Vince McMahon's Ass' Wrestling Topic

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Damn, it must of really sucked, not only can I not find it on the torrents, but you fucks didn't even talk about it here.

Recap of the results please?

I wish I could watch/follow PWG and ROH with little effort. It's not like I'm obligated to follow WWE/TNA to enjoy wrestling.

It's like thinking I have to buy Epitaph records releases to enjoy punk rock. :lol: ;)

But Time Warner's losing HDNet at the end of May, so it's not like I could even bother beginning to subscribe to that.
[quote name='masked lemon']Damn, it must of really sucked, not only can I not find it on the torrents, but you fucks didn't even talk about it here.

Recap of the results please?[/QUOTE]
Umaga over CM Punk
Christian over Thwagger
Morrison over Shelton Benjamin
Batista over Orton by DQ when Rhodes/DiBiase interfered (Flair returned for the save)
Edge over Jeff Hardy
Cena over Big Show
Mysterio over Jericho
I'll be there Friday night, Myke. Should be a good time - it's unsure if London's actually going to show up to team with Danielson, but I figure PWG's probably got a decent replacement lined up if need be.

From the WWE Universe..."We're reaching out to the WWE Universe to help us name a future event. This event would feature SUBMISSION MATCHES for all main events on the card."
[quote name='JJSP']From the WWE Universe..."We're reaching out to the WWE Universe to help us name a future event. This event would feature SUBMISSION MATCHES for all main events on the card."[/QUOTE]

They should call it "The Fans Tap Out".
[quote name='JJSP']From the WWE Universe..."We're reaching out to the WWE Universe to help us name a future event. This event would feature SUBMISSION MATCHES for all main events on the card."[/QUOTE]

Lame AKA HHH & HBK do the cripper crossface
[quote name='JJSP']From the WWE Universe..."We're reaching out to the WWE Universe to help us name a future event. This event would feature SUBMISSION MATCHES for all main events on the card."[/QUOTE]

The Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle Memorial Brawl

(before anyone corrects me, I know Angle's not dead.)
That PWG video is awesome. If I still lived in Southern Cali, I'd have to start going to the shows. I liked that PWG sells out video that I got. Well worth the... 12.99? that it cost.
[quote name='lmz00']That sounds like the most boring PPV ever.[/QUOTE]

I actually felt the PPV as a whole was pretty good. Granted there was a few spots that screamed "fast forward thru me plz." Especially the whole debacle known as Cena vs Big Show which I gladly gave a fast forward past. But on the other hand there is plenty of good stuff on the card such as:

Christian vs Swagger
Morrison vs Benjamin
Jericho vs Mysterio
Edge vs Jeff Hardy

I would have included Orton/Batistia in there but I'm sorry that ending just plain sucked. Yeah if that was on TV then I could accept it but on PPV.... sorry, but that does not fly. Yeah seeing Flair return is nice and is 99.9% better than seeing Super Shane O'Mac but geez what next.... Bret Favre in a Vikings jersey?

Oh... and that Miz segment was pure gold. Throw Alfonso Soriano and Santino into the mix and you got some damn epic funny laughs.
[quote name='Demolition Man']I actually felt the PPV as a whole was pretty good. Granted there was a few spots that screamed "fast forward thru me plz." Especially the whole debacle known as Cena vs Big Show which I gladly gave a fast forward past. But on the other hand there is plenty of good stuff on the card such as:

Christian vs Swagger
Morrison vs Benjamin
Jericho vs Mysterio
Edge vs Jeff Hardy

I would have included Orton/Batistia in there but I'm sorry that ending just plain sucked. Yeah if that was on TV then I could accept it but on PPV.... sorry, but that does not fly. Yeah seeing Flair return is nice and is 99.9% better than seeing Super Shane O'Mac but geez what next.... Bret Favre in a Vikings jersey?

Oh... and that Miz segment was pure gold. Throw Alfonso Soriano and Santino into the mix and you got some damn epic funny laughs.[/QUOTE]
My bad, I was referring to the proposed all-submission PPV, not Judgment Day.
[quote name='lmz00']My bad, I was referring to the proposed all-submission PPV, not Judgment Day.[/QUOTE]

Oh.... my bad for not realizing that. If anything at least it gave me a chance to give my quick review on the PPV. :)
"We're trying to be like UFC, but our shows are scripted and the submissions are fake anyways. What was the point of this PPV again?"
Saves them the trouble of writing storylines.

Here comes the culmination of all of Miz's promos. A 90-second squash at the hands of Cena. Next week we'll see you jobbing to Goldust on Sooperstars.
How to get cheap heat: Vol 1.

Assault the announcer.

Miz and Big Show demonstrated how to get a dead crowd to finally break their silence in under 30 seconds.
I like how Ross just happened to pop out of nowhere....again....
[quote name='diddy310']Double Santino night!

Also, I had no idea such a thing existed as Chavo Guerrero merchandise.[/QUOTE]
It's a limited edition. Betta grab one while you can.
I know they have the scheduling conflict in Denver next week. But Ross's snide comment once again shows how the WWE can not be graceful or professional with any situation involving them.
I assume by Ross, you mean Lawler? Unless J.R. is on Raw as well tonight.

The Miz looks better in Cena's gear than Cena himself.
What did Ross say? I gave up on Raw. Trying to decide if I want to start playing Mass Effect, knowing I'll be in Tampa for 5 days starting on Thursday, and having found classic Iron Chef to watch on the Fine Living Network. had a press release where McMahon made a snide comment about having faith in your team to book the stadium in advance. Now I sympathize with this, as a roller derby event I officiated a few years back was forced to be 7 hours earlier than scheduled (and we found out 24 hours beforehand) because of the hockey playoffs that night. So the whole "you should have had faith in your team and booked this shit" angle is something I *totally* get. That said, we're comparing a regional roller derby league, a self-funded sport, to a multi-million-dollar company that puts out public press releases, wherein the press releases contain as much tact and class as a child throwing a temper tantrum.

This kind of public shittiness is what WWE is known for, however. They always historically bitched up a storm about the Westminster Dog Show, the Right to Censor is their take on Brent Bozell's PTC, etc. They'll go after every company they feel they can get publicity from, and avoid confronting companies they feel are "below" them - meaning TNA. Thing is, TNA Impact is beating 2 of the 4 WWE programs in the ratings each week. How about that.

Here's how Vince McMahon's brain works:

6) "We can get tons of publicity by taking on the NBA publicly; we'll get on ESPN and everything. THEN the ratings will turn around!"
7) "This is reprehensible."
8) "Boy howdy I have my finger on the pulse of American culture."
9) "Oh, good. Buckcherry is here."
Wow, I guess I really am out of the loop now. I haven't watched Raw by choice for the past couple weeks. I actually forgot about Raw even being on tonight until I saw you guys talking about it in here.
Wasn't anything major, just said the owner of the nuggets runs his team like vicki running raw. I know it's not a big deal, but just settle it and be done.
Does Vince actually think his show is more important then the NBA Playoffs? Let alone if he DID get the arena that night how pissed Denver would be at the WWE? I don't think they'd ever forget that.
[quote name='pimpster4183']Does Vince actually think his show is more important then the NBA Playoffs?[/QUOTE]

Oh, come on. You know the answer to that.
Santino and Miz are the best things on Raw. I feel bad for not paying attention to Miz for so long - he's become a solid heel and someone I can't wait to see get his ass kicked.

Announced so far for the Extreme Rules PPV are Orton vs. Batista in a cage (yawn) and Cena vs. Big Show in a submission match (oh, that'll be fun). I can't wait to forget about this PPV until an hour in.
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[quote name='mykevermin'] had a press release where McMahon made a snide comment about having faith in your team to book the stadium in advance. Now I sympathize with this, as a roller derby event I officiated a few years back was forced to be 7 hours earlier than scheduled (and we found out 24 hours beforehand) because of the hockey playoffs that night. So the whole "you should have had faith in your team and booked this shit" angle is something I *totally* get. That said, we're comparing a regional roller derby league, a self-funded sport, to a multi-million-dollar company that puts out public press releases, wherein the press releases contain as much tact and class as a child throwing a temper tantrum.

To be fair, WWE sold out the arena and the replacement place can't hold that many people.

So not only do they have to move but most likely, they will lose money after this is all said and done.
[quote name='lmz00']

Vince being interviewed on ESPN by none other than "The Coach."[/QUOTE]

"The Denver Nugget's probably won't get very far in the play-offs." ... even though this is now the Western Conferce Finals.

"I know the Denver Nuggets fans have waited a very, very long time for their team to make the play-offs." ... even though the Nuggets have not missed the play-offs since 2003.

Ho, ho, ho, I'm Vince McMahon, dammit!
[quote name='jcp4305']WWE can not be graceful or professional with any situation involving them.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Pure Apathy']Wow, I guess I really am out of the loop now. I haven't watched Raw by choice for the past couple weeks. I actually forgot about Raw even being on tonight until I saw you guys talking about it in here.[/QUOTE]
This was one of the worst nights in television in recent memory, so I tuned it for most of RAW. To be honest, the best part of it was Maryse doing what she does best, being hot.


That ESPN video is priceless Vince material. No hesitation whatsoever to throw Kroenke under the bus. I thought it was interesting that Vince didn't want to acknowledge Coach being a former WWE employee... but maybe he was just itching to deliver his "joke" instead.

The NBA might as well just push the game back a night. What's another day off?
[quote name='Vince McMahon']"The Denver Nugget's probably won't get very far in the play-offs." ... even though this is now the Western Conferce Finals.

"I know the Denver Nuggets fans have waited a very, very long time for their team to make the play-offs." ... even though the Nuggets have not missed the play-offs since 2003.

Ho, ho, ho, I'm Vince McMahon, dammit![/QUOTE]

How in the hell did the OP predict this situation would arise when he was naming the wrestling thread?
[quote name='niceguyshawne']How in the hell did the OP predict this situation would arise when he was naming the wrestling thread?[/QUOTE]

Its like clockwork that Vince will do something to make an ass of himself at least once a month.
I saw a clip on HLN this morning of Vince holding up a Kobe jersey saying he couldn't wait to give it to the owner of the Denver Nuggets. He'll use any chance to give his company plubicity even if he looks like a total ass.
He also called his company the "World Wrestling Federation" during the ESPN interview with Coachman. That's about the only thing Vince has done in the last few days that has been awesome.
Happy May 19th!


Unless May 19th is the 10th anniversary of Owen's death. If it is, I'm old as shit, that seems like it happened a couple years ago.
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