
6 (100%)


prizerebel is almost identical to gaminglagoon, but with DIFFERENT offers

this means if you ran out of gaminglagoon offers, you dont have to rely on refferals

prizerebel also has the same referall system gaminglagoon: 20% per offer

still not convinced?

gaminglagoon/videogamelagoon is limited only to certain prizes (videogames/accessories)

however with prizerebel you can get ANYTHING you want....thats right, they have a custom request system where you give the link for what you want (make sure its a amazon link or something like that, not anything ridiculous) and they tell you how many points are required to get that prize

also its EASIER and FASTER to get points.......some offers only require that you type in your email address...and they give you points for your offers ALOT faster than gaminglagoon does



1) try refreshing the page after doing every offer to clear the cache (works for some people)
2) try using different email addresses (if you have gmail put periods randomly in between the letters in your email address to fool the site into thinking its a different email address...when its really the same...example: if your email is [email protected], then type in [email protected] or [email protected] or even [email protected]. The site will think its different but in reality, the email address is the same)
3)try going to another computer (at your local library), this seems to work for a lot of people. BUT BEFORE DOING THIS, send a support ticket asking for permission (only works for CC and MFF)
4)wait for the second page to completely load
5) sometimes the email/zip offers make you choose between 2 products (best buy/circuit city, jeans/shoes etc.)....so click on one, type in your email/zip and hit submit...dont just type in your email/zip
6)This is what someone with firefox did on the MFF forums and it worked for them:
[quote name='"Hamjham"']I'm a new user here and noticed how MegaPromotion offers weren't crediting for me.
After trying this new Firefox technique it looks like I'm going to receive 30 or so credits! I know this because of a Support Ticket response...
Hope this works for everyone!!!
From the Support Ticket:
In Firefox :
I clicked Tools, Options, Privacy, Cookies, in the Keep Until box I clicked I CLOSE FIREFOX.
After each offer I closed Firefox, re-opened it and returned to your site.
It took a long time but looks like it worked!!!
[quote name='becuzimbrown']bump....still no refferals :([/QUOTE]

You don't have any referrals? I could of sworn I signed up under you? :whistle2:s
[quote name='TehMuff1nM4n']Where is this custom prize list?[/quote]

theres no list

only 1 rule: the prize has to be from amazon.com

after you select the prize send a link in the form of a support ticket on prizerebel, and they'll tell you how many points you need....after you get the points talk to them and cash in your prize and youre done
Sorry, man, I signed up for this before I saw any referral topics.

To anyone who does credit card offers: Did you get the stamps.com offer to work? I signed up, installed, and did everything they required to get the 20 points, and they didn't credit me. I contacted support, but did anyone else have this problem?
Where did you read that at?????

And I guess it's not a HUGE deal. I know you were looking to get shirts and all, but I'm content with gaming stuff :)

Did they say why they couldn't order anything non-gaming related..?
yea, i went to request an a t shirt (lol) and they said said they werent taking clothing requests

so then i requested a dvd (which they said i could get a while back)...and they said i couldnt get it

then i asked them why, and they said they changed their policy to only get things from amazon that were gaming related

maybe we can try for gift cards
Brain Age went from 18 points to 21.
The Wii Points Card went from 20, to 21 and is now 22.
The 1600 MS card is now up 1 point at 21.


It doesn't matter really, because free = free
[quote name='becuzimbrown']does it work the same way as gaminglagoon/prizerebel?

if so.....IM IN! and t shirts here i come![/QUOTE]

Yes! It works JUST like it! It also has a very nice support forum too! It's run by some mom :) LOL

It's really awesome. LOTS of offers..and they DO credit too!
They have 2 free offers worth 10 points..I did them yesterday and got credit for them earlier today!

I seen that you signed up..thanks :)

This doesn't credit just as fast as PrizeRebel, however, it's right up there in terms of support/friendlyness.

MyFavFreebies has a TON of offers, where PR doesn't..but PR has the BEST crediting!..These 2 sites combined = good times!
[quote name='becuzimbrown']do you know what kind of custom requests i can get?[/QUOTE]

No, but she's really cool this lady so I'm sure she won't have a problem with anything!
holy shit! kinda offtopic but....

theres a guy on AIM named bcuzimbrown (not me)

and another guy on AIM named becuzimbrown1 (also not me)

im an inspiration to brown people everywhere
Since it looks like everyone wants different prizes (not just game related) - we will open our doors again to all custom prize requests.

There will still be some that we cannot fulfill and they still must be from amazon.com.
[quote name='prsupport']Since it looks like everyone wants different prizes (not just game related) - we will open our doors again to all custom prize requests.

There will still be some that we cannot fulfill and they still must be from amazon.com.[/quote]

thank you VERY VERY MUCH

but as you know....im looking for custom t shirts

is this still possible?
[quote name='prsupport']Since it looks like everyone wants different prizes (not just game related) - we will open our doors again to all custom prize requests.

There will still be some that we cannot fulfill and they still must be from amazon.com.[/QUOTE]
Makes sense, I figured it was allowed due to the website generally being geared towards prizes rather than gaming - thanks!
Nope, PrizeRebel only shows first names. I wish it was First Name + Last initial though. If you have about 75pts though, it could be you .. maybe you could do an offer and see if it goes up or something.
Yeah, well, if it goes up to 18, then I'll know it's me. Because I just did a 22 point offer (that brought me up to 93 pts). If you do CC offers, that's the one you want. It's $1.99 for the trial, but you get 22 points for it.

I don't really remember signing up under anyone, but I think it's a weird coincidence that he has a guy with the same name with around the same number of points.
You wouldn't be the first guy, I know someone that was refered by me thought the same thing, perhaps you were reading his thread and clicked the link here, which took you there then you signed up that way.
I have 48.8 + 45 (redeemed)... That's 93.8.

That's gotta be me. Sweet. I guess I did sign up under someone. Awesome!
bread's done