Wal-Mart Heir John Walton Dies in Crash


Found this article on Yahoo!: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050628/ap_on_bi_ge/obit_john_walton

Wal-Mart Heir John Walton Dies in Crash

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - Wal-Mart heir John T. Walton, who threw his considerable financial support behind efforts to educate low-income children, has died in the crash of a homemade, experimental aircraft.

Walton, of Jackson, Wyo., crashed shortly after takeoff Monday from Jackson Hole Airport in Grand Teton National Park, the company said. The cause of the crash was not known and will be investigated, officials said. Walton was 58.

"I think all you can say is he was just a good man and today, you grieve," Jay Allen, Wal-Mart senior vice president of corporate affairs, told The Morning News of Springdale.

Walton, one of three sons of Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton and a member of the company's board, was a major advocate of school vouchers, supporting efforts to create taxpayer-funded ways for students to attend private schools.

Walton founded the Children's Scholarship Fund in 1998 to provide low-income families with money to send their children to private schools. The foundation started with $67 million from the Walton Family Foundation and benefited more than 67,000 children.

In March, Forbes magazine listed John Walton as No. 11 on its list of the world's richest people with a net worth of $18.2 billion. He was tied with his brother Jim, one spot behind his brother Rob, and just ahead of his sister, Alice, and his mother, Helen.

"I certainly have nothing negative to say about the man at all. He was a prince," said Walton's former wife, Washington County Circuit Judge Mary Ann Gunn. "He loved to build things. He loved motorcycles. He built his own motorcycle."

The plane he died flying was an experimental ultralight aircraft with a small, gasoline-powered engine and wings wrapped in fabric similar to heavy-duty sail cloth, officials said.

Joan Anzelmo, a spokeswoman for Grand Teton National Park, said rangers will investigate the crash, as is done with any major accident in the park. She said officials also notified the Federal Aviation Administration and National Transportation Safety Board.

"Because this is a homemade, non-registered, experimental aircraft, at least today they told us there was not going to an investigation," she said.

She said Walton, "well-known and much-loved in this valley, died doing something that he loved to do."

Jim Courtovich, who spent two years getting the Children's Scholarship Fund off the ground, said Walton was a devoted sponsor who "didn't just donate money, he donated time and energy." Walton would clear days at a time from his schedule to focus on the project, he said.

Courtovich also said that Walton was down to earth and, like his father, not above doing chores himself. One time, skiing in Jackson Hole, he said Walton "had to leave early because he had to caulk his chimney."

John Walton was a major stakeholder in Wal-Mart, with about 12 million shares of the company's stock. He also shared ownership of about 1.7 billion shares with his family in a joint partnership called Walton Enterprises LLC. Walton joined the board of Wal-Mart Stores Inc. in 1992.

John Walton was an Army veteran who served with the Green Berets as a medic during the Vietnam War. He was awarded the Silver Star for saving the lives of several members of his unit while under enemy fire, according to the company.

He attended the College of Wooster in Wooster, Ohio, and served as a board member of the Walton Family Foundation, which played a key role in fundraising in the University of Arkansas' recent Campaign for the 21st Century. The Walton family made a $300 million gift to the campaign in 2002.

Besides his mother and siblings, Walton is survived by his wife, Christy, and son, Luke.
yeah...i read about this in the paper early this morning...i knew it would be brought up here and im just waiting for assholes to say "this is what he gets" or "1 down, blah blah blah to go"
[quote name='Quackzilla']Don't you love the irony of giving money made off of poor slave children to other poor children?[/QUOTE]

seriously, who else could've been the perfect candidate for asshole #1? :applause:
[quote name='The Successful Dropout']seriously, who else could've been the perfect candidate for asshole #1? :applause:[/QUOTE]
I'm an asshole because I pointed out that this guy wasn't the perfect angel the article made him out to be?
[quote name='uzumaki_star']John T. Walton ... has died in the crash of a homemade, experimental aircraft. [/QUOTE]

It sucks that he's dead and all but WTF do you expect when you do dumb shit like this?
[quote name='Quackzilla']I'm an asshole because I pointed out that this guy wasn't the perfect angel the article made him out to be?[/QUOTE]

no, you're an asshole because 90% of your posts reflect you as one ;)
[quote name='The Successful Dropout']no, you're an asshole because 90% of your posts reflect you as one ;)[/QUOTE]
And you say that as if you weren't a total douchebag yourself.
it is to bad that he died, and last I checked no one is perfect. Whenever someone dies, people/society talk as if they were some great human.
Actually, I'm coming more and more to the conclusion that CAG stands for Cheap Asshole Gamers.
It's one thing to disagree, but christ, 8 posts in and we've got what, three assholes and a douchebag? Saw another thread today where the last response was solely "Christ, you're stupid." I'm no longer in school, but I sure do feel like I'm back at the fifth grade playground.

And yes, as a sign of respect, normally, when someone dies [unless he was like Pol Pot or Hitler or BTK or somebody], his positive contributions to society or the positive components of his personality are brought to the forefront. Death notices and funerals aren't for the dead, they're for the living.
[quote name='dtcarson']Actually, I'm coming more and more to the conclusion that CAG stands for Cheap Asshole Gamers.
It's one thing to disagree, but christ, 8 posts in and we've got what, three assholes and a douchebag? Saw another thread today where the last response was solely "Christ, you're stupid." I'm no longer in school, but I sure do feel like I'm back at the fifth grade playground.

And yes, as a sign of respect, normally, when someone dies [unless he was like Pol Pot or Hitler or BTK or somebody], his positive contributions to society or the positive components of his personality are brought to the forefront. Death notices and funerals aren't for the dead, they're for the living.[/QUOTE]

but all of those assholes were from me :cry:
Well, yes. And while I don't necessarily disagree with your opinion, it didn't need to be said. Anyone coming into the thread would see that someone's first post in the thread was some irrelevant, non sequitur, nonfactual [since John never worked for the company, he was only on the board], flame of a guy who died relatively young in a tragic accident. Leave it as an exercise for the reader to determine what type of person's sole contribution was that post.

I just feel that the level of debate/discussion--and not even just political threads--around here is, well, pretty pathetic. It's gone downhill a lot in the past year or so. Perhaps the nature of the 'free speech' coming from an internet message board--everyone *can* have an opinion, so everyone *does* share it, even when it's simply "You're stupid" [and that's something else, if you're going to insult someone at least be creative/original about it.] And of course if there are any lurkers debating becoming members, when they do, half the time they're flamed for reposting a deal or something, and half the time they probably don't join/post at all because it's safer not to.
Did anyone mention that "homemade", "experimental", peace of flying crap plane he was flying was made of Walmart parts?! :hot:

RIP Walmart exec :pray:
[quote name='uzumaki_star']The plane he died flying was an experimental ultralight aircraft with a small, gasoline-powered engine and wings wrapped in fabric similar to heavy-duty sail cloth, officials said.[/QUOTE]

Statistically speaking, flying is still supposed to be the safest way to travel. Flying an experimental plane probably increased the likelihood of a mishap though. I know that if I were worth $18.2 billion I'd probably be hiring myself a lot of test pilots rather than risking my own skin in an unproven aircraft.
[quote name='jmcc']More news from Yahoo: "Study Finds Mean, Dumb People on Internet."[/QUOTE]

"Study also finds, It's only in you head""
[quote name='MaxBiaggi2']Statistically speaking, flying is still supposed to be the safest way to travel. Flying an experimental plane probably increased the likelihood of a mishap though. I know that if I were worth $18.2 billion I'd probably be hiring myself a lot of test pilots rather than risking my own skin in an unproven aircraft.[/QUOTE]

I totally agree.
[quote name='lowgear26']I wonder if hes in the big Wal-Mart in the sky or if he went to hell and is in Kmart[/QUOTE]
I hope he reincarnated in China.
[quote name='SolidSnakeX99']Poor guy, well atleast he died doing what he loved, and I'm guessing although short, he lived a good life.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='SolidSnakeX99']Poor guy, well atleast he died doing what he loved, and I'm guessing although short, he lived a good life.[/QUOTE]

Also agreed
[quote name='Xevious']Wow...thats a lot of posts for a guy I never heard of.[/QUOTE]

You may have heard of his family's little store... Walmart. He was one of the richest people on the planet.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Agreed.[/QUOTE]
And if he gets reincarnated as a girl I hope he gets sold into kiddy prostitution for horny old men to get fooly cooly with him.
Originally Posted by SolidSnakeX99
Poor guy, well atleast he died doing what he loved, and I'm guessing although short, he lived a good life.

[quote name='markholladay']Also agreed[/QUOTE]

I agree as well.
[quote name='Quackzilla']And if he gets reincarnated as a girl I hope he gets sold into kiddy prostitution for horny old men to get fooly cooly with him.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. :D
bread's done