Video Games = Violence?

No, there's no link at all.

If you are in your mid 20's (like myself) you grew up with Mortal Kombat. You grew up with Doom and Duke Nuken and other violent games for their time. I have yet to uppercut someone's head off.
What kind of violence?

Blowing up buildings?

Kickin' some ass at school?

Having antisocial tendencies?

Having a higher active heartrate for longer?

Some of those links have some empirical bases. I think the research behind them is shit, and I think that Craig Anderson's methodology shows that he's a hack.

But he's also a hack who specifies the question a lot better than "video games = violence?"

That's not even a question, bub.
[quote name='lilboo'] I have yet to uppercut someone's head off.[/QUOTE]

Keep trying, theres time yet!
lolz yea but i think that mykevermin is right. but wait...

is Jack Thompson an enemy or friend here too? he has legible resons to argue.
Jack Thompson is a necessary evil. I prefer him to someone that might actually use intelligent arguments against video games. He's the Rush Limbaugh of video game politics. Small dedicated base but the rest of America can't wait for him to just leave us alone.
I think with certain personality types, seeing violence makes them want to act it out. For example, I know people, especially kids, that walk out of a martial arts flicks kicking each other and reenacting what they saw for several hours/days after seeing it. There is something to be said for that.

But you still can't blame the movie or game if the person chooses to be affected by it in a negative way. It's much like religion, which makes the OP's opinion on this seem a bit perplexing with his avatar.
Violent video games personally help me relieve stress and anger I may have and thus keeps me from actually killing living human beings.

So I say, no connection, just people like to always have something/someone to blame.
video games do have a bad rap. GTA series, Crackdown, soon Prototype (SOOO GETTING THAT GAME!), are just some games that get it. there is a rating system for a reason parents! (just..ya know...throwing that out there...)
[quote name='duckymcfly99']there is a rating system for a reason parents! (just..ya know...throwing that out there...)[/QUOTE]


Parents taking an interest in their children and accepting some responsibility for their children's behavior?! Who does that? I mean really... It has to be the video games' fault.
I'm always up for a "Videogames cause violence?! But I've never murdered anyone!" discussion, but aren't video game to violence links and rating systems/parents doing shit two different discussions? And don't rating systems exist because of the assumption that media have effects on people, and more of an effect on younger people?

So what I'm kind of getting at is that it seems like you're saying children need to be watched by their parents because of the effects that video games can have on them, which are no effects because video games don't effect people.

Since I'm assuming you're not actually saying that, you don't think that there is no link, you just think that there is a link between video games and violence (or at least some negative effect from video games) for children, but not for older people. Do you think it just changes from an effect to no effect, or it diminishes with age or maturity? Would people simply aging change how things affect them or is it some other difference that is generally linked with age, but not necessarily? In that case could there not be a link between video games and violence, but not to the same effect for all people in all situations?

So perhaps saying that there isn't a link at all is a bit simplistic?

In other words, what myke said, but longer (and I haven't read any of Craig Anderson's shit). Sorry, I was bored.
hmmm...well the thing is, there might be a link to older people, right? i mean, your boss gives you a hard time and you get pissed. you go home, pop in gta IV and bust a cap in some ones ass right? (maybe thats just me...). any way, you get the point. its a great place to vent when there isn't someone to talk to, or etc.

also (kinda goes along with this) what about the youngins'? should they play video games at all? so many games out there have some pretty hardcore stuff in them (gta, mercinaries, crackdown, playboy mansion, the new call of duty games, etc.). its all over the place! violence, sex, and all these bad things are in the news, raido, and the video games we play. if you look back at the 60's and 70's, none of this would fly on the ol' telly! have we become so desencitized to this that we don't even notice it?

oh and sorry for all the ( ) i just have that habbit lately.
[quote name='duckymcfly99']
also (kinda goes along with this) what about the youngins'? should they play video games at all?


Isn't that for their parents to decide? Personally, I probably wouldn't let my kids play an M rated game until they're 15 or 16. Until then, enjoy that Wii, kids. Daddy wants to kill some hookers.
bread's done