WASD or the arrow keys


Well i when i play computer and if i have a game that dosent work with i joy stick. Well i have to choices 1. WASD or 2. the arrow keys. Well i would pick WASD i would like to know what you use.
I used to use arrow keys a long time ago. wasd is way better.

Ctrl should be crouch always. q should be a lean or quickswitch.
[quote name='The VGM']I used to use arrow keys a long time ago. wasd is way better.

Ctrl should be crouch always. q should be a lean or quickswitch.[/QUOTE]

Shift is the best crouch button. Why are we just discussing crouch?

Q: Lean or Quickswitch
E: Lean or Sprint
R: Reload
F: Use
Shift: Crouch
Z: Quickswitch
X: Flashlight
C: Prone
V: Sprint
Space: Jump

There is my basic setup.
i was die hard arrow user, i even made a topic like this about over a year ago at pcmech.com, and arrows lost pretty badly. I dont remember when i stopped using arrows and started awsd, but there was some game where you couldnt change the controls that probably made me do it, and now i dont regret it at all. I use to use the arrows and have reload on the mouse, but hitting r for reaload is just second nature and what not now. everyone who uses arrows should try to switch to awsd, it thought it was stupid and impossible, but it is ohhh so worth it.
[quote name='SolidSnakeX99']Actually, I use ESDF, yes it's crazy.[/QUOTE]

Were you a hardcore Tribes 2 player back in the day? I used to play Starsige Tribes, but I never got into Tribes 2.
i used the homekeys for years... a-action button
d-secondary fire
f-fire g-reload
w/e- strafe left/right
space bar- jump
i recently started using wasd cuz im too lazy to config...
[quote name='coolcps']everyone who uses arrows should try to switch to awsd, it thought it was stupid and impossible, but it is ohhh so worth it.[/QUOTE]
Agreed....I used arrow keys for the longest time, but never switched any other keys except "jump". I was pretty darn good at reachin' for "r" (reload) and the number keys (when i didnt have a scroll mouse) to change weapons. Then one day I said to myself, "damn it, if everyone else can do it why can't I?", and after about 2 days of playing CS and Wolfy:ET, I was hooked. Everything is all right there for ya. Plus i got sick of moving the keyboard to the left about 8 inches so that I could comfortably use the arrows.
[quote name='The VGM']I used to use arrow keys a long time ago. wasd is way better.

Ctrl should be crouch always. q should be a lean or quickswitch.[/QUOTE]
I'm an arrow key user. But, and this is very important, the keyboard must be set-up so that the arrow keys are even with the other keys on the keyboard. Sometimes they are set a little lower than the rest...and that won't work. I use:

RShift - jump
RCtrl - crouch
keypad1 - reload
keypad 0 - prone
enter - use

Most other things that are useful are mapped to my mouse. I dont bother with lean options. I could also map stuff to Del, End, PgDown, or keypad4.

I've tried wasd, but damn, I always hit the wrong button. I like the way the arrows are seperated from the other keys so I don't get confused. Note I've been playing PC games for about 12 years.
[quote name='SolidSnakeX99']Actually, I use ESDF, yes it's crazy.[/QUOTE]
:lol: How the heck do you reach the Caps Lock/Ctrl keys comfortably?
WASD, I haven't used Arrow keys since the days of Doom 1 and 2. Trying to go back and use them now, I don't know how I did it before.
I used ESDF also for most my gaming life. My pinky can reach the shift and caplock as well as tab key fine. There are more keys around my left hand if I use ESDF rather than WASD. My pinky will have Q, A, Z, Caps Lock, Shift, & Tab rather than just the latter 3 + Ctrl with WASD. I use Mouse2 to jump and Shift to crouch, with space as secondary fire.
[quote name='SOSTrooper']I used ESDF also for most my gaming life. My pinky can reach the shift and caplock as well as tab key fine. There are more keys around my left hand if I use ESDF rather than WASD. My pinky will have Q, A, Z, Caps Lock, Shift, & Tab rather than just the latter 3 + Ctrl with WASD. I use Mouse2 to jump and Shift to crouch, with space as secondary fire.[/QUOTE]

You are like my long lost brother!
Count me in as a WASD convert.

Switched over 1st year of College when my roomate kept kicking my @$$ in Counter Strike. Ohh, how he regretted switching my control scheme over... ;)
r=plasma gun
z=lighting gun
mouse4=rocket launcher
mouse5=Grenade Launcher
for quake 3 :)
can't wait for quake 4
[quote name='Limpbizkit182521']I use WSQE, i think its more comfortable.[/QUOTE]

That's a new one. Although one of my friends uses mouse2 as foward, shift as backward, S and F to strafe, E to jump, D to couch. Its weird.
I've been using WASD since the early CS days (like 1.3 or something).

Since strafe is better than moving forward, I kept on WASD.
Arrow keys, tried WSAD over and over but my figures keep hitting the wrong keys.

Hey Frogger, I like your config. I have something simliar to it too.
No one likes Q for crouch? I found it works well when jump + crouching in games like Half-Life or Counter-Strike. I've stuck with the exact same configuration since Half-Life 1..

Q= Crouch
WASD = Movement
E = Use
R = Reload
Y = talk
U = team talk
[] = weapon switch

Then the mouse..

Mouse 1 = fire
Mouse 2 = alt
Mouse 3 = Zoom (usually)
Mouse 4 = Melee (works well in combination with WASD and Q)
Mouse 5 = Whatever else.. some games let you lay down or crouch, some games have an extra menu or 2.. that goes on Mouse 5.
Although not one of the two options listed...I use the num pad with the mouse:

5 - Forward
Enter - Back
4/6 - Strafe L/R
1/3 - Turn L/R
8/2 - Strafe Up/Down (from the Descent days)
Period - Jump
Plus - Special (i.e. crouch, etc)
9 - Use
2 years ago I would have said I will never EVER stop using the arrow keys. Nowadays I use WASD. Some game a while back I can't remember now forced me to use them and it was more comfortable and quick once I got used to it.
bread's done