W: Nintendoland (Wii U-Digital Download) H: Paypal/Amazon GC

Thanks nb85, it's hard while doing my day job, running my GFC business and house cleaning but I'm doing my best. Selling all these items will help clear up a lot of space in my office and will earn some much needed money :) Thanks!

Keep an eye on the thread as I'm adding new items every day (I promise!). Some new items coming this way in 10 minutes or so.
[quote name='goomba478']Don't worry, I've done business with emjaymj before but I do think he must be new to lowballs...it's all good :) I'm just following the genius system dv8mad came up with originally. Many sellers have tweaked and tried new things, but his original system is still golden in my book.[/QUOTE]

Yes if the first lowball I've really participated in, and if this is really the best system devised, it will probably be my last lol

Just kidding... kind of :) I don't mind your participating in yours, especially given the circumstances, but it has nothing to do with your feedback. It's not like I'm worried about being scammed, I'm just not a fan of how much room there is in this model for the seller to tweak things to their advantage.

Even the idea of throwing more of these "credits" in mid-auction once there's not much room left for bidding on these ones is REALLY iffy to me, and normally I wouldn't touch it with a 10-foot pole, at least not yet. I'd wait for the suckers who buy more credits than they could possibly use for a long time to raise the bids against themselves and just wait for you throw up more that I'd inevitably be able to grab for cheaper. I'm letting myself be the sucker in this case because I'll no doubt be paying lots of service charges with you in the future anyways, but I know that some bad luck has given you a need for it much sooner. Although in retrospect I'm actually surprised that you even would do something like this, I understand the crappiness of your situation and all I can do is hope that this is not something you'd do in better circumstances...

Somebody remarked on your feedback though and, like I said, that really has nothing to do with why I'm willing to participate. It may have played a role initially in me using your services (I don't really recall, actually), but I've communicated with you enough to trust that you as a person wouldn't do anything particularly abusive with the way this particular auction models gives the seller certain freedoms to continually manipulate things to their advantage. Typically the buyers wouldn't even be aware of anything at all, and they'd end up getting what they paid for, and so while the buyer may be oblivious and happy with their transaction, the person conducting such an auction isn't necessarily doing so in a completely honest manner. This is why feedback makes very little difference to me, and why I don't mind participating in yours specifically, even though it would be harder for me to justify participating in a total strangers' similarly structured auction.

Not that I think it's a necessarily BAD way of doing things, and in my opinion has the potential to make for very successful, fun, AND fair auctions compared to just sticking stuff on eBay, I think it could definitely benefit a bit from a little effort in the way of checks and balances, as I discussed in my post a little further up.
[quote name='goomba478']emjaymj, it's all good. We're all friends :) buckythekat is a good guy and didn't mean to insult you so please don't take it that way.

I like the idea of the ending time hash (though not sure all people could figure it out) but let's just say this: I have tried strict ending times and everyone sniped at the end and it was a mess. I tried rolling endings where each time someone bid I tacked 5 minutes to the ending time, and that worked well though there was some confusion over the timestamps of CAG being accurate and finally I went with a fully automated web version (which will appear more on the GFC website very soon) but a lot of CAGs didn't want to register for GFC just to bid (especially Americans who wouldn't use the GFC site) so our pool of bidders was laughably small.

In conclusion, dv8mad is treated like a demi-god because he was the one person that created the CAG Lowball system :) the reason we look for his approval is that he has a huge influence over the legitimacy of sales. So anything that is dv8mad-system-approved or dv8mad approved directly is a sign of gold approval. You don't need to know him personally, but know this, the guy really lives up to his name and reputation :)

So with that said. I will look into future upgrades to the Lowball system (I love tinkering, trust me) but for this particular sale I'm going to just keep it simple and to the point. I will reveal the ending time (exact time) the last day of the sale...so no worries. Nobody will have an advantage or disadvantage. That's just how I roll :)[/QUOTE]


As far as the ending-time hash, it's not even something everybody really needs to understand. Many people would, and anybody who does would be capable of looking it up, and that would probably for the most part be good enough for those who don't. Kind of like I place my faith in peer-reviewed science even on topics I don't understand a damn thing about, I think as long as ENOUGH people are able to verify that the checks and balances are indeed legitimate, it's good enough.

Btw, if you've already announced May 8th as the final day, and you plan to announce the time on that final day, how do you expect to mitigate bid sniping? Am I misunderstanding something? lol
emjaymj, they are a very unique type of monster (Lowball Auctions). They're a lot more work than they look ... especially to manually go through at the end and figure out what everyone owes, where to ship them to and of course all the actual shipping, but they're also a lot of fun. Again, if you want to discuss lowballs with me via PM you can :) I don't wanna clog up the thread though as walls of text will likely scare away new bidders.

Lastly, the only reason I'm offering GFC Service Credits at a discount is exactly for people that will use them. Obviously the more I offer the better for users because normally I don't discount service charges. Period. If you can get a $25 credit for less that's a good thing and I don't think it's sketchy to add more credits as the sale goes on, because once an item reaches near MSRP (or in this case face value of the credit) it makes sense to list another one. Hope that makes sense. Thanks.
emjaymj, it seems you want it both ways with the ending time ... you want me to have a pre-determined time that the sale ends that is publicly available, but you don't want me to announce it to alleviate sniping? I know what you're saying but if you think about it the argument is sort of cyclical.

By announcing a broad time ending date (May 8th) that gives a general time for the ending. When we get closer to the end I will announce a range of hours it will end and then on the final day within those hours I will announce the exact time.

There's never any way to completely avoid sniping, and sniping in and of itself isn't the end of the world. As long as everyone's on the same page then it'll be fair. Anyone who snipes and has their bid in after the official end runs the risk of losing the auction so it's their risk to take.

No more discussion of this please as I'm sure most readers are bored of it :) Thanks!

I have figured out a way to successfully verify that I have a pre-determined time for the ending of the auction WITHOUT revealing it before the auction ends (to avoid snipers). Here's what I am going to do:

1) I have chosen a time for the auction's end. I have written this number down into an image file that I will make readily available to you here and in the main auction post:


2) This is what is known as a "G-Masked" image. Meaning it has a sort of encryption to mask the image underneath.

3) On the final day of the auction I will give a range of 2 hours for when the auction is ending but NOT the exact time of the auction's end. This will give you an idea of when it is ending without being blatantly obvious (again to avoid snipers and give everyone a fair chance).

4) After the auction is over I will put a post in the thread saying NO MORE BIDS - AUCTION OVER and all bids after that post will not be counted.

5) I will reveal the encryption code to unlock my image using a free tool (G-mask). All you need to do is download G-Mask, highlight the black box that is blocking the ending time and enter the encryption code. Simple as that.

Problem solved =P Now please, no more discussion of end times ^_^
Bah, it's a little irritating to be told I'm somehow being logically cyclical and basically told to shut up and then to have the idea validated anyways... lol I feel like I'm going mental.

/me needs a drink

(good thinking by the way, though some people DO crack gmasks for fun I think the level of encryption typically used for such a purpose is a lot less.)

Oh and.

Fringe Blu-Ray 8.00
LOL emjaymj, I meant to say that without the file to verify it then it would be cyclical but I figured a way to satisfy both my random time ending and to hopefully satisfy you with the image to verify that I did predetermine the exact time. Oh and I used the code-driven filter which is almost impossible to crack. You're welcome to try, but it'll be VERY difficult and honestly I wouldn't waste my time :) Again, you are smart guy. I wouldn't have Googled a way to verify the time this way if it wasn't for you so my hat's off to you. Thanks.
Thanks for the bids guys :) You are good at keeping up with my new items. Tons more coming. I am staggering the listings because I'm photographing them (all items will have photos). Thanks! Good luck to all of you ^_^
bad goomba!

changed name but not bid :)
old bid
* $10.00 Worth of GFC Service Charge Credit * - evantrees - $8.00
on first page
* $10.00 Worth of GFC Service Charge Credit * - emjaymj - $8.00

his current bid is 8.50 no? but anyways
my bid
* $10.00 Worth of GFC Service Charge Credit * - evantrees - $9.00
Motorstorm [Complete/Excellent Conditon] - $1

Disgaea [Brand New/Factory Sealed] - $5

Final Fantasy XIII Exclusive Xbox 360 Faceplate [Brand New/Factory Sealed] [1 Pound Shipped] - $10

Gears of War 2: GOTYE (Includes Every Map Pack, Add-On Campaign Chapter & More) [Brand New/Factory Sealed] - $10
Tales of Vesperia [Brand New/Factory Sealed] - $5
I have updated all the bids up to this point. Let me know if I screwed up somewhere or missed a bid of yours. I was editing in multiple browsers with several tabs so it's possible :) Thanks.
* Left 4 Dead: GOTYE/PH (Includes Survival Pack Content) [Brand New/Factory Sealed] - $1.50
* Mass Effect 1 [Complete/Great Condition] - $3
I am going to be packing up some packages for my GFC customers but I'll be around. Might add a few more items tonight. We'll see ;) Thanks for your bids guys!

** Bid list updated up until this post **
I know it may not be the most exciting thing in the world with the Super version out now, but I just put up a brand new (not sealed) copy of Street Fighter IV for Xbox 360. Great for casual players :) It's a lot of fun!
Just added a Brand New Copy of Tekken 6 (PS3). Last addition for the night ^_^ Thanks guys. I will be adding more games tomorrow night and updating the list then as well. I appreciate it :)
I'm off to bed now. Another busy day tomorrow and throughout the rest of the week. Thanks again for your support guys. It means the world to me :) I am happy you'll be getting some great games at some ridiculously fair prices as well. Cya tomorrow:
** Bid list updated up until this post **
Good morning guys and thanks for the new bids. I've logged them into the auction post :) I'm going to be stepping out of town for the next few hours but tonight I'll be adding new games and items as well. Feel free to keep bidding today and I will update the list as I go along. Thanks again for your support!
I am back from my family's visit now :) I will update all bids. Thanks for the bump WeaponX2099. I'll be adding new items tonight as well ^_^ Look forward to it!
Tales of Vesperia [Brand New/Factory Sealed] - 9.50
Final Fantasy XIII Exclusive Xbox 360 Faceplate [Brand New/Factory Sealed] [1 Pound Shipped] - $10.50
I have added the new bids and also added Valkyria Chronicles [Brand New/Factory Sealed] & Disgaea 3 [Brand New/Not Sealed] for the PS3. Go get 'em! ^_^
bread's done