Warning for anyone who takes Ebay feedback at face value...


141 (100%)
Ebay can be a reliable source of a person's history if they are new to a forum and don't have local feedback, but you must MAKE SURE the person giving you an Ebay ID to vouch for himself actually owns that Ebay ID. I busted somebody trying to scam me on the Neo Geo forums yesterday, check it out:


Be careful, guys! Though I will say there is a much higher rate of scamming going on at the Neo Geo forums due to the amount of money involved in some of the transactions.
I think secretvampire is right, it belongs in the trading forum.

Other traders who've used their ebay feedback to scam include:

Cloudspekk - Had 100% on ebay, didn't mean shit
Good job on catching that scammer OP. And this does seem more appropriate in the trading forum since technically it has nothing to do with auctions.
Thats why i don't accept ebay feedback no matter what. I get alot of heat for it but i don't care. I am protecting myself and my investments.
Feedback is feedback. I absolutly dispise this whole well I have more feedback so you send first garbage absolutley dispise it.A scammer is a scammer.It's like if im over at TGNI could easily say this is my ebay feedback or this is my CAG feedback I can lie about those too if I wanted to.I hate the whole I have 4 feedback on CAG yet I have 57 on ebay which is legit and more than enough proof of my selling and buying history.Everyone seems tho think it's just ebay that's the problem.Dazz seriously it's the same everywhere I could go on another site right now and make an account and call my name dazz3321 show them your account well it looks the same so why not.
There is many ways to check out ebay feedback.You could ask me for my email address and then go on ebay and send me a question or something and if it is really my account i'll answer back if it's not i wont get the email.I dont see what the big deal about ebay is it's the same as any other site and a scammer is a scammer if they want they will find a way to try an scam you.When I was on 1up.com a guy contacted me about trading for a PSP I accepted and we did the whole you send first thing I sent my stuff and got no PSP back and he had tons of positive feedback so who is to say anyone of you won't do the same just becasue you have so much feedback?(Im not accsing anyone lol) it happens and being ripped of sucks hard I've had happen many time to me.Feedback is feedback if your that concerned you can even email ebay and ask for my real name on the account.A trade should be sent at the same time and both must get trackign and insurance bottom line peopel seem to think becasue people have lower feedback there not to be trusted yet who is to say we always can trust someone who has lots.I can come on here make a couple of trades buy some 7.00 -10.00 games get some feedback then make a huge trade and rip someone off it happens and these people are out there and there gonna do regardless of who much feedback they have it's just a matter of time.
Well, my point is basically that Ebay feedback can be just as good as any other feedback, just MAKE SURE that you verify that the person actually owns the Ebay ID by sending them an email THROUGH EBAY.

True, there is no way to guarantee you won't get ripped off on the internet. However, there are a lot of precautions you can take that will cut it down to a very low percentage. I have done probably 30-40 transactions through this forum and a couple of others and I haven't gotten ripped off once. I've been very satisfied. Just know how to protect yourself!
Exactly it can happen anywhere just make sure you look after yourself.I just ogt 1 feedback on here myself and the seller both sent same time everyhting was great.I always make sure that both sides gets tracking that's the best way cause if someone scams you you have proof you have there name on thetracking slip that they received your item then it's just a matter of taking them to the post office.
You know what would be a smart idea on here say if you want to use any other kind of feedback not from this site it will have to be verified and once you are verified your name should go on a list saying that this persons ebay name and TGN name or whatever is this and this and they are verified that way people can check and they know it's fine becasue the person has succesfully verified it
bad thing about feedback is that someone could have perfect feedback and allow someone else to use that ebay account. or they could get ripped off big time and to say with hell with this and start ripping others off. They could go well i might have 12 negs but i have like 500 pos.

i used to have 100% feedback on ebay until some idoit goes and says they didnt get a package after i told them i had pc issues and wasnt able to ship their item out the next day. The dude goes okay but then 2 days later reports neg feedback about item not leaving ..... I could of left neg back but wasnt worth my time
Don't be daft. There are dozens of trading forum on the internet. A scammer could just use his ebay feedback and go from forum to forum scamming people. So what if someone's ebay feedback is high? Just because he's established at eBay doesn't mean he won't try to scam at CAG/TGN/Digitpress/IGN (as proven by Cloudspekk). I don't care if a trader has 150 feedbacks from TGN, if he has 0 feedback here, he's sending first if I have more feedback. Someone's actions on another site doesn't reflect his future actions here.

I never use my CAG feedback if I trade anyplace else. The only reason why I might mention it is to put across the point that I've had experience trading before and that there's no need to treat me like I'm a trading newbie.
That's why we ought not to use eBay (or any other) feedback as our backing instead of CAG feedback. I've got mine up to see in conjunction with my CAG feedback because I only have 2 here, but over 50 on eBay. My user name is the same, so I think it makes things a little easier.

Treat CAG like any other place. eBay wouldn't let you use your CAG feedback. Why should we expect (or do) vice versa here?
[quote name='nachzeher']I think secretvampire is right, it belongs in the trading forum.

Other traders who've used their ebay feedback to scam include:

Cloudspekk - Had 100% on ebay, didn't mean shit

Just FYI, Cloudspekk has changed his eBay to liquidkoala

141 Feedback
100% Positive
ok but ho is to say becasue you have high feedback you wont rip someone off? it's easy to make a few deals for 10.00 and get feedback
[quote name='b3b0p']When you leave feedback on the new system does it in any way contact the person? Especially when leaving negative feedback?

I don't want him coming back here.


It sends a PM. So if he already left, he won't get the message.
[quote name='cmagus']ok but ho is to say becasue you have high feedback you wont rip someone off? it's easy to make a few deals for 10.00 and get feedback[/QUOTE]

Trust me, it has been done before. thats the thing about trading over the net, its always a risk no matter what the circumstances.
[quote name='jclast']It sends a PM. So if he already left, he won't get the message.[/QUOTE]

But if he has it setup so when he gets a PM he gets an email, then he'll know.
My opinion is feedback on the site other than the one you are dealing on doesn't mean much. I have over 200 FB on eBay (100%) but don't mention it with CAG dealings.
[quote name='b3b0p']But if he has it setup so when he gets a PM he gets an email, then he'll know.[/QUOTE]

Hmm, that's a good point.

Maybe a mod could help out and leave the feedback without notifying the scammer?
Shouldn't he have the right to get a PM notification like everyone else? Though I really doubt he's going to get a PM notification e-mail and decide that means he should come back to CAG and start scamming.
I don't particularly think so. In all actuality, I'd like the option to turn off PM notification that feedback has been left for me.

Did people get PMs with the old system?

If I want to officially report that a trade was terrible, why should I have to tell the terrible trader that I'm doing it?
It's not that I think he will come back to scam, but he might send me a message. I really just don't ever again want to hear from him.

Plus, he could just as well leave me negative feedback even though I never did anything except be gulliible and get completely ripped.

In my opinion, Ebay feedback, or feedback from any other place than CAG, is only useful to brand-new CAGers looking to make their first deals. It's hard to get the ball rolling- so many scamming jerks out there has us all on edge. Offering up the rep at other sites is a good way to help take the edge off those first few deals, so the other person may be more willing to deal. Once you've got some feedback tho', it's useless.

And I always reccomend looking into the other person's info when you start a trade anyway. It's not hard to track previous posts/ look up old feedback, and you can contact those people and ask specifics about the dealings.
You guys might have saved me 120$. I was planning on buying a DS from a guy here who was a newbie had 0 feedback and reffered to Ebay feedback right away. Then i told him on thurs. i would be able to mail in his money order on around...friday. and have i heard from him since? nope. and what's suspicious to is in sending an e-mail feature here he declined it. So luckily i called up and canceled my money order.
[quote name='wubb']My opinion is feedback on the site other than the one you are dealing on doesn't mean much. I have over 200 FB on eBay (100%) but don't mention it with CAG dealings.[/QUOTE]

I agreed, the problem with other feedback is that if the deal goes bad you can't leave a negative there.
bread's done