web browser memort full


been surfing the web on the psp and get that memory full thing. How do I solve this. Probably a VERY old question, but I really have been playing games with it. Was in a coffee shop the other day and wanted to check my email....
The only valid solution is not to use the PSP to browse the net. Unfortunately.
You have to keep the limitations of the machine in mind. Back in the days when a 32MB Windows 95 system was the typical web client, most sites were a lot simpler. Nowadays, complex sites are designed with modern PCs in mind that have hundreds fo megabytes of RAM and fast hard drives for virtual memory.

If I bothered to get a WiFi card going in my old Toshiba Libretto 100, it would have a big advantage over the PSP for web browsing even though it has far less processing power.

Avoid using the tabs. This is a big memory eater.

Whenever a site offers a 'mobile' version aimed at handheld devices, use that. This mode will fit the screen better and limited the more excessive features that eat up memory.

For instance, for Joystiq, use http://m.joystiq.com
For PSP Fanboy, use http://m.pspfanboy.com/
Pocket PC Magazine list of useful mobile device sites: http://www.pocketpcmag.com/mobile/mobile.asp
Yahoo! Mobile http://mobile.yahoo.com/resource_center/wapdir

Another nice thing about these sites is they load a hell of a lot faster.
bread's done