W: PS3 games, DS3, HDMI cable H: Paypal, only one other item


6 (100%)
I am looking to start my PS3 collection, seeing as all I have is the first Motorstorm. I have a pair of barely worn, used (had them less than six months) Oakley Half Jackets. They are all black, black frame, black lenses, and don't need them anymore. If anyone has any PS3 stuff they want to get rid of or trade for them, please let me know. Thanks for your time!
You can get a 6 foot HDMI cable on amazon.com for $0.01. That is not a typo. 1 cent for a 6 foot HDMI cable. Never buy one from Best Buy or Walmart of Gamestop - they will rip you off.
If you can believe it, I've NEEDED a pair of Oakleys since my last pair got lost. What condition are the lenses in? Also, CML for some PS3 games. As far as everybody else is telling me, I've got some pretty good ones.
I was wondering if you are interested in buying Tomb Raider Underworld plus strategy guide for the PS3. Both are in great condition, I just have time to play them.
I'm looking for $20.00 total for both items plus shipping. I can send pictures if needed just pm me with your email address or post it in my thread.
I've got a few PS3 titles up on my tradelist for sale. I'm not interested in the glasses, I'm afraid. If you see something that catches your attention, send me a PM and let me know what you're looking to pay. I'll see if we can work something out. ^_^
bread's done