm searching through used game stores. My collection has reached such a size that I have trouble remembering all the games in it.

I could probably cook up an iOS app for this. The biggest issue would just be creating the database/info dump for all of the games. It would probably have to be limited to text. Loading images into an app like that would drastically bloat the file size. I'm talking about a gigabyte or more worth of space, there are just THAT MANY games out there.
backlogger and raptr, raptr has a phone app but its mostly for chatting, but you can access your collection on it, but tis just web browser based

backloggery works good in browser
I have been just putting my list in excel. Can have as many columns for different info. I just have system and title for mine. Not really sure of a good app for tho
+1 for Backloggery. Really fast, customizable, and easy to use. This could be a plus or minus but I love that it's not tied to a database like other collection sites.
if you're looking for an iphone app, I use Game Vault

it really helps me keep track of my shelved backlog, currently playing backlog, and wishlist backlog
Collectorz has a MAC version of Game Collector.. They also have a iOS barcode scanner (CLZ BARRY) , and a app to view your list while out in the wild (CLZ Games)

you can do collections on giantbomb
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[quote name='metaly']This could be a plus or minus but I love that it's not tied to a database like other collection sites.[/QUOTE]
On the minus side, there's no boxart and you can't see who else has the same game (though they used to have the latter feature).

On the plus side, you can catalog literally anything. Very useful if you play/collect obscure games, fan games, imports, etc., plus their system supports just about every platform in existence, including arcade, browser, and pinball.

Sort of unrelated, but the thing I like best about Backloggery is that you can write progress (or other types of) notes for any individual game.
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