Way to create jobs and/or jump-start consumer spending.

It's like the concept of saving money is alien to everybody these days.

Somebody says: "Hey guys, don't you think we should be saving some money just in case we find ourselves in a pickle?"

Somebody elaborates: "You know, we're in a pickle already, but we got all this money. What if we used it to pay off what we owe?"

Somebody explains: "I got fired because I'm fiscally responsible."
You are aware that stimulus funds weren't meant (or available) to all be spent in one year, right?

I guess not, if this topic exists.
[quote name='mykevermin']You are aware that stimulus funds weren't meant (or available) to all be spent in one year, right?

I guess not, if this topic exists.[/QUOTE]
What are you talking about? You mean you can't fix all the roads at the same time? Then republitards couldn't complain about all the added traffic.:cool:
Although the discussion can go way WAY off topic, typically the OP is the same topic as the thread title. By the way we're in the Winter season right now, not Summer.
Cripes, I went ahead and changed the thread title. I didn't think it was too hard to figure out what I was getting at, but some of y'all just didn't get it.
[quote name='Don Chubo']I don't think a couple of you fellows actually read the article.[/QUOTE]

That's cool. We don't think you did either.
[quote name='Don Chubo']Nice trolling with one of your ever-witty little bon mots.[/QUOTE]

It's pretty difficult for me to troll 14 words between your OP and the thread title, since that forms no basis for an argument, and linking to a story elsewhere is considered transgression in these here parts.

But I still find a way to make you look like you don't know what you are talking about. And you don't! Because I'm not convinced you read the article.
[quote name='Clak']Hmmm, would a zombie FDR still be crippled from polio?[/QUOTE]

We can wheel him around with a mask on ala Hannibal Lecter.
[quote name='Clak']Hmmm, would a zombie FDR still be crippled from polio?[/QUOTE]

In theory no, physical ailments (aside from the shamble caused by a missing leg) seemingly no longer effect a zombie. In reality, he wouldn't be crippled by the polio since the disease wouldn't have the correct flesh upon which to feast and manifest, however he may still have the resulting physical ailments (brittle bones, malformed muscles) that could cause some difficulties in ambulation. All in all, he'd be a slower slow zombie.
I wonder if Usain Bolt could be an "infected" type fast zombie, while still being a slow zombie strictly because of his living physique and muscle memory. That's some interesting shit there.
well there's still the jaw and all, it'd be like getting gnawed to death by an iguana with less crushing strength.
bread's done