WANTED: Weapons Of Fate - Gen. Discussion & Info - Demo Now On XBLM!


170 (100%)

According to a F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin promo insert (Xbox 360 version pictured), a demo for Wanted: Weapons of Fate is set to hit the Xbox Live Marketplace and the PlayStation Store on March 5.

Developed by GRIN (of Bionic Commando Rearmed fame), Wanted: Weapons of Fate takes place five hours after the events of the 2008 action flick based on the same comic book property. Like a list of games as long as our arm, Wanted will feature bullet-time and (more creatively) the ability to curve bullets around the environment. Basically, it's the most realistic game ever.

Check out Joystiq's hands-on feature with Wanted: Weapons of Fate.


A gameplay trailer for the game went up on XBLM as well...looks like it could be a pretty cool game.
[quote name='whiptcracker']The game is based more on the comic than the movie I believe.[/quote]

It is based on the comic. Not the movie.
It is a sequel to the movie but I think it does include more from the comic. Like the "killer" costume from the comic. The story is about him trying to find his mother or something to do with her, which was definitely not what the comic was about. You switch between playing as wesely and as his dad. I'm not sure if I'll buy this full price. I have a hard time purchasing relatively short games with no multiplayer. It's why I rented dead space and mirror's edge (though I would like to own both those games very much.)
The demo is pretty good, I'd say to do the training before you actually go right into the game. I played it right away, and didn't do training first, and it was only alright. After doing training, and going back and playing it again, I had a lot of fun, since I was more used to how everything worked.

I think this may end up living up to the hype. However, I don't know if it's just me or not, but the in-game cut-scenes look like absolute garbage. The in-game levels look beautiful, but the cut-scenes seem to be all blocky and just ugly looking.

Either way, I may end up pre-ordering this, I still have $34 left in credit, so I can put that on either this or MadWorld, tough choice.
I guess I should go back and do the training then. Game seemed pretty assy, but I didn't play it too long. I dug the melee instant kills though.
Pretty fun after the tutorial. Curving the bullet was pretty tough (they don't tell you how in the game, AFAIK. Just hold right bumper and release when the target is white, use right joystick to change the angle of the curve). It was pretty tense in the airplane with holes being blown in the side and things getting sucked out, etc.. the music was annoying, it was the same song over and over and over.

Overall, pretty fun, definitely a rental.. I hope there's more melee kills, though.
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ok i played the demo. i wish they would let you ramp up the difficulty after you play through it once. curving the bullet is pretty fun, i really loved the movie but i have a feeling this game will be short and repetitive. i also wish the demo would have been a little bit longer, its about 3 mins of actual gameplay, 5 mins if you play the training as well. it was pretty fun though i played through about 5 times. as much as i want to enjoy and play this game i wont be paying full price for it.
[quote name='VipFREAK']Why after a FAIL of a movie do they continue to make a FAIL game? Why do people not take a hint?[/QUOTE]

The movie was a huge success. It had a budget of about $75 mil and nearly doubled that during it's theatrical run in the US. Worldwide total is sitting around $335 million. Not to shabby for a hard R flick in the summer season of PG-13 blockbusters. Far from a Fail. Universal already has a screenwriter working on the sequel.

The movie was a blast. The demo was solid, but a little clunky. Probably a rental or price drop purchase down the line.
To each their own but if you hated the movie so much why the hell are you in a thread about a spinoff game insulting people that may have enjoyed it?
When compared to the comic, yeah the movie is fail. But then again the only thing that was even remotely the same between the two was some of the names. The game seems to try to bring more in but its still lacking the appeal the source material held to me.

-Saw the movie before reading the comic.

The movie was okay, some scenes were dumb in my opinion though. You could change all the names and call it something original and it would be.

As for the game, I'd nab it from gamefly for cheap a few months down the line. Somewhat fun but its just more of the same.
[quote name='VipFREAK']Why after a FAIL of a movie do they continue to make a FAIL game? Why do people not take a hint?[/QUOTE]
C'Mon guys give him a break. It's obvious he forgot to mention he was smoking crack before and/or while he was watching the movie. Crazy is hell, calling the movie a failure.
I saw a commercial for the game and it says (I didn't catch the site/magazines name), "This is the best shooter, ever made!" I really don't believe that anyone said that, and would like to see the source.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']I saw a commercial for the game and it says (I didn't catch the site/magazines name), "This is the best shooter, ever made!" I really don't believe that anyone said that, and would like to see the source.[/quote]

Probably one of the developers mom.
Started the game last night, it's pretty fun. The CGI, or FMV sequences whatever they are called look great too, the demo made indication that they were going to look like shit, but they don't.

It totally feels like a GoW clone, although obviously not as fun, its still great.
Rented this yesterday. Not sure if this has been mentioned.. The game required an update. It installed the new xbox experience. As far as the game... Its OK, nothing great. Not worth full price, I will pick it up when it goes down to $15 at Target on clearance.
I'd say try this game when it is at $20...and that may be too high.

I love how the case has no actual pictures of the gameplay on the back leading people to believe that it is actually as exciting as the case is making it to look.
Can you try being a troll in another thread? I mean, How about I go into a game you might like and It's horrible, and then just bash it non stop?


I bought it and didn't mind dropping the money on it. I love the comic and I Like the game a lot. I got into it for 15 minutes then had to jet cause I had a BBQ. From the first 15 minutes of it, I like it alot and I don't regret spending the money on it. But that's my opinion. It's worth a rental at least if your into the comic and shooters.
People have the right to their opinion. If they want to tell everyone how terrible they thought it was, let them. It's a public forum. Negativity, while usually annoying, isn't against the rules.

I'm on chapter 5. Very lame game, has some fun parts, but extremely repetitive and feels very dated. But it's a fun little rush. $20 game max.
Just played a bit more...really digging the story and the action sequences. If you enjoyed the movie, you'll enjoy the game, it's a prequel and a sequel to the film, you play as the main character in the sequel and as his father in the prequel...it's all intertwined so it's pretty cool.

Best achievements: Kill your ex-girlfriend, and your boss :lol:
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Can you try being a troll in another thread? I mean, How about I go into a game you might like and It's horrible, and then just bash it non stop?


I bought it and didn't mind dropping the money on it. I love the comic and I Like the game a lot. I got into it for 15 minutes then had to jet cause I had a BBQ. From the first 15 minutes of it, I like it alot and I don't regret spending the money on it. But that's my opinion. It's worth a rental at least if your into the comic and shooters.[/quote]

fuck off dude. I can say what I want. Please do troll in a thread about a game I like.
The game is so generic it isn't funny. It doesn't feel like it should be a game that's made in 2009, it feels more like a game that was made in 2006. Now while this can be entertaining to some, to me it is a waste of time. I can't argue with the fact that some of the shittiest games can be fun, but when i enjoy a fun and shitty game I at least can admit that the game sucks but I'll be quick to point out the few parts that make it enjoyable for me.
The problem is that many of these games have clunky controls and are unpolished.
I was going to pick this game up based on the demo, but when I read the reviews and it said it was only a 4-5 hour game I said fuck it. 60 bucks for a 4-5 hour game will not work. I skipped Quantum of Solace as well because of this. People are up in arms over a 4-5 hour DLC for Fallout 3 because of the length, but that was only 10 bucks, and that is why I am going to wait until this drops to 15 or under before I pick it up.

Shame on developers who think 4 hours is worth 60 bucks.
[quote name='foxdvd']I was going to pick this game up based on the demo, but when I read the reviews and it said it was only a 4-5 hour game I said fuck it. 60 bucks for a 4-5 hour game will not work. I skipped Quantum of Solace as well because of this. People are up in arms over a 4-5 hour DLC for Fallout 3 because of the length, but that was only 10 bucks, and that is why I am going to wait until this drops to 15 or under before I pick it up.

Shame on developers who think 4 hours is worth 60 bucks.[/QUOTE]

I don't see people complaining about CoD4, and that was 4-5 hours.
Yeah...but once you're done with Wanted, that's it. No replay value really.

COD4 offers an amazing online experience aside from the story.

Your argument is fail.
[quote name='whoknows']Yeah...but once you're done with Wanted, that's it. No replay value really.

COD4 offers an amazing online experience aside from the story.

Your argument is fail.[/QUOTE]

Not at all, I and many others don't play online, so it has no more replay value than Wanted would.

Your argument fails.
[quote name='LegendK7ll3r']Not at all, I and many others don't play online, so it has no more replay value than Wanted would.

Your argument fails.[/quote]

COD4 is a split online/single player game. It was clear from the start. If COD4 was only single player, it would have never sold as much as it did. The game did get hit a bit for its length, but like Halo 3, the online game is why they have sold over 4 million copies, not the single player.

You have every right to skip COD4 if you only play single player. COD4 is more like a 6 hour game, but 60 bucks would have been to much for that.

If you buy a plane just to drive around the airfield, and never plan on taking it off the ground, don't complain that it cost you 300,000 bucks, while a car would have only been 20,000.

Wanted wants to charge as much as a plane, but not offer the ability to fly.
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[quote name='foxdvd']COD4 is a split online/single player game. It was clear from the start. If COD4 was only single player, it would have never sold as much as it did. The game did get hit a bit for its length, but like Halo 3, the online game is why they have sold over 4 million copies, not the single player.

You have every right to skip COD4 if you only play single player. COD4 is more like a 6 hour game, but 60 bucks would have been to much for that.

If you buy a plane just to drive around the airfield, and never plan on taking it off the ground, don't complain that it cost you 300,000 bucks, while a car would have only been 20,000.

Wanted wants to charge as much as a plane, but not offer the ability to fly.[/QUOTE]

I supposed you can also say the same towards the Darkness then, no? You can say it about any game that has multiplayer, Stranglehold, Kane & Lynch, Fracture, anything.

I'm just saying, many games are "short", and 4-6 hours isn't seemingly a problem for some games, yet it magically is for others. If you enjoy the game, why should it matter what you spend? If you don't think it's going to be good, and you already know about it's length, then why would you buy it to begin with? You can easily rent it somewhere for much cheaper.

That's all I'm trying to say to people, don't complain about the length, if you knew it going in and bought it anyway.
[quote name='LegendK7ll3r']I supposed you can also say the same towards the Darkness then, no? You can say it about any game that has multiplayer, Stranglehold, Kane & Lynch, Fracture, anything.

I'm just saying, many games are "short", and 4-6 hours isn't seemingly a problem for some games, yet it magically is for others. If you enjoy the game, why should it matter what you spend? If you don't think it's going to be good, and you already know about it's length, then why would you buy it to begin with? You can easily rent it somewhere for much cheaper.

That's all I'm trying to say to people, don't complain about the length, if you knew it going in and bought it anyway.[/quote]

The Darkness was about 9 hours for me, and I did not play the multiplayer...but I also waited until it was under 20 bucks.

Stranglehold was about 5 hours, and it did have a good mulitplayer when it came out. I spent at least 10 hours on that part.

The other games I did not buy because of reviews.

Wanted is a game with no multiplayer, and I read one guy finished it in under 4 hours first play. It is something that has to be noted, and this trend of shorter and shorter games needs to stop. There are many great games that are under 10 hours, but those same games, if they came in at 4 hours would not have been worth 60 bucks.

Of course some games lend themselves to different lengths. When it comes to an RPG, under 15 hours seems like it was short but I really want it to be over 25 or even 50 hours. A FPS/3rd person... it just seems that that magical 10 hour mark seems about right. If a game is going to come in under that it better have a good multiplayer (Wanted did not) or one HELL of a good single player (which Wanted seems to not have)

I am all about value. I don't care what I spend a month on games, I just want to make sure I am getting the best bang for my buck, which is why I am at cheapassgamer.
I just played Resident Evil 4 again (for what must be the 15th or so time) and I love the length of that game (about 10 hours, and more like 15 the first time). Not to mention the fact that you are constantly changing environments and locales. Dead Space had a similar play time and was also an awesome game that I didn't feel cheated by. I agree that if a single player only game is going to ship at a sixty dollar price tag it needs to be at least ten hours for me to buy it at full price (and it needs to be fun of course and I didn't really enjoy the wanted demo)
[quote name='sotc1988']I just played Resident Evil 4 again (for what must be the 15th or so time) and I love the length of that game (about 10 hours, and more like 15 the first time). Not to mention the fact that you are constantly changing environments and locales. Dead Space had a similar play time and was also an awesome game that I didn't feel cheated by. I agree that if a single player only game is going to ship at a sixty dollar price tag it needs to be at least ten hours for me to buy it at full price (and it needs to be fun of course and I didn't really enjoy the wanted demo)[/quote]

Actually Dead Space is a great example of a game that is just about right when it comes to a single player game. Sure I wanted it to be longer, but all great games make you want more.

I don't want to sound like length is the main, or even top 3 most important things in a game, and I know it is sounding like that.
Sorry to bump this back up to the front page but I had a quick question.

After you beat the game can you back and pick up any of the collectables or explosives rats you might have missed the first time through? Or do you have to start from scratch and go back and get them all at once, in a single playthrough?
bread's done