WarioWare $19.99 at Target B&M. OOS = 34% Raincheck.


Sale ends tommorrow (2/2/04). Great deal if you don't already own it. Great raincheck if you do. Metriod Zero Mission comes out next Monday (2/9) so you could use the raincheck, legitimately, on that as well (or any other title of course, but who's not going to get Metriod?).

BTW, GBA games are category 207 as are XBox, GC and PS2 games - so technically, and according to their own rules, the RC would be good on those console games as well.

I also saw the (non-SP) GBA/E-Reader combo for $59. $10 off. Trade in the GBA from the combo and 2 games at EB and get an SP for $49, saving $25 had you bought the SP/E-reader seperately! WOW! :) Useless, I know...
Do you just ask for a raincheck if the item is out and they give you one that says 34% off any game?
I don't think Wario World was an advertised special, and hence, you are not able to get a raincheck for it. Anyways, the 43% raincheck that would be offered if Yu Yu Hakusho isn't in stock is better anyway.
I picked up a raincheck today when I saw the sale price and that they were out of stock.

It's also "As Advertised" and listed as a "Temporary Price Cut" if I remember correctly. It had a Yellow Tab whereas most other sales were simply red tags (like the YuYu sale). I saw YuYu for sale, but there were pleeeeenty of copies - the tag covered the original price too but I assumed the price wasn't $29.99 normally as a number of the licensed cartoon games seem to be listed at $19 or $24 lately. Not selling well perhaps?

I'm also pretty sure you can get a raincheck for anything that is on sale regardless of if it's advertised or not. As long as it isn't a permanent price cut tag (mooting the need for rainchecks), then there should be no issue.
I went to two Targets recently and they must have had at least 4 copies of Wario Ware for each store. Oh well. More people in my area should pick up the game, it's my favorite game on the GBA. And I want the dang raincheck :p
Supposing you got the Yu Yu raincheck, what are the odds that you would get to use it on a non-GBA game? Is it no problem or do you need a manager/clerk who doesn't care?
[quote name='ElwoodCuse']Supposing you got the Yu Yu raincheck, what are the odds that you would get to use it on a non-GBA game? Is it no problem or do you need a manager/clerk who doesn't care?[/quote]

The odds are 1:1. At the bottom of the raincheck it sates that you can substitute for any other item within the same product category (i.e. console game for console game). Or in idiot's terms, GBA game for Xbox game.
[quote name='HYDE']...
I also saw the (non-SP) GBA/E-Reader combo for $59. $10 off. Trade in the GBA from the combo and 2 games at EB and get an SP for $49, saving $25 had you bought the SP/E-reader seperately! WOW! :) Useless, I know...[/quote]

$59+$49 = 108, plus you have to give up 2 games (which, if one is buying the GBA combo just now from Target, one most likely does not have), not really a big savings at all when the e-Reader can be had for $20 (at videogamedeals.com, for instance). One would be better off going with one of the free game with SP purchase deals that keep popping up and buying the e-Reader separately, IMO.
definitely a YMMV type of situation, the madden football one a few weeks back probably sent ripples of awareness at target, that people are exploiting this "currently valid" raincheck policy. (or as we say here taking advantage of a liberal policy, not exploiting, no, never). :whistle2:$
The rainchecks should technically work for same type of item, computer game for computer game, console for console, etc. However, still up to the manager on duty if the clerk calls for one, I managed a 2 out of three on this, and got it to work twice, third time was told had to wait for game to come back in a few weeks to use, and then, must be a computer football game, (to my knowledge, there aint any others), manager was just making stuff up, but I didnt argue, just said "okay thanks". Try at a different store, or go back later and hope you get someone else. Also if you can try to get something the exact same price so it is price for price will also help, the more things you dont have to try to explain, like console game vs computer game, etc. The easier it will be. Good luck. 8)
I'll give this a look today at lunch. I still got a bunch of Madden rain checks and only 21 days left to use them.
Well, tons of Wario's and what ever that Yu Yu game was. I was able to get Uru and Deus Ex for the PC for 14.88 each because of the Madden rain check and the incompetent clerk.
I got war of the ring (lord of the rings) strategy (like warcraft), and Need for speed:underground, using the rain checks...........not a bad deal, if you can get it to work. :wink:
[quote name='guessed'][quote name='HYDE']...
I also saw the (non-SP) GBA/E-Reader combo for $59. $10 off. Trade in the GBA from the combo and 2 games at EB and get an SP for $49, saving $25 had you bought the SP/E-reader seperately! WOW! :) Useless, I know...[/quote]

$59+$49 = 108, plus you have to give up 2 games (which, if one is buying the GBA combo just now from Target, one most likely does not have), not really a big savings at all when the e-Reader can be had for $20 (at videogamedeals.com, for instance). One would be better off going with one of the free game with SP purchase deals that keep popping up and buying the e-Reader separately, IMO.[/quote]

EDIT: Nevermind. It's $49 + $49 = $98, btw. So, you're getting a new GBA SP and an E-reader for $98 + two games.
jkam: The percentage is the difference between it's normal list ($29.99) and the sale price ($19.99). That difference, in this case, was 34%.

Porieux: It's for WarioWare.
Drakken: guessed is right as even with the trade in at EB, the SP would still cost you $49 plus the trade-ins (that's the deal). Considering E-readers are apparently no longer $34 alone, the savings are negligable. Not a real great deal to begin with, but if for whatever reason you wanted an original GBA, $59 is still $10 cheaper than it's normal list - PLUS you get the E-reader free.
[quote name='fitzcain']definitely a YMMV type of situation, the madden football one a few weeks back probably sent ripples of awareness at target, that people are exploiting this "currently valid" raincheck policy. (or as we say here taking advantage of a liberal policy, not exploiting, no, never). :whistle2:$
The rainchecks should technically work for same type of item, computer game for computer game, console for console, etc. However, still up to the manager on duty if the clerk calls for one, I managed a 2 out of three on this, and got it to work twice, third time was told had to wait for game to come back in a few weeks to use, and then, must be a computer football game, (to my knowledge, there aint any others), manager was just making stuff up, but I didnt argue, just said "okay thanks". Try at a different store, or go back later and hope you get someone else. Also if you can try to get something the exact same price so it is price for price will also help, the more things you dont have to try to explain, like console game vs computer game, etc. The easier it will be. Good luck. 8)[/quote]

Uh hum, I was able to get 2 games last week using the rainchecks. Got Nfl Street for $18.xx and TMNT for $14.xx. Gave TMNT to son and sold Nfl Street for $41 on ebay. I have 14 more rainchecks if somebody interested. Selling $5 each.
Damn, Wario Ware is a great game! I'm all over that.

So the sale is still on until EOB today, right?

Selling Rain Check for $5.00 Each ""ARE YOU OK"" ???

I just pickup 3 Rain Check today ( Yu Yu Hakusho 43.3 % off) but I don't know whenever i USE It. I may come back pickup some more for a FRIEND's for free but not going to ripping them off for $$$$.
[quote name='Masterkyo']ccieid10t

Selling Rain Check for $5.00 Each ""ARE YOU OK"" ???
I may come back pickup some more for a FRIEND's for free but not going to ripping them off for $$$$.[/quote]

=D> Yea i picked some of those too and gave them away to other friends. its not as good as the 63% madden but at least with these there would be no hassles because its console game for console game.

$5?!?! ha! Wasnt someone else here selling them for $1? At least thats fair.
I went to 2 different Targets and both were out of Wario Ware, Inc. I asked for a raincheck and both places told me that I'm not able to get one because it's a temporary price cut. WTF???? I was really pushing too and they wouldn't give me one so I just left. Is this a YMMV type deal when it comes to the rainchecks?
Per the policy, they aren't to give you a raincheck if it's a temporary price cut. It only applies if there is a advertised special they don't have in stock.
Jsweeney: If that is their policy, then is it based on the clerk's knowledge, or the computers knowledge? Reason being is when I asked for a Raincheck, I got an immediate "Not a problem". He took the tag from the display case and entered the product code in the computer which spit out the raincheck with no issue. Based on this, I'm guessing it depends on the clerks knowledge... in which case, it's YMMV.
Target's ad spells this out in the back. They have "low prices", which means that's how much something costs all the time. NFL Street for $49.99 is a "low price", for example. There is a "temporary price cut". These are markdowns from the "low price", and last for a while. Then there are "sale prices"--markdowns that are only good for a week (until the next ad).
It can also depend on how you talk to the clerk. If you are too pushy, forget about it. Just ask for one, if no, walk away and try somewhere else.
actually buying the rainchecks? no thanks (still got 9 myself and probably wont get around to using them before they expire)......getting the raincheck is easy, its using it that gets tedious. Good work though, on scoring some games with them. Only us CAGs would go to the trouble of waiting for a game to be out, get a raincheck, and substitute with it. Kind of a weird policy, though, huh? :whistle2:k No other stores do this, (that I know of)
[quote name='neopolss']It can also depend on how you talk to the clerk. If you are too pushy, forget about it. Just ask for one, if no, walk away and try somewhere else.[/quote]

If they aren't going to give it to you you might as well have some fun and be pushy :lol:
hey was wondering if anyone could clear up my confusion on the rain checks. If my Target doesn't have a title wether it be wario or not and that title was sale priced (not temporarily discounted)then i can get a rain check? Then could someone explain the percentages you are all talking about, based on regular price? then if the game never comes in again i can use it for another game?? Sorry hopefully someone can give me an example of how this works
You can use it for anything in the same category at any time up until the expiration date on the rain check. You can either exchange the rain check for the item that was missing, or get the same percentage off of another game.

Another question, maybe YMMV--do they actually check if they have the game? I got a small one today (23% for GTA double pack), and the clerk jsut looked at the ad, looked at some numbers on a sheet, typed something up and I got a rain check in like a minute.

Were they accessing an inventory system to make sure it was gone? Or do they just take your word for it? They had a ton of Yu Yu games at my Target, but I'm thinking its worth asking for a raincheck anyway and if their computer says it's there I'll just play dumb and say I guess I missed it and I'll look again.
bread's done