Was there a big price drop on xbox 360 hd dvd players


I was in a local Walmart last night and saw it marked down to $130 on sale. Should I go pick one up at that price?
[quote name='pinebarrens']I was in a local Walmart last night and saw it marked down to $130 on sale. Should I go pick one up at that price?[/quote]

If you don't have a PS3, have a HDTV, and want HD movies, absolutely. Just remember, there's at least a 1 in 2 chance HD-DVD gets BetaMax'd at some point.

I got one for $200 and am very satisified. It works great, but keep in mind all HD movies aren't created equal picture/sound quality wise. I check www.avsforum.com for PQ/SQ reviews before buying a HD-DVD.

Also, I figure if HD-DVD dies, I can always eBay my collection.

Go for it, I say! :bomb:
[quote name='pinebarrens']I was in a local Walmart last night and saw it marked down to $130 on sale. Should I go pick one up at that price?[/quote]

Make sure it's not a returned open box, and also maybe it was just on sale but retail is still $199:roll:
[quote name='anomynous']I just went to Wal Mart, it was still $196.96 at mine[/QUOTE]

Same. Could be a regional thing or just trying to clear some shelf space for the PS3s.
I was going to go pick one up today, but I called and they were sold out. Hopefully the sale price continues until they get more in. Dammit I waited too long.:bomb:
My only complaint about the 360 HD-DVD player is that you get live notices while watching movies. I hate it when Im in the middle of a movie and I get so and so is online.

I wonder if this is a clearance sale for some walmarts. If it just a regular sale I could see $180, but the cost on these is about $170 so why would walmart take a loss other than to move them off the shelves for something else.
[quote name='rodeojones903']My only complaint about the 360 HD-DVD player is that you get live notices while watching movies. I hate it when Im in the middle of a movie and I get so and so is online.

I wonder if this is a clearance sale for some walmarts. If it just a regular sale I could see $180, but the cost on these is about $170 so why would walmart take a loss other than to move them off the shelves for something else.[/quote]

you are able to turn off those notifications. hit the x on the middle of the controller than hit settings.
[quote name='nativetongue88']you are able to turn off those notifications. hit the x on the middle of the controller than hit settings.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for passing that along. Problem solved. :D
[quote name='magiic']Part of me wants to get the HD player for the 360 but I just dont want to risk it getting beta max'd[/QUOTE]

get it and rent movies. if you do buy look at it this way. since you can hook it up to a pc and use it to rip movies, if hddvd dies, just rip your discs and burn them on blu ray.
[quote name='magiic']Part of me wants to get the HD player for the 360 but I just dont want to risk it getting beta max'd[/QUOTE]

Yes, I'm sure that was an issue for you since you were what, 2?
Okay, I called again today to see if they got any more in and the lady told me that her store clearanced the hd dvd players out and would no longer be carrying them. So I guess I'm SOL.
[quote name='Walt Jay']If you don't have a PS3, have a HDTV, and want HD movies, absolutely. Just remember, there's at least a 1 in 2 chance HD-DVD gets BetaMax'd at some point.

I got one for $200 and am very satisified. It works great, but keep in mind all HD movies aren't created equal picture/sound quality wise. I check www.avsforum.com for PQ/SQ reviews before buying a HD-DVD.

Also, I figure if HD-DVD dies, I can always eBay my collection.

Go for it, I say! :bomb:[/quote]

na, id say its about a 1 in 4 chance. there's a 50/50 chance both will survive. well its actually probably closer to 70/30 chance both will. being that HD-DVD is almost assuradly surviving in europe & asia. sony's has a big lead because of all the sales on BR movies and the influx of PS3s atm. but in the grand scheme of thing thats only about 1-2% of what the market will be when players are at the $250 mark. and HD-DVD should get there this year, whereas BR will still be around $350 by xmas.
I think the reason that they spin it that way, is that when amazon went on sale w/ bluray it was a sale. They weren't clearancing out their collection. Walmart managers do YMMV clearances on items that aren't selling well in their district, and are just taking up shelf space. So in this case, Walmart is "clearancing" out the HDDVD players, not just putting them on sale. They will likely not restock them in the future, unlike amazon keeps restocking the bluray's.
Awesome deal if you can find one. Over the last few weeks a lot of new titles have been announced, check the XBox 360 forum in the HD-DVD software thread for a link to upcoming releases. If you're a 360 owner who wants cheap high def movies, this is about as good a way to go as any.

This thread was Kotaku'd and led to one of the stupidest articles I've seen in a long time on that site. Because you found the player on clearance at your Wal-Mart, Kotaku essentially declared the format dead. (edit - didn't see Thrustbucket's post on the first page)
As always, these Walmart deals are YMMV, when you see a deal like that you have to jump on it right away! I have 3 Walmarts within 7 miles of each other and only 1 has stuff in a clearance isle here and there and when you see something you have to grab it or the next guy will!
This is an incredible price and I think I might pick one up even though I already have a stand alone. For those of you who think it will have the same fate as Betamax just remember that that format was created by Sony not Toshiba :p
Anyone who thinks HD DVD is losing/will lose the format war should clue themselves in on the fact that very few people own these players so whatever sales lead one side claims to have is completely meaningless. And by that I mean less than 1% of the population. Both formats will be around for quite some time, have no fear.
I feel pretty confident about HD DVD, I have a couple of friends in the porn biz and it seems like alot of their studios are starting to adapt HD DVD. If memory serves me right istn't porn what helped VHS win over Beta Max? Never underestimate the power of smut!
San Gabriel, CA - 196.96. Had the guy in the electronics department pull one and ring it up. Still another half-dozen of them around in a 15 mile radius at least.
[quote name='thrustbucket']http://kotaku.com/gaming/hd-dvd/rumor-360-hd-dvd-players-now-cheaper-245746.php

Really amazing how Kotaku spins this with bluray fanboism. Why isn't the 50% off sale at Amazon considered bad news for BD?

Last I checked the add-on was selling like hot cakes and was hard to even find a month or two after release.

In no way do I see this as a bad sign for HD DVD. Quite the opposite.[/QUOTE]

I must say, Joystiq's and Kotaku's sensationalism as of late has gotten out of control lately. It doesn't even seem like they're doing the journalist's work anymore, instead they seem to be ready to publish anything that will get them hits, or publicity, or get them to be talked about. Though it's arguable that all of the above IS the journalist's work, but I digress.

I guess to use an analogy, they're both becoming less and less like actual news outlets, and becoming more like tabloids.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']

I guess to use an analogy, they're both becoming less and less like actual news outlets, and becoming more like tabloids.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='A Happy Panda']I must say, Joystiq's and Kotaku's sensationalism as of late has gotten out of control lately. It doesn't even seem like they're doing the journalist's work anymore, instead they seem to be ready to publish anything that will get them hits, or publicity, or get them to be talked about. Though it's arguable that all of the above IS the journalist's work, but I digress.

I guess to use an analogy, they're both becoming less and less like actual news outlets, and becoming more like tabloids.[/quote]

yea. well they make the $$$ off of traffic. and HD-DVD/Blu-Ray and 360/PS3 generates a lot of it thesedays.
bread's done