Vote. Which video game company would you choose to run the United States?


If these video game companies were campaining to run the United States like a company, which would you vote for? I know some of these companies do more than make video games. The whole company would be in charge, not just the games division.

A) Nintendo
B) Sony
C) Microsoft
D) Sega
E) Electronic Arts
Let's see....Sony to run the United States. Master Chief to act as Commander in Chief of the armed forces. Optimus Prime to act as Secretary of Transportation. Laura Croft to act as Secretary of the Interior. Link to act as Ambassador to Finland, and I choose you, Pikachu, as OP of this thread.
a world were a fat plumer can compete in the olimpics for jumping and get a hot princess gf sounds good to me. Also Acclaim is dead
i had to go with sega also. The dreamcast is so ahead of its time that before long, sega will be developing virtual reality games while other companies are puting out the new Donny Osmand Sing and Dance game.........if none of this made sense, check the manual under your seat, if that didnt mak any sense........i give up..........
I chose Sega even though they would suck at running a country. They suck at running their own company now, but I still love them and I don't know why.
Well I liken EA to the Bush admininstration, move in and ruin everything because they can so I'm going to go with Sony, thier name still means quality.
Hmmm, Nintendo doesn't listen to its consumers, Sony is alright, Microsoft destroys anything that gets in its way.
Ok i'll with with Microsoft.
I'll go with microsoft and bill gates, if he is smart enough to become a billionare, then he is smart enough to run the country...
[quote name='cyberlian']I'll go with microsoft and bill gates, if he is smart enough to become a billionare, then he is smart enough to run the country...[/quote]

A little tid bit on Bill Gates, he was part of the Hombrew Computer Club before he became rich and famous. This club was full of the brightest minds in the country, name a big computer product and chances one of these guys invented it. It was only Steve Jobs and Bill Gates that actually wanted to use these ideas to make money. If you were to google it, you'd see why this group was special.

I picked EA because they make high quality products that are great most of the time.
Microsoft's Windows OS was ripped off from the Mac OS, the only reason that Bill Gates got rich was because the guy who owned The Mac OS didn't want to sell the OS to lots of companies but only use it for their computers. Bill Gates on the other hand had the idea ripped of, given a new name, and changed a little bit. He had it sold to all different computer companies, thus making LOTS of money......if you didnt know, Bill gates and the creator of the MAC OS(i forgot his name damnit) used to work together...........

Crashspyro said something sort of about this.
not Sony or Sega. Sony stuff messes up in around 1 or two years so I'm guessing the country would go the same way and Sega just gets worse every year.
[quote name='stocker08']Microsoft's Windows OS was ripped off from the Mac OS, the only reason that Bill Gates got rich was because the guy who owned The Mac OS didn't want to sell the OS to lots of companies but only use it for their computers. Bill Gates on the other hand had the idea ripped of, given a new name, and changed a little bit. He had it sold to all different computer companies, thus making LOTS of money......if you didnt know, Bill gates and the creator of the MAC OS(i forgot his name damnit) used to work together...........

Crashspyro said something sort of about this.[/quote]

Steve Jobs, Wozniak, those were the 2 founders of Apple.
A) Nintendo
B) Sony
C) Microsoft
D) Sega
E) Electronic Arts

Nintendo would make us quirky, small, and happy to be the runner up. But we'd comfort ourselves in being #1 with kids.

Sony would promise the moon, give you nothing, and tell you to like it. And someone would come in the night for you if you spoke badly of them.

Bill Gates would get bored with being Emperor and let Steve Ballmer turn us all into large green monkeys.

Sega would create a utopia, but be bankrupt and overthrown because of Sony's promises of a better tomorrow. Also, Sega of America would be completely ignored except for occasionally being told to drop everything and do something that will just be ignored later anyway.

Electronic Arts would make everyone and everything the same, everything is prepackaged and only lasts for one year, when it must be replaced by something completely identical.
[quote name='stocker08']Microsoft's Windows OS was ripped off from the Mac OS, the only reason that Bill Gates got rich was because the guy who owned The Mac OS didn't want to sell the OS to lots of companies but only use it for their computers. Bill Gates on the other hand had the idea ripped of, given a new name, and changed a little bit. He had it sold to all different computer companies, thus making LOTS of money......if you didnt know, Bill gates and the creator of the MAC OS(i forgot his name damnit) used to work together...........

Crashspyro said something sort of about this.[/quote]
Sorry, but the mac wasn't the original GUI OS. THEY BOTH RIPPED OFF XEROX. And Bill Gates didn't go selling his nifty idea to all different companies, they were working with IBM to create a cheap personal computer that was based off of an intel chip. The reason PCs made it big over mac is that the 8086 processor was being made by many companies and computer parts were available from a wide array of manufacturs, not from one company which is what apple did by keeping everything to itself.
The reason that Bill Gates got rich is that the market was brand new, so since everyone was making things for the intel chipset, the cheaper computer was that one, and one OS was widely available which was MS-DOS and eventually Windows. It wasn't that Mac didn't want to sell just their OS, they wanted to keep everything in house.

And I still like Nintendo cause their game division (the entire company) makes money from year to year as opposed to Microsoft and part of the time Sony.

EDIT: I think my wording is horrible and I managed to contradict some things cause of poor wording, but you get my sleepy gist.
I think they should stick to making games, even though some of them aren't to good at that either (I'm not gonna say which because I don't want to piss people off).
Nitnendo insists that online is no good for you, so they won't let you have it.

Sony insists that 2D games and adventure games are no good for you, and so they won't let you have them.

Microsoft lets you have the option to play whatever you want.

Sega was in charge several times before, and ran it clean into the ground.

You won't hear a lot of people say this, but I'd say let MS run the country.
Microsoft, because even though Bill Gates is the richest man out there, he also gives alot of himself and his money which seems pretty sincere to me. You won't see that from alot of the other big companies.
Since none of the companies (or heads of the companies) have political or public service experience.. I dont think any of them are qualified to run our country. Say what you will about the current state of our government (and about the current candidates).. but it takes quite a man to be President of the US.
-Would not have any laws that might offend anyone. Criminals would be taught family values rather than be convicted.

-Would start out by removing several sewage treatment plants since they have a strong belief that their s### doesn't stink. They could do no wrong, since no matter what they did, their army of fanboys would defend them to the death.

-Start out by buying out the other canidates. Everyone would live in a house that includes a grocery store, gas station, mall, department store, bank, and place of employment so you would never have to technically leave your house. However, the jackass next door to you could just walk in and steal anything they wanted since the design failed to include glass in the windows, and the doorjam included a lock, but no door.

-Would innovate the way for a new and better design for the world than Nintendo and Sony, but would soon fail because they forgot to tell anyone about it. Then Nintendo and Sony would suceed by having less of an idea of a better world, but they had better campaign ideas.

Electronic Arts
-EA will just gripe about the other canidates and speak loudly about how inferior they are, then ride on the coat-tails of the underdog. Then proceed to speak in volumes on how great the other canidate is, and how happy they are to support them.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']I chose Sega even though they would suck at running a country. They suck at running their own company now, but I still love them and I don't know why.[/quote]

They would make something completely useless like the SEGA CD
This is probably the meanest thing I've ever said on this site, but this is a really stupid question. Only 2 of them are American companies anyway.
I'd never choose a freakin' game publisher. You gotta go with a developer, because that's where the creativity and hard work come together to make something. For that reason, I would either have to go with Blizzard or Bioware.
[quote name='6669']This is probably the meanest thing I've ever said on this site, but this is a really stupid question. Only 2 of them are American companies anyway.[/quote]

There's 3, Sega, Microsoft, and EA. Sega started was started in the US by an american.
[quote name='6669']This is probably the meanest thing I've ever said on this site, but this is a really stupid question. Only 2 of them are American companies anyway.[/quote]

I was aware of this when I made the topic. It is an interesting idea how a Japanese based electronics company (Sony) would run the United States.
[quote name='alteredbeast'][quote name='6669']This is probably the meanest thing I've ever said on this site, but this is a really stupid question. Only 2 of them are American companies anyway.[/quote]

I was aware of this when I made the topic. It is an interesting idea how a Japanese based electronics company (Sony) would run the United States.[/quote]

Probably the same way they do Japan :D
[quote name='zionoverfire'][quote name='alteredbeast'][quote name='6669']This is probably the meanest thing I've ever said on this site, but this is a really stupid question. Only 2 of them are American companies anyway.[/quote]

I was aware of this when I made the topic. It is an interesting idea how a Japanese based electronics company (Sony) would run the United States.[/quote]

Probably the same way they do Japan :D[/quote]
Does that mean I should vote for Microsoft?
bread's done