Wario Land Shake... is 2D!! IGN Review 8.4

[quote name='Casiotech']that depends, many would consider MM9 shovelware.[/quote]

That's a Wiiware game instead of a full retail release.

If you really equate the two then I need to not respond anymore, because you're just hopelessly inept, and I'm surprised you can feed yourself.

and your statement is moot because there are obviously some higher 2d game budgets than 3d and vice versa. On average, a 3d game costs more than a 2d game to produce.

If that were true, all these shitty companies that shit out pieces of shit every month would be bankrupt by now, and anyone making a 2D game would be rolling in dough.

Another example: Marvelous, developer of Muramasa, talks about how 2D games require a lot of sacrifice.

Go troll somewhere else. And since you'll call me one too, understand the difference is that I can at least use facts to back up what I'm saying, instead of just pure nonsense.

2d games require TONS of sacrifice, yeah I'm so sure of it. Or maybe they're trying to fool morons into thinking the games are harder to produce than they actually are, in hopes they support their easy endeavors. I'm sure that the artists and producers of 2d games are going to be REALLY unbiased when describing the 2d games they're working on.

It's harder now to make 2D-graphics games. Before, everything was 2D, so you had enough people who were actually specialized in making 2D characters.

so the excuse is because nobody wants to make 3d games anymore or specializes in it, they can't put together a competent team, it's in fact harder? Absolutely not.

There are some major differences for 2D and 3D game art. Some people consider 2D games simpler to produce, and think 3D creates extra complexity. While that might be true to some extent...

Calling me a troll again? Takes one to know one!
Please take the 2D/3D argument offline or in the VS threads. This topic is specifically about news/info for Wario Shake It for Wii.
Koji Igarashi, the producer of recent entries in the Castlevania series and assistant director of Symphony of the Night, gave a presentation on 2D games at GDC last week. Specifically, his presentation centered on the differences between developing 2D games and 3D games. Igarashi noted a few philosophical differences between 3D and 2D games, but also noted a few advantages that hadn't occurred to us. For instance, 2D games are easier to produce, faster to design, and faster to implement. Of course, all of this is generally cheaper than 3D production as well.

Another "advantage" Igarashi noted was that assets from one 2D game can be used in future games as well. Fans of Castlevania will know that the series has been recycling monsters for a long time. We're not exactly sure if we'd call recycling an advantage. Igarashi also mentioned that 2D games are good for team morale. In other words, one person can design an entire level for a 2D title, whereas one level in a 3D game requires an entire team of designers. This can lead to designers feeling as though they're doing "grunt work." A designer on a 2D game makes a much larger contribution. This leads to higher team morale.


Yeah. Let's assume the developer of two high-end 2D games was lying because they are whiners.

That makes sense.


[quote name='Casiotech']but also noted a few advantages that hadn't occurred to us. For instance, 2D games are easier to produce, faster to design, and faster to implement. Of course, all of this is generally cheaper than 3D production as well.



I like how you compare portable game development to console dev.

[quote name='gunm']Please take the 2D/3D argument offline or in the VS threads. This topic is specifically about news/info for Wario Shake It for Wii.[/QUOTE]

Then get the troll out of here.
[quote name='gunm']Please take the 2D/3D argument offline or in the VS threads. This topic is specifically about news/info for Wario Shake It for Wii.[/quote]

sorry my man, this debate is over.
[quote name='Strell']Yeah. Let's assume the developer of two high-end 2D games was lying because they are whiners.

That makes sense.


I like how you compare portable game development to console dev.

Then get the troll out of here.[/quote]

LOOOOOOOOOL, grasping at straws? Consoles vs. portable, so what? Srsly?

I quoted from 'the man' himself, Igarashi, the guy YOU posted about in this thread. Saying himself how much easier and cheaper 2d games are to develop than 3d games.
And he was talking about DS games, not console games, which by nature require less development because of graphic restrictions due to lower processing power.

But those are equivalent in your eyes.

The universe wins again.
I used a free rental on this and got to the final boss but couldn't even begin to beat him. I think I might have had it figured out a little, but it would have taken several more tries and I had to return the game within minutes to avoid Hollywood Video late fees ;).

It is definitely a nice, slick, little game. However, I don't think it's worth $50 simply in that it is so short. Sure, you can extend it by several hours in trying to get all the secrets but compared to something like Mario Galaxy it is still very short.

But 007 - you think it was too easy? Man, if those boss battles were any harder (esp. the fourth one) I'd have thrown my Wii remote through the TV. It did seem one of them was too easy though - forget which (2nd or 3rd) - at least compared to the others. I suppose the main levels are pretty easy, too, at least just to get through them though I imagine there's an incredible challenge trying to beat the times as I very rarely even came close.
[quote name='io']I used a free rental on this and got to the final boss but couldn't even begin to beat him. I think I might have had it figured out a little, but it would have taken several more tries and I had to return the game within minutes to avoid Hollywood Video late fees ;).

It is definitely a nice, slick, little game. However, I don't think it's worth $50 simply in that it is so short. Sure, you can extend it by several hours in trying to get all the secrets but compared to something like Mario Galaxy it is still very short.

But 007 - you think it was too easy? Man, if those boss battles were any harder (esp. the fourth one) I'd have thrown my Wii remote through the TV. It did seem one of them was too easy though - forget which (2nd or 3rd) - at least compared to the others. I suppose the main levels are pretty easy, too, at least just to get through them though I imagine there's an incredible challenge trying to beat the times as I very rarely even came close.[/quote]

Overall, yeah. Unless you're going for the 'achievements', the game presented very little challenge until the end. I understood that it's Wario and he's supposed to be the indestructible one, but I would've liked *some* sense that I wasn't going to be able to SURVIVE levels. In fact, I found that most of the time I had to go out of my way to get hurt... and to hurt myself enough to actually die would've taken effort.

Two things DID mess me up, though, and those were the final two bosses. I had some trouble with them at first, until I realized that they had easy patterns that the game made VERY clear upon change-ups. Spoiler tag, in case anyone is sensitive:
Lord Shake kicked my ass the first few times, but after about 3 tries, I could EASILY make it through his first two 'forms' (for lack of a better word) without taking a hit. The third one, which was cheap as fuck by the way, where he got his health back *did* present some challenge, but that's mainly because the lightning balls were luck based.

But, overall I would've enjoyed more of a challenge. I appreciate the whole achievement thing and the
secret maps
, but I fully admit that I'll likely never get around to them, especially considering the game release schedule of the next few weeks. A great game, but not a $50 one. Worth playing at some point, if only for the animation.
I just finished this game and have to say I loved every minute of it. I believe the difficulty was about perfect. It was a great experience I shared with my 7 year old. (He also completed many of the levels, so maybe it was a bit on the easy side) I do have to say I had a rough time with the last boss (took me around an hour to beat him) but it really took me back to my 8 bit and 16 bit roots. Now it is time for me to go through and find the secret maps I missed. Good Game :applause: I recommend it especially if you have a younger one to play it with!!!
i've finally gotten around to picking this game up. i'm really liking it. i think my favorite part of the game is beating the levels completely. finding every treasure chest and getting all of the treasure, and all of the other extras.

i'm only one level past the first map, by every level i've beaten, i've completed. the platforming is very fun, but the best part is just exploring the levels.
I just received this as a gift this past weekend. I'm really enjoying it, though like most everybody has mentioned, it's a bit on the easy side. I really hope this encourages Nintendo (and other companies as well) that 2D is a good thing and not just for handhelds.
i'm through the first 5 maps on this game. i think the biggest flaw of this game is that the levels aren't fun all by them selves. the funnest part is finding the treasures, or trying to pick up all the treasure. but if you're just trying to beat a level, it's not all that compelling.

that said, i'm still having a good time, and i'm playing it every day.
I just opened my copy today. I must say this is quite impressive. When I say impressive I mean managing to make this game feel old school while looking new. It plays like a fucking wario land game, which baffles me because most devs tend to fuck that shit up. Can't wait to play more.
I played it a week ago (bought it Black Friday from Amazon for $30) and finally got around to it. Damn fun game, reminds me a lot of Nintendo's older works like Yoshi's Island or Wario Land VB. It is not a hard game at all (unless you do the achievements) but you know what, that's alright. It is a FUN game and that is where it really kicks ass.

Here's hoping we get another platformer from Nintendo, I can get use to the whole "one great platformer from Nintendo" per year. First SMG and now Wario Land....now it is time to either bring Stafy to the Wii or put out a new Yoshi's Island on the system.
Chistmas gift from Amazon's Black Friday. Very much fun. If only Nintendo did something like this for Mario instead of Mario Galaxy.
I just finished this a few days ago and I really enjoyed it. The only real problem I had was how short the game was, I only paid $35 from Amazon, but if I had paid more I think I would of felt ripped off.

I actually told Nintendo that in my Club Nintendo post game survey. When you have a game this short it really needs to be budget priced.
[quote name='Kaijufan']I just finished this a few days ago and I really enjoyed it. The only real problem I had was how short the game was, I only paid $35 from Amazon, but if I had paid more I think I would of felt ripped off.

I actually told Nintendo that in my Club Nintendo post game survey. When you have a game this short it really needs to be budget priced.[/QUOTE]

i'm assuming then, that you didn't play all of the extra levels. i played this game to 100% and it took a plenty long.
[quote name='buttle']i'm assuming then, that you didn't play all of the extra levels. i played this game to 100% and it took a plenty long.[/quote]
Nope I had a bunch of extra Wii games in my backlog and I had to move on.
[quote name='Doomed']Chistmas gift from Amazon's Black Friday. Very much fun. If only Nintendo did something like this for Mario instead of Mario Galaxy.[/QUOTE]

He's a witch! Burn him I say!

I really need to finish this sometime. It's a very relaxing and entertaining game, I just unfortunately had too many games when I bought it (damn you TRU...) and have only gotten to the 4th world.
Anybody pick this up as part of the Blockbuster Video clearance? $19.99 seems like a great price for this title. Late adopters should chime in.
Yea 19.99 at blockbuster is a great deal. I called a bloackbuster up and they had one copy. The reason the game is so cheap according to him is because blockbuster is sending the games back to distribution. Which is interesting that the game is going to go that route. :whistle2:k

I'm sad though because zack and wiki I cannot find it anywhere. :cry:
I'm not getting enough points to get the new maps, I have to keep going through the worlds I already did to get enough points to get new maps what am I doing wrong ?
I just started playing this now a year after I bought it... It's not hard at all to move through this game but its so damn time consuming to try and 100% it with all the treasure and missions, plus the secret levels and the treasure and missions in those levels. I'm sure this game would only take a few hours to fly through, but to 100% you're definitely going well into double digits in terms of hours unless you're some kind of pro gamer, which I'm not.

Now I'm torn whether I want to fly through this game and come back in like a year and 100% it, or if I just want to stop playing it for the sake of my backlog and try to 100% it some time in the future.
[quote name='pacemakerguy']that's the reason i didn't buy it cause it's in 2D come on put it on ds i wnat 3D[/QUOTE]

Born in the last 10 years eh?
I got this for myself for Christmas (9.99 used at Blockbuster) and just can't get into it. I really hate the shaking of the treasure part.

I have been playing House of the Dead Overkill and Sam and Max though so they are holding my interest. Probably just hold on to this for awhile and go back to it. I do like the way it looks though. Very appealing to the eye.
I just picked this up two days ago and I LOVE this game!!!

So far, my two favorite games on the wii are New SMB and Wario Land, SHAKE.

I can agree with others that the game is a little too easy, but its pretty to look at and lots of fun. Getting 100% complete on the levels is a bit of a challenge, and the levels are entertaining enough to warrant playing through two or three times.

I'm through three worlds so far, I'm looking foward to finishing the rest. I dont think the shake control is gimmicky as others have complained.

Seeing as how much I love this game, can anyone reccomend some other great 2D side scrollers for the wii?
Kirby's Epic Yarn is actually made by the same developer (Good-Feel) that made Wario Land: Shake it. Its also a great platformer, its on a different league tho, its relaxing and very easy but its got something about it that alot of people love it anyway.

Side scrollers.. Does Muramasa: The Demon Blade count? Its not a platformer really but rather a 2d fighting side scrolling game.
bread's done