Weekend Impulse Buys - Red Faction: Guerilla = $15.99

[quote name='Archgarth']Great deal on a great game, bummer I already have it for the 360.[/QUOTE]
Yea its a very good deal, too bad if you already own, just like I do.
Will be picking this one up, I would like to wait for $10 though, which it probably will be by BF. I really want to give this a try prior to that. Can anyone comment how this works with the 360 gamepad on the PC.
CoD4 is also $29 plus another 20% off with the coupon.

How is their copy protection by the way...Can you install on as many PCs as you want?
I've been waiting for a good sale on this game. I need to feed my FPS craving! Almost done with Riddick: Escape from Dark Athena, so this will do nicely. Thanks OP!

Fake edit: Double thanks for reminding me of the survey code. I wrote that on a piece of paper and promptly lost it a few weeks ago.
[quote name='52club']Can anyone comment how this works with the 360 gamepad on the PC.[/QUOTE]

I tried it with my 360 gamepad and it seemed fine - though the patch that is currently awaiting MS approval is supposed to make gamepad play even smoother.

Too bad I bought it last Friday from Steam for $30...
[quote name='jalu6']CoD4 is also $29 plus another 20% off with the coupon.

How is their copy protection by the way...Can you install on as many PCs as you want?[/QUOTE]

It looks like RFG uses their GOO (Game Object Obfuscation) DRM. Once you activate the game to your email/account you can put it on any computer. I've also read that you can deactivate the game and sell it but I don't have any experience with that. Also, with Impulse you don't need to launch the client to run the game. I'm a big fan of impulse, but their catalog is tiny compared to Steam and it doesn't have any community features (friends, messaging, etc.).

GOO Article.

I'm tempted to pick this up even though I played the 360 version just so I can play it without screen tearing. ;)
RF:G is a Games for Windows Live game right? How does that work together with either of the downloading services?

Do we launch the game in the regular manner but need GFWL for multiplayer?
[quote name='basis']RF:G is a Games for Windows Live game right? How does that work together with either of the downloading services?

Do we launch the game in the regular manner but need GFWL for multiplayer?[/QUOTE]

When you buy the game you should be provided with a key for GFWL activation. Yes, you do need to create a GFWL account if you don't already have one.

Watch out with multiplayer though! It can take forever to get a match due to technical issues with the game - the impending patch will hopefully resolve this.
RF:G PC is $9.98 at Target if you can find it on clearance.

Just FYI for those that don't like digital downloads.
[quote name='basis']RF:G is a Games for Windows Live game right? How does that work together with either of the downloading services?

Do we launch the game in the regular manner but need GFWL for multiplayer?[/QUOTE]

This is GFW:L? That means achievements...hmm..ok, now I'm listening Impulse.
Keep in mind too that the PC version includes almost all the DLC so far from the console version. So you get Demons of the Badlands, some wrecking crew maps and i think a few exclusive maps. Don't remember exactly.

But good deal! I was waiting for something like this. Even though I've already rented and beaten it on console, I think it'd be a lot of fun on PC.
it'd be awesome if Steam would put COD4 on sale

pretty damn tempting to just get it on Impulse though especially with the 20% off code
Ha, had to go into town and stopped by my local target. And what do I find? But a copy of Red Faction: Guerrilla PC for $9.98. As much as I like having my copies digitally. I couldn't pass that up. Sorry xycury, but I'm keeping it :p
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']When did RF:G go to $10 at Target? I was in there a few days ago and it was still ringing up at $40.[/QUOTE]

It's not a universal price drop. It was on clearance which is different for every store. So just keep an eye on your video game clearance section. You never know when something like that will happen. If it hasn't gone on clearance yet, it will eventually.
I actually picked up a copy of this last week for the PC for 9.98 at Target as well. I was amazed when I saw it. It was the only one on the endcap. I grabbed that thing and ran. Awesome game.
I picked up one for a friend and myself. They had quite a few copies for $10 at all 4 Targets by me over the last couple weeks. Pretty sure they are all gone.

This game is great fun with a lot of replay value with the multiplayer modes. I wouldn't have minded paying $40 for it.
[quote name='Phaethon360']Can't use the coupon and pay with Paypal. Might use my card but that's annoying.[/QUOTE]

just use the paypal plug-in to generate a secure one time use credit card tied to your paypal account
Hot damn that is a good deal, depending on how good the port is. THQ really dropped the ball on Saint's Row 2, has Red Faction suffered the same fate?
It's not AS bad, but it has a few issues, particularly if you're running Windows 7, where it can make the game run too fast.
[quote name='DukeEdwardI']Ha, had to go into town and stopped by my local target. And what do I find? But a copy of Red Faction: Guerrilla PC for $9.98. As much as I like having my copies digitally. I couldn't pass that up. Sorry xycury, but I'm keeping it :p[/QUOTE]


oh well, I'll just check my targets, but I really didn't see any around.
Picked this up though this sale. I've played about three hours. It is that classic 7.5 out of 10 game that is just a lot of fun to play. Since this is a Game for Windows title achievements are included. A good deal at $16, but it would be great at the $10 some are paying.
[quote name='vherub']those of you who got it retail, since it has impulse goo drm, you should be able to activate it on impulse[/QUOTE]

That would be amazing, but I think that might be for digital copies only. I'm going to look into that though.

EDIT: You are indeed correct sir! That's awesome, I didn't have any idea. Source:

RF Guerrilla - Registering 3rd Party Copies with Impulse

Apparently, if you tie the game to the same e-mail address that your Impulse account is tied to, it will automatically register with Impulse. Awesome.
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[quote name='DukeEdwardI']That would be amazing, but I think that might be for digital copies only. I'm going to look into that though.

EDIT: You are indeed correct sir! That's awesome, I didn't have any idea. Source:

RF Guerrilla - Registering 3rd Party Copies with Impulse

Apparently, if you tie the game to the same e-mail address that your Impulse account is tied to, it will automatically register with Impulse. Awesome.[/QUOTE]

are there other games that do this too?
Thank you for posting this- I picked this up- made even better with 20% off. I really like Impulse- I've met the CEO (at PAX) really great guy.
[quote name='buckythekat']are there other games that do this too?[/QUOTE]

The games which use GOO probably do. As GOO is Stardock's form of DRM, so it only makes sense for it register with Impulse. All Stardock published games do as well.

The only one I know of so far is Red Faction: Guerrilla though. I think I remember hearing that Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor uses GOO as well.
My only gripe is one's "camoflauge" when in a vehicle. I wish it was like Mercenaries, so that if you're in an EDF vehicle, you'll be under cover unless you provoke the EDF.
bread's done