WebRidestv.com: Free Ps3/Wii/360/iphone/amazon gift cards+many more

[quote name='SpitFire158']Again what does adding friends do?[/quote]

I think it's just like friends on any other social networking site.
is anyone getting this?

"DoS attack detected. All your street credit are belong to us! =)"

it hasnt took my points away but its scaring me...
[quote name='Nathan_Sama']is anyone getting this?

"DoS attack detected. All your street credit are belong to us! =)"

it hasnt took my points away but its scaring me...[/quote]I'm guessing you're using firefox and opening more than 5 tabbed windows. It happened to me right now. I guess they got wise to the fact that people are doing that, so they decided to do the whole DoS thing to slow people down. Don't worry, just wait a few seconds and start opening windows again and it'll work. I doubt they'll take points away, as there is nothing wrong with opening a bunch of windows to let them all load at once rather than going one by one.
It happens when you open more than one window of a video loading, generally. I had it occur after watching a video though, with no second windows/tabs either so its spotty at best ..
It happens when you load individual videos too quickly, as well. I only had one video up at a time with about a half-second or so in between and got the same message.
I believe it works like you get 3 points for a friend invite daily. But If the site stays up for the rest of the year, I'm aiming for that PS3!

BTW, my other account is tails66 (clever?) if you want to add
I got the message using only one tab. It freaked me out with the whole all your street points are belong to us. I've always done this site with only one tab, so I was gonna maul someone if they took away points. At least it was my second "mom"s account that that happened to, the other account I have is 780 points ahead. I don't think I'm going to be able to snag one of the gift cards, though. I'm standing 5000 points and there's only 91 left. It'll take me 2.5 weeks at this point to get enough to snag one of those giftcards, and that's assuming they don't inflate yet again. *sighs*
People wonder why the prize prices are going up, but everyone is talking about how they have a "second" account. I wouldn't be surprised if it was one account per household in the near future since people are taking advantage of it as it is.
[quote name='darkcecil32']I got the message using only one tab. It freaked me out with the whole all your street points are belong to us. I've always done this site with only one tab, so I was gonna maul someone if they took away points. At least it was my second "mom"s account that that happened to, the other account I have is 780 points ahead. I don't think I'm going to be able to snag one of the gift cards, though. I'm standing 5000 points and there's only 91 left. It'll take me 2.5 weeks at this point to get enough to snag one of those giftcards, and that's assuming they don't inflate yet again. *sighs*[/quote]

lol, i was like that too, i thought they took all my points and i was like crap a whole week wasted!
Rofl the same thing happened to me - that message came up and I came right here to tell you all. I guess its not serious, though.

Edit: by the way, my name on the site is Buxton if anyone wants to add me - same as here.
All you have to do to fix it, is to either wait a little bit or click on pictures instead of videos, then switch back to vids after about 5 pictures. Also, I'm not sure but somehow my point went up by adding friends even though I had max already. So two issues come to mind: Either you get the points after the friend agrees to become your friend or the points that you accrue from adding friends transfer over when the clock hits 12:00 AM for the next day's points maximum or you can get more than the maximum. Currently testing out the last theory. Name on Webrides site: Crazyglitcher
Well their TOS clearly indicates that two accounts is acceptable. So I feel no guilt in having a second account. It's creating more than 2 where it is no long amenable. Plus the reason prices are going are people setting up 20-30 accounts and accruing the referral bonuses in inordinate values.
BTW i posted that i ordered something at the start of the week and fri i got my hat so yes it works you order they email you to reply with your address and a week later get your goods i assume as long as the item is in stock
Does anyone know if they restock big items? Like I want a PSP or DS lite, and there aren't that many more left. That's all i want.
i told my friend about this and he signed up
the problem is that he has dial-up
would i be disobeying the ToS if i used his account?
i already have 2 but this one he made on his computer would be for his gain
what do you guys think?
I'm shooting for a 360 now, seeing as Live Search Club decided to remove theirs. Hopefully they'll still be there when I've got the points.
[quote name='Foladar']2 + 1 = 3
doesnt matter if its made at your place, his place, or another location.[/quote]
i dont like the inflation either, but hopefully they will crack down on the cheaters and bring the prices down. Still in the long haul for the PS3!
Anyone who wants can add Darklighter or Rifts as a friend.

I'm going for Mario Galaxy. After that, not sure. Probably Gift Cards or a DS Lite, if they're still giving out free stuff.
Added someone as a test friend, points didn't go past the 250 cap, FYI.

[edit] Amazon GCs went up -again- to 8750 for $50GC which is what, 1000 or so more? Yikes.
:D i got my hot wheels and condom samples 2 days ago LMAO
ima send a pic of me and the hot wheels to WebRidesTv
and get 250 more points >:p
This inflation is getting quite worrisome, I'm in it for a PS3 and if it starts inflating at the same % rate it could add months to the time to get it.
[quote name='Dakkon']This inflation is getting quite worrisome, I'm in it for a PS3 and if it starts inflating at the same % rate it could add months to the time to get it.[/QUOTE]

Supposely, their system will mark up the item if several people order it, but the PS3 has gone up atleast once, probably twice, and I don't think they've had many orders.
[quote name='Foladar']Supposely, their system will mark up the item if several people order it, but the PS3 has gone up atleast once, probably twice, and I don't think they've had many orders.[/QUOTE]

Hmm, I'm going to start keeping track of number left/price and see what's going on with the PS3. Cuz if it's going up with just a couple orders, it's hard to imagine it's not going to shoot up when this current wave of people doing it start getting the points to buy it.
Between yesterday night and this afternoon, the PS3 price jumped from 53500 to 56500 while the units left changed from 212 to 197. That's a 12 day increase in the "time to get" calculation. I'm beginning to think this isn't worth my time, hard to catch an ever increasing number, especially if it's increasing at 12x the rate you can earn credits.
[quote name='orbit18']lol, i was like that too, i thought they took all my points and i was like crap a whole week wasted![/quote]

i wanna bang that chick in ur avatar so hard
[quote name='Dakkon']Between yesterday night and this afternoon, the PS3 price jumped from 53500 to 56500 while the units left changed from 212 to 197. That's a 12 day increase in the "time to get" calculation. I'm beginning to think this isn't worth my time, hard to catch an ever increasing number, especially if it's increasing at 12x the rate you can earn credits.[/QUOTE]

PS3 is 59500 now. PSP and DS also went up, dunno if any others did.
well it looks like all the bigger shit will be impossible for me to get, so I'm gonna get something out of this, probably the tire gauge or keychain or something :p
[quote name='Foladar']PS3 is 59500 now. PSP and DS also went up, dunno if any others did.[/QUOTE]

Not only is it now 59500 in cost, units left has mysteriously dropped from 212 two days ago to 1 left today. That's quite a drop for one of the most expensive things there.
[quote name='Dakkon']Not only is it now 59500 in cost, units left has mysteriously dropped from 212 two days ago to 1 left today. That's quite a drop for one of the most expensive things there.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I checked a few of the bigger prizes (iphone, psp, ds, wii, ps3, 360). They all seem to have only 1 or 2 in stock. This seems really shady.
Has the site even existed long enough for people to get that many points?

50,000/250 = 200 days

If it did I wish I knew about it....
[quote name='NoZoL']i wanna bang that chick in ur avatar so hard[/quote]
I believe that would be Christina Aguilera.
bread's done