Vita Memory Card Question

el swordo

2 (100%)
Do I really need one? I am getting a vita on launch but not sure about the memory card. Tempted to hold off picking up one until a micro sd adaptor is released on ebay.
i have personally read some conflicting reports of what exactly its going to be released with. on one hand i'm hearing some consoles in japan were released with 4GB and 8GB sticks. i'm also hearing if you buy the 3G version in Japan they are receiving 100 hours of 3G connectivity for free from Dokomo. but considering AT&T is absolutely evil and they don't run their 3G service by hours but by data, i don't see them giving anyone any free months without some kind of 2 year plan. but back to the memory cards, i'm assuming they were released with 4GB cards on wi-fi and 8GB on 3G. but then again that would make the starter bundle obsolete, by selling a case, a screen protector and a 4GB stick with the starter bundle for $40. why would someone want to buy another measly 4GB stick to lug around with another 4GB stick constantly switching them in and out to play different games or media. i personally see SanDisk or someone of that sort producing these before our Feb. 22nd release date. and if they get down to $75 for a 32GB stick, i'm all over it. but to be completely honest, i would have no problem paying the $100 for the 32GB stick. i know that in itself isn't quite enough, but hearing that some games will have internal memory to run the game and won't take up but like the normal 11MB for saved data and such is a small relief. I myself am planning on using it for all my media, so i will for sure need a 32GB stick on release. as for the adapter, i'm sure they will come out with one. but i personally hate adapters, they make me feel so shady. weird right? anywho, the vita is for sure a day one console for me and i have never ever ever ever bought a console on day one. people are complaining about first releases always have glitches and its gonna be so quirky and this and that. but its gonna be out for over 2 months in Japan before we get the chance to touch it. and say what you will about sony, but i believe they will actually take the feedback and fix what they can before the rest of the world gets their hands on it Feb. 22nd. wow, i really expected this to just be a quick reply... turned out to be somewhat of a rant. oopps.
More than likely yes, since not every game will save to the game card. An example is Uncharted Golden Abyss it requires a memory card to save the game data to.
cool i'll probably just get 8gb for now. will probably just get phsyical copies for now. will only use it for games and maybe a load a few tv shows on it for when i take the train downtown.
bread's done