Vote CAGcast Daily for the People's Choice & Gaming Podcast Awards 2009


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)

We've been nominated for the People's Choice and Gaming awards. You can vote for us once a day.

old post
To nominate the CAGcast:

  1. Go to
  2. In the People's Choice and Gaming categories enter in
    Podcast name: CAGcast
    Podcast url:
  3. (Optional) Fill out any other of your favorite podcasts for the other categories.
  4. Enter your name and email at the bottom of the page and hit the submit button.That's it until the voting stage.
Thanks for your support!

Note: You can't nominate us for both "People's Choice" AND "Best Produced"...only one of those two + "Gaming". I Recommend "People's Choice".
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Given the fact that you do a half-assed job with gaming, don't give a crap about 1/2 the gaming market (portables and Nintendo) and then claim your show isn't really about gaming, I can't possibly see how a Gaming nomination is justified.

People's choice is fine.
Nominated for both. I appreciate the outstanding journalistic integrity of the podcast, the witty, yet germaine, interplay between CheapyD and Wombat, the accuracy of game reporting, and the continuous updates of CheapyD's regularity. Without my new(CAGcast)-found knowledge of the different types of stool, the ennui of existence would be that much more unbearable. Also, Wombat sucks at games.

I have to be frank, I like the show without Shipwreck. He brings a seriousness to it that I don't like. His Cag Foreplay is a good show, and it's where he belongs.

I get sick of hearing 75% of the show taken up with Shipwreck's views/experiences on everything. Not to mention he rambles on about obscure DS games that nobody give two shits about. That's not why I listen to the CAGcast. I listen for REGULAR gamers opinions and news, not news and reviews from practically the biggest geek in the industry that has nothing better to do than play every fucking game in existence.
[quote name='BigBizzee']nominated.

I have to be frank, I like the show without Shipwreck. He brings a seriousness to it that I don't like. His Cag Foreplay is a good show, and it's where he belongs.

I get sick of hearing 75% of the show taken up with Shipwreck's views/experiences on everything. Not to mention he rambles on about obscure DS games that nobody give two shits about. That's not why I listen to the CAGcast. I listen for REGULAR gamers opinions and news, not news and reviews from practically the biggest geek in the industry that has nothing better to do than play every fucking game in existence.[/QUOTE]

Nominated, and as for the comment above I love shipwreck, ya the show overall is a bit more serious but covers games like 2-3 times better overall (and more games and even jrpgs a bit which I love but cheapy and Wombat do not). While I wouldn't want the CAGcast to be delayed to wait for all "3" hosts ( if shipwreck became permanent) but if wombat and Cheapy are about to record a show and Shipwreck is availlable.... get him in!

Either way keep it up and best of luck :)
Okay, nomination vote placed. I hope I win that Amazon gift card!

Hold on...wait...(PR rep whispers something)...WHAT?! There isn't?? Why I oughtta...!

EDIT: I have to be frank, I like the show without Shipwreck. He brings a seriousness to it that I don't like. His Cag Foreplay is a good show, and it's where he belongs.

I get sick of hearing 75% of the show taken up with Shipwreck's views/experiences on everything. Not to mention he rambles on about obscure DS games that nobody give two shits about. That's not why I listen to the CAGcast. I listen for REGULAR gamers opinions and news, not news and reviews from practically the biggest geek in the industry that has nothing better to do than play every fucking game in existence.

"Word." That's the only word I can say. Oh!--and listening to him is often like eating a Wonder Bread sandwich. As in, three slices of white bread. Hey, if you're gonna be on the CAGcast, at least be unleavened! Buh-dum!
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Why not make this a contest for CAGs? PS3 or Xbox360 for someone (not Wombat) if Cheapassgamer wins. 299(300 to cheapy) for a year of "IN YOUR FACE" LOGO
Good idea DannyMyBoy! That would get CAG alot more votes I would recon...even from people that AREN
T members :p

Natrozim - I enjoy Shipwreck in his own podcast, but like Cheapy always says, you're crazy if you go to the CAGCast for your videogame news and reviews!

That clip of the Frogger machine getting 'blowed up' will never stop being both hysterical and excruciating to watch.

"No actual vintage arcade cabinets were harmed in the making of this program." I hope?
[quote name='Pojomofo']Done and done! also had to give Kevin Smith some love and vote for the SMODcast in Comedy[/QUOTE]
Same here!
Voted for CAG and Cranky Geeks, don't worry, Cranky Geeks is in another catagory. There's enough love too go around.
bread's done