Viva Pinata Pocket Paradise


I never could find the old thread on this did anyone pick this up today besides me? What do you think of it?
I'm curious to see how other people who play the console version take to this one. I'm enjoying it so far it feels like a very smooth transition to the handheld even though I've only gotten through the tutorial so far.
I've never played the 360 version (though am probably going to buy it soon). This game strikes me as quite a bit like Animal Crossing. Is that an accurate statement? I wouldn't mind having a portable version to try out first.. ;)

I'd say its more like harvest moon in that your raising pinatas and plants and such. Its not like your running errands around a town and filling up your house with stuff or anything (I think that is sort of what animal crossing is like I've never played it that much)
Hmm never played a Harvest Moon game, though I know mrs. ship loves them. I've actually been tempted to try out a Harvest Moon game because mrs. ship likes the games so much. With my 360 all packed up right now (well, actually, everything packed up except the stuff I need overnight, I'm moving tomorrow), maybe a run to GameStop or BB is in order to give this a try..

well in all honesty I like this way more than harvest moon I couldn't get into those and my fiance is into them as well this seems to just play smoother the thing that always kills me about harvest moon is the controls never felt right to me and it just made the thing annoying to play. The games still closer to harvest moon than animal crossing I think but its very different also.
you know I haven't tried multiplayer with my fiance I imagine you can sent crates to other people like you can on the 360 versions. I'll look it up tonight and confirm though.
looks like you can send crates to people over wi fi thats pretty much the extent of the use of the feature its mostly like the first game where it was single player save sending pinatas to friends which while fun isn't really "multiplayer".
i've been loving this game. i've only put in about 3 hours worth so far. but it's very addicting. and very hard to stop. my wife has also been playing it. she's got nearly 10 hours in in just 4 days. it's the 1st game she's liked since tetris ds.

the graphics are really good, and the controls work really well. the pacing seems perfect. i've heard some complaints that it's too slow, but i haven't noticed it.

i would prefer to zoom out a little on occasion. but so far, that's the only flaw i've noticed. or if i could have the garden's map on the top screen that would help out a lot.

i can't speak on how it compares to the 360 version, but i can definitely say that it's a great game. and until i finish some of the other games i'm playing, i won't be able to put too much time into viva pinata. but when i do, i plan to really tear into it.
Don't own a 360 so I'm very interested. I'm a little concerned since I thought the graphics from original were very pretty and I'm unsure if the look transfers well to the DS.
I have it...its a great game. I have only played the demo of Viva Pinata but the DS version is exactly the same...except with the graphics obviously. You guys should pick it up.

The Harvest Moon games are kool aswell. You should pick up Harvest Moon DS. Ignore the new one...Island Of Happiness, controls aint too good apparently.
I have this preordered at a Gamestop but have yet to pick it up. I'm hesitant because I'm hearing it is pretty much like the original console game. I'm playing Trouble in Paradise on the 360 now and I don't really need another version of the original game. I thought my kids might want it, but frankly they are too busy with other stuff to care about it now. I'm leaning towards canceling that preorder and getting it on the cheap at some point in the future. If it had some sort of compelling difference from the original (other than better control and worse graphics) I'd consider it, but it doesn't sound that way. Am I right?
I read in the 1up review this game is more accessible to kids in that it has a mode where everything is unlocked and they can just play around in the garden without having to worry about objectives in the game. It probably wouldn't hurt to wait for a sale, considering the glut of good games that came out in 2008.
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