Warner Bros paid YouTubers for Positive Reviews - fined by FTC

I guess even PewDiePie was paid off by the Warner Brothers (and their sister Dot) to say nice things about Shadow of Mordor, which is odd because I thought that guy communicated exclusively in screams.

I cannot believe people actually enable PDP. Just proves any moron can make money in this country. And it's amusing to me that is 2016 and there are still people shocked about studios and companies paying critics off to say positive things about their products. This is like old news. It's one of those things that everyone knows goes on but not much can be done unless you actually get caught.

Not to validate or invalidate PewdiePie...but if you watch his explanation video, he actually raises some good points. This was mostly bullshit "journalism" trying to get more clicks by putting his name in the headline.
bread's done