Welcome back program ending?

It's sad to see CAGers acting like dicks over this. If a store stopped their weekly sales Saturday at noon for without announcing it, everyone would be raising hell over it.
[quote name='praxus07']I'm sorry, but I really have to laugh at you guys that are all pissed off that Sony cut it short by a few hours.

You DID have a full month to get your shit, it's not Sony's problem if you feel you had to wait for one reason or another till the cut-off day to get the stuff.

It was YOUR choice to wait till the very last second, and now you're pissed because YOU waited so long. Kick Yourself in the ass, but don't go putting the blame on Sony for cutting a few hours off the deadline. It's your own fault for putting it off.

If I were a Sony employee I'd be snarky too, and tell everyone calling in crying that they missed the deadline that it's your own fault, and to get stuffed, then hang up on them.

You missed it, why should you be entitled to an extended deadline just because you were too lazy to get the downloads going days or weeks ago. Entitled Prats.....[/QUOTE]

It really doesn't matter if people waited until the last minute, because it's their right to do so. Sony said a month, then they pulled it a day early. If people wanted to wait unless the very last second before midnight they should have been able to. Considering this is a Welcome Back program to get in good graces with its customers, this isn't the sort of thing Sony should have pulled. It just makes Sony look like assholes.

Yeah they should have downloaded the crap earlier, but so what? A lot of people wanted to redeem their PS Plus at the last minute because the deals and free stuff sucked balls for the past month.
[quote name='Blackout']It really doesn't matter if people waited until the last minute, because it's their right to do so. Sony said a month, then they pulled it a day early. If people wanted to wait unless the very last second before midnight they should have been able to. Considering this is a Welcome Back program to get in good graces with its customers, this isn't the sort of thing Sony should have pulled.

Yeah they should have downloaded the crap earlier, but so what? A lot of people wanted to redeem their PS Plus at the last minute because the deals and free stuff sucked balls for the past month.[/QUOTE]

I agree with your first paragraph, but your second paragraph is logic fail. Why "should" have "they" downloaded whatever they wanted to in whatever time frame you deem reasonable? Isn't any time frame before the expiration date deemed reasonable? Once again, I had everything I wanted so I'm not butthurt; I just hate these logic fail people, you included.
[quote name='Kenshindono']wtf. Everything im seeing says it ends at midnight, why did they pull it early?![/QUOTE]Sony is a Japanese company and they really seem to have the habit (at least of late) of using Tokyo time instead of local time.

Its why the Uncharted 3 beta went live at 600 AM Tokyo time (of course their store isn't even online in Japan) and all of North America had access to the beta less than half the day... (and Europe had it for like two hours on the day it was suppose to come out.)
From a legal aspect, I would assume "through," when speaking about days, means "into and including." Therefore, all of July 3rd should have been included. Why the hell would Sony be so stupid as to not specify a time. This was inevitable. So dumb Sony.
A man driving his car is trying to get to work on time. He gets to a stop sign, but being that he's running late, he only slows down a bit and rolls through. A cop pulls him over. "Sir, you ran the stop sign. I'm going to have to ticket you."

The man replies that "I'm in a hurry, but I did slow down, can't you just let this one go?"

The cop asks the man to get out of his car. The man does. The cop takes out his nightstick and slams it against the man's face. "Ok," the police officer says, "do you want me to slow down, or stop?"
For a promotion that was meant to foster good will, Sony has done their best to do the exact opposite.

You're 100% right.
[quote name='Strell']A man driving his car is trying to get works. He gets to a stop sign, but being that he's running late, he only slows down a bit and rolls through. A cop pulls him over. "Sir, you ran the stop sign. I'm going to have to ticket you."

The man replies that "I'm in a hurry, but I did slow down, can't you just let this one go?"

The cop asks the man to get out of his car. The man does. The cop takes out his nightstick and slams it against the man's face. "Ok," the police officer says, "do you want me to stop, or slow down?"[/QUOTE]

Yeah, when you make a promise, carry it out to its extent.
[quote name='MikeBastard']I agree with your first paragraph, but your second paragraph is logic fail. Why "should" have "they" downloaded whatever they wanted to in whatever time frame you deem reasonable? Isn't any time frame before the expiration date deemed reasonable? Once again, I had everything I wanted so I'm not butthurt; I just hate these logic fail people, you included.[/QUOTE]

I should have included the word "maybe" in that second paragraph. I still say it's lame that Sony pulled the content early since I can't think of a good reason why they did so.
Overall, I just want to see something logical other than "lol you should have redeemed earlier lol you waited til last minute you deserved it lol." As I've said, referencing time frame is not an argument as, even if we assume EST, the deal would have ended like 36 minutes ago I believe. I'm in California and was going to double up on some gameshares and got screwed over around noon or 3pm EST. (Within Sony's established deadline, mind you.)
I waited at least 1-2 weeks into the program before downloading my free shit because there were too many people trying to grab their free stuff the moment the program went live and it kept giving me errors and disconnecting me.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Speaking of the UC3 beta, I'm assuming that once your PSN+ trial ends then you're locked out of the UC3 beta, since it does say PSN+ exclusive. So I guess I'm downloading this crap now just to be able to play it for a week and then have to delete it from my hdd.:roll:[/QUOTE]

If its like SOCOM 4, and I'm sure it is, you only need to be a PS+ member to download it... once downloaded any account can play it.
[quote name='Blackout']It really doesn't matter if people waited until the last minute, because it's their right to do so. Sony said a month, then they pulled it a day early. If people wanted to wait unless the very last second before midnight they should have been able to. Considering this is a Welcome Back program to get in good graces with its customers, this isn't the sort of thing Sony should have pulled. It just makes Sony look like assholes.

Yeah they should have downloaded the crap earlier, but so what? A lot of people wanted to redeem their PS Plus at the last minute because the deals and free stuff sucked balls for the past month.[/QUOTE]

Wording can be interpreted in different ways especially when a specific time isn't mentioned. If I had not downloaded my stuff and saw that it was ending anytime on the 3rd, especially when a specific time was not given, ie 12:01am July 3rd, I'd have used my brain and said to myself that Hmm, maybe I should get the downloads started sometime before Saturday turned into Sunday on the off chance the wording was off, or I misinterpreted it.

If a person chooses to wait till the very last opportunity and that opportunity ends, too freaking bad. In my view it's not Sony looking like asses, it's the people who waited till the last possible minute and are now bitching about their foolishness.

The fact is it was free, and it was optional. Sony didn't have to give anything, they did, these people didn't take advantage of it for days and weeks, and are now complaining because they CHOSE to put it off.

And my clock might be two minutes off from Sony's. Am I going to come here whining about Sony because my watch is two minutes slow and I missed out on a deal? It's the entire "I'm Entitled" mentality that kills me.

They were entitled, for a whole month.
[quote name='MikeBastard']Overall, I just want to see something logical other than "lol you should have redeemed earlier lol you waited til last minute you deserved it lol." As I've said, referencing time frame is not an argument as, even if we assume EST, the deal would have ended like 36 minutes ago I believe. I'm in California and was going to double up on some gameshares and got screwed over around noon or 3pm EST. (Within Sony's established deadline, mind you.)[/QUOTE]

I never said people deserved to get screwed out of the content. Going along those lines though, the PSN hack proved that people will defend companies like Sony no matter how little care for the consumer they have. The outrage at the people who didn't download the stuff is nothing new.
[quote name='praxus07']Wording can be interpreted in different ways especially when a specific time isn't mentioned. If I had not downloaded my stuff and saw that it was ending anytime on the 3rd, especially when a specific time was not given, ie 12:01am July 3rd, I'd have used my brain and said to myself that Hmm, maybe I should get the downloads started sometime before Saturday turned into Sunday on the off chance the wording was off, or I misinterpreted it.

If a person chooses to wait till the very last opportunity and that opportunity ends, too freaking bad. In my view it's not Sony looking like asses, it's the people who waited till the last possible minute and are now bitching about their foolishness.

The fact is it was free, and it was optional. Sony didn't have to give anything, they did, these people didn't take advantage of it for days and weeks, and are now complaining because they CHOSE to put it off.

And my clock might be two minutes off from Sony's. Am I going to come here whining about Sony because my watch is two minutes slow and I missed out on a deal? It's the entire "I'm Entitled" mentality that kills me.

They were entitled, for a whole month.[/QUOTE]

Apparently Sony's clocks were off by more than 2 minutes. Comments from the Playstation blog:

July 3rd, 2011 at 9:36 am: "
It’s morning of July 3, but the welcome back program is already gone. A day early, very nice Sony.
Also, logging into the PSN shows me a grey screen with
Site Maintenance Notice
The server is currently down for maintenance.
What a welcome! Ah well, didn’t really want the free games. Too bad I bothered to update the firmware to see this.

There are a million reasons why it is perfectly legitimate for someone to wait until the last day of a specified period in order to take advantage of a deal. If no one ever took advantage of deals on the last day, and a company cancelled the deal TWO days early, you'd probably argue that it was stupid to wait until the 2nd to last day. lol.
I got all of my freebies on day 01 but that doesn't remove my ability to empathize with those who got screwed by Sony officially and repeatedly claiming that the program would last through July 3rd 2011.

You have to take into account that Sony's arrogance, bravado, and antagonistic positioning is partially responsible for them being such a large target to hackers in the first place.

Acting like this on the tail-end of a goodwill gesture is just one more excuse to move them up a notch on the hitlist after months of working on not being so high-up on that very list.

It's just dumb and every person who is concerned about their private data should be weary of Sony acting like douchebags towards anyone ever at this point. Sony's Playstation division should be acting thoughtfully and carefully after flushing hundreds of millions of dollars down the drain as more debacles of this nature and scale are not financially tolerable let alone sustainable.

You just can't screw up like this in the internet age of social media domination. Even the slightest negligible infractions get plastered everywhere always. It's bad PR and it's bad business despite what anyone thinks of the people who procrastinated.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I waited at least 1-2 weeks into the program before downloading my free shit because there were too many people trying to grab their free stuff the moment the program went live and it kept giving me errors and disconnecting me.[/QUOTE]

There's waiting a reasonable amount of time, and then there's waiting till the last second. If you know a local sale is going on do you wait to go till the last hour hoping to get something? Knowing you the little I do I can say I doubt it...LOL.
[quote name='Blackout']Going along those lines though, the PSN hack proved that people will defend companies like Sony no matter how little care for the consumer they have.[/QUOTE]

I find this part to be really sad.
[quote name='praxus07']There's waiting a reasonable amount of time, and then there's waiting till the last second. If you know a local sale is going on do you wait to go till the last hour hoping to get something? Knowing you the little I do I can say I doubt it...LOL.[/QUOTE]

Wrong. See above.
Yes your honor, I know I broke out of prison a day early, but I figured I had served a reasonable amount of time. :)
[quote name='praxus07']Wording can be interpreted in different ways especially when a specific time isn't mentioned.[/QUOTE]

This is exactly what happened.

When the blog says this:

Q: How long do I have to get into the PlayStation Store and receive my content for Welcome Back?
A: Access to the Welcome Back content will be expiring on July 3. Once this date has passed, the Welcome Back section in the PlayStation Store will be removed.

and this:

Q: When will I have access to the Welcome Back Program?
A: The content offered as part of the Welcome Back Program is available for download today and will be available through July 3.

You should NOT trust their wording 100%. It's obvious the way that they worded it wasn't perfect and that you should redeem all the welcome back items BEFORE July 3rd. Yes, they said that the promotion would be active through July 3rd, but they also state it will expire on July 3rd. I have no idea why anyone would want to take a gamble and attempt redeeming anything on July 3rd when what they said seems to be a contradiction. Anyone that read the blog should've redeemed it a day before 7/3 at the latest based on common sense.
[quote name='Gamer4life88']On July 1st Sony posted on their blog that the welcome back package would expire on July 3rd. Now i know not a lot of people don't read the blog but they did at least put it out there. IDK, i guess i would be upset too if i was on the other side, but sometimes you can't always assume things especially with Sony.


Same blog also says:

“Q: When will I have access to the Welcome Back Program?
“A: The content offered as part of the Welcome Back Program is available for download today and will be available through July 3.”


—used as a function word to indicate a period of time: as
a: during the entire period of
b: from the beginning to the end of
c: to and including "

So Simple.
[quote name='sunghost']This is exactly what happened.

When the blog says this:

Q: How long do I have to get into the PlayStation Store and receive my content for Welcome Back?
A: Access to the Welcome Back content will be expiring on July 3. Once this date has passed, the Welcome Back section in the PlayStation Store will be removed.

and this:

Q: When will I have access to the Welcome Back Program?
A: The content offered as part of the Welcome Back Program is available for download today and will be available through July 3.

You should NOT trust their wording 100%. It's obvious the way that they worded it wasn't perfect and that you should redeem all the welcome back items BEFORE July 3rd. Yes, they said that the promotion would be active through July 3rd, but they also state it will expire on July 3rd. I have no idea why anyone would want to take a gamble and attempt redeeming anything on July 3rd when what they said seems to be a contradiction. Anyone that read the blog should've redeemed it a day before 7/3 at the latest based on common sense.[/QUOTE]

You missed an important part. Sure it says will be expiring on July 3 in one part of the page, but in that part (not the part where it says "through," which any idiot should be able to understand) it ALSO says "Once this date has passed." That means, that ONCE JULY 3rd is OVER, the deal is over. It really couldn't have been more clear.

But you're right. We were idiots to actually take Sony at their word. Clearly Sony can't be trusted.
Recurring theme in this thread:

Originally posted by JerryGarcia420
I was gonna get my freebie games but I wanted to wait because I was busy and stuff. Now they're all gone! The man's sticking it to us!!!

Originally posted by Turd McCurdy
I laugh at you and your entitlement to welfare games! You should have gotten them on the first of the month like everyone else. Get a jorb!
[quote name='sunghost']This is exactly what happened.

When the blog says this:

Q: How long do I have to get into the PlayStation Store and receive my content for Welcome Back?
A: Access to the Welcome Back content will be expiring on July 3. Once this date has passed, the Welcome Back section in the PlayStation Store will be removed.

and this:

Q: When will I have access to the Welcome Back Program?
A: The content offered as part of the Welcome Back Program is available for download today and will be available through July 3.

You should NOT trust their wording 100%. It's obvious the way that they worded it wasn't perfect and that you should redeem all the welcome back items BEFORE July 3rd. Yes, they said that the promotion would be active through July 3rd, but they also state it will expire on July 3rd. I have no idea why anyone would want to take a gamble and attempt redeeming anything on July 3rd when what they said seems to be a contradiction. Anyone that read the blog should've redeemed it a day before 7/3 at the latest based on common sense.[/QUOTE]

Common sense seems to be rare these days. Be it redeeming a free game or anything else, like texting while crossing a street, walking unknowingly into oncoming traffic (which I've seen personally, and the guy texting got mad like the cars driving down the street were in the wrong).

Unless an exact time was given that these would be pulled, anyone with any common sense should have known to try getting this stuff prior to the clock turning from saturday into sunday. Sony did nothing wrong, IMO. They are a foreign company, going on foreign time. Makes sense to me.
[quote name='Viche']You missed an important part. Sure it says will be expiring on July 3 in one part of the page, but in that part (not the part where it says "through," which any idiot should be able to understand) it ALSO says "Once this date has passed." That means, that ONCE JULY 3rd is OVER, the deal is over. It really couldn't have been more clear.

But you're right. We were idiots to actually take Sony at their word. Clearly Sony can't be trusted.[/QUOTE]

That's just proving my point. There are contradictions, and it would be a mistake to think one of the contradictions is correct without taking in the other and waiting until the last day.
[quote name='praxus07']There's waiting a reasonable amount of time, and then there's waiting till the last second. If you know a local sale is going on do you wait to go till the last hour hoping to get something? Knowing you the little I do I can say I doubt it...LOL.[/QUOTE]
I already hit up that Best Buy DVD/CD clearance last week. I got some good shit for just under $20 total, including 10 or so CD's and a bunch of DVD's.;)

So yeah, I know about not waiting till the last minute on a sale. Mind ya, I still haven't hit the local Blockbuster stores for the B1G1 sale.:razz: But that's cuz the local ones have nothing decent that I haven't already played.:booty:
[quote name='Viche']Same blog also says:

“Q: When will I have access to the Welcome Back Program?
“A: The content offered as part of the Welcome Back Program is available for download today and will be available through July 3.”


—used as a function word to indicate a period of time: as
a: during the entire period of
b: from the beginning to the end of
c: to and including "

So Simple.[/QUOTE]
It's not necessarily "so simple." Many people work Monday through Friday for example, yet they only work a finite number of hours in that time (typically 8-5 or 9-5). So even though something may be through a particular day, it doesn't automatically mean it lasts until 11:59pm on that particular day.

In some instances it does mean 11:59pm, but unless explicitly stated as such, I don't know why one would just assume so. Not to mention one would have to consider what 11:59pm is the right one? Eastern time? Cental? Mountain? Pacific? Hawaiian? Japan's time zone?
[quote name='praxus07']Common sense seems to be rare these days. Be it redeeming a free game or anything else, like texting while crossing a street, walking unknowingly into oncoming traffic (which I've seen personally, and the guy texting got mad like the cars driving down the street were in the wrong).

Unless an exact time was given that these would be pulled, anyone with any common sense should have known to try getting this stuff prior to the clock turning from saturday into sunday. Sony did nothing wrong, IMO. They are a foreign company, going on foreign time. Makes sense to me.[/QUOTE]

That makes them look even more asinine, posting an end date to a program in ENGLIGH on a US WEBSITE and using Japanese time?? Give me a break. Everyone knows what "through," and "once this date has passed" means. There was no ambiguity in their posting.
[quote name='sunghost']That's just proving my point. There are contradictions, and it would be a mistake to think one of the contradictions is correct without taking in the other and waiting until the last day.[/QUOTE]

No contradictions at all in Sony's post. And this can't be compared to a B&M sale because the inventory was not limited and the store has no closing time. It also can't be compared to a work day which usually ends before midnight. "Through" and "when this DATE passes" are pretty clear. Don't tell me Sony couldn't have checked the location of your PS3 and deactivated the deal for you at the right time. At the very least they could have use Somoa time. :)
Entitlement isn't always a bad word. In fact it's the exact terminology Sony uses in this very program to describe your digital ticket to claim your free games.

This is a purely digital offering and therefore there is no effective stock and the times are kept on world clocks and typically atomically so.
christ guys, dont be bitching at those who waited. Why the hell are so many people being angry dicks about this? Sony said through July 3rd. Now pretty much any other company on the planet usually takes that to mean till the END of that day. Not midnight the day before.

as saya quoted:
Q: When will I have access to the Welcome Back Program?
A: The content offered as part of the Welcome Back Program is available for download today and will be available through July 3.

As several other people have stated. Pretty much ANY company that says 'through july 3' means it ends that night, when it rolls over to the 4th. Im surprised how many sony fanboys seem to be backing Sony on this though honestly. Still, the response here is much more civil than the gamefaqs board, yeesh. But Gamefaqs is always a bunch of tards

Anyway, theres a lot of people saying 'but you had a whole month!' I wanted to repeat that for me i let it get so close because i havent used my PS3 in over a month =P actually didn't even really touch it while the PSN was down at all. As i said it doesn't seem to want to recognize disks so i had borrowed a friends PS3 for blu ray movies and havent even had mine plugged in. I just went online today to reset my PSN account and try to get my games since a friend told me it ended today. Wish i had known it actually ended YESTERDAY.

[quote name='Blackout']It really doesn't matter if people waited until the last minute, because it's their right to do so. Sony said a month, then they pulled it a day early. If people wanted to wait unless the very last second before midnight they should have been able to. Considering this is a Welcome Back program to get in good graces with its customers, this isn't the sort of thing Sony should have pulled. It just makes Sony look like assholes.

Yeah they should have downloaded the crap earlier, but so what? A lot of people wanted to redeem their PS Plus at the last minute because the deals and free stuff sucked balls for the past month.[/QUOTE]


its also worth mentioning that one of the reasons i never bothered hooking my system back up even though the network was back up was because of how often they screwed it up and brought it back down. I wanted to make SURE it was up and stable and they had no more security issues. Im sure a lot of other people were concerned about that too. How many times did it go up/down again? 3?
I got inFamous and Dead Nation, but I was going to activate PS+ on July 3rd. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only person puzzled about the missing welcome back option in the store.

First of all, the free content wasn't exactly A+ material, so I'm not terribly upset about missing out (although Dead Nation is a blast). Yes yes, I understand the early bird gets the worm and don't procrastinate analogies, but that doesn't apply here. The free content wasn't in limited quantities; every single psn member could have downloaded 4 free games and subscribed to a free 30-day trial, regardless of when he chose to.
If Sony had CLEARLY stated that the offer ended at a specific time, no one would be complaining right now about the deadline. Sony offered it for 30 days... yes people had (ample?) time, but why can't Sony extend it for a couple of more hours or better yet, till 11:59 p.m. July 3rd? Seems like an easy fix.

Seriously, what is the difference between downloading your game on Day 1 and Day 30? Do you receive a better game? Is the first second any more important than the last?
Why is this even up for discussion... Both sides have valid points.

Sony did make a contradicting statement, but on the other hand they didn't define what they consider "welcome back" content. I direct you to the "Playstation plus" Welcome Back Special Offers which is still listed under plus. However at the same time would planning ahead kill you?

I wrote on my phones calendar back when this started to redeem plus on the second. Being slightly proactive would have given you plus and hurt you in no way. While you have 1 less day; you're not going to hit next months content. At most you would make it to the second of next month giving you something like 4 hours to make the most of that months plus content (if they update it that week like they should). Then again wouldn't there be a topic about people pissed Sony only gave them 4 hours on that months stuff?

In the end there was no right time to redeem. The items changed a bit from different dynamic themes, killzone map pack 2 no longer free, Mag content no longer free, etc. Next month might be better, but prob wont be.

Either or the lack of being proactive is your own fault and I agree Sony could have handled it better, but when you have any given period of time it's best to plan ahead. Just think downloading 1 day earlier would have avoided all this bullshit =\
[quote name='Viche']No contradictions at all in Sony's post. And this can't be compared to a B&M sale because the inventory was not limited and the store has no closing time. It also can't be compared to a work day which usually ends before midnight. "Through" and "when this DATE passes" are pretty clear. Don't tell me Sony couldn't have checked the location of your PS3 and deactivated the deal for you at the right time. At the very least they could have use Somoa time. :)[/QUOTE]

Ok, how isn't it a contradiction? If I go by the definition you posted for "through" that would mean that the promotion would last for that entire day, correct? They said it will expire ON July 3rd, which is how it's contradicting. If it wasn't, that would mean it would end on July 4th, which it didn't.

I think this is almost as bad as when people complained about the selection of games Sony were giving for the welcome back program.. lol.
[quote name='Viche']That makes them look even more asinine, posting an end date to a program in ENGLIGH on a US WEBSITE and using Japanese time?? Give me a break. Everyone knows what "through," and "once this date has passed" means. There was no ambiguity in their posting.[/QUOTE]

I like how he criticizes people for not having common sense and then says that Sony did nothing wrong, even though Sony clearly wasn't using common sense here.
Again there are a million reasons why someone might have waited until the last day, and that would have been COMPLETELY IN THEIR RIGHT TO DO SO. Only Sony F'd up here.
[quote name='sunghost']Ok, how isn't it a contradiction? If I go by the definition you posted for "through" that would mean that the promotion would last for that entire day, correct? They said it will expire ON July 3rd, which is how it's contradicting. If it wasn't, that would mean it would end on July 4th, which it didn't.

I think this is almost as bad as when people complained about the selection of games Sony were giving for the welcome back program.. lol.[/QUOTE]

uhh.... "through" would mean "until the end of." 11:59:59 would be the end of. The deal should have ended at that time. 11:59:59 is also ON July 3rd. Once 11:59:59 passes, we'd be into the "once this date has passed" portion. Is this really so hard to grasp?
It's more than a lack of common sense on Sony's part when you consider that official blog posts of that nature are hand-crafted by PR and then run through legal before they ever get posted.
[quote name='sayu']I like how he criticizes people for not having common sense and then says that Sony did nothing wrong, even though Sony clearly wasn't using common sense here.[/QUOTE]

Yep. I can't think of any logical reason for why a person would be defending Sony here.
Forgot to reiterate to those who missed out, you could try to call SONY to get an extension on it. IT worked for me. The guy claimed i would be getting an email in 3-5 business days after they verify my eligibility (check serieal number, PSN account info, ect) We'll see if that works or not. I gotta keep an eye on the email though because its only a 24 hour pass =P i hope the games even download in time, i know PSN can be slow as hell sometimes

I still think they did a piss poor job with this in general.

Like i said, even if my system WAS working i still would have waited a while to actually redeem this. Maybe not quite as long but i would have waited at LEAST 2-3 weeks. The network went back up and down several times, with additional security breaches. I wonder what ever became of the governement investigation in this, if Sony was found liable for any of this crap
[quote name='Kenshindono']Forgot to reiterate to those who missed out, you could try to call SONY to get an extension on it. IT worked for me. The guy claimed i would be getting an email in 3-5 business days after they verify my eligibility (check serieal number, PSN account info, ect) We'll see if that works or not. I gotta keep an eye on the email though because its only a 24 hour pass =P i hope the games even download in time, i know PSN can be slow as hell sometimes

I still think they did a piss poor job with this in general.

Like i said, even if my system WAS working i still would have waited a while to actually redeem this. Maybe not quite as long but i would have waited at LEAST 2-3 weeks. The network went back up and down several times, with additional security breaches. I wonder what ever became of the governement investigation in this, if Sony was found liable for any of this crap[/QUOTE]

Yeah, the second I saw the deal was gone I planned on giving them a call. Good to know they agreed to help you out. That would be their only redemption at this point. The language of the deal is so CLEARLY in our favor it's not even funny. I wonder, will the haters contiue to hate if we get justice? :D
The blah plus offerings in June, what was withheld until the July 5th update, and Sony repeatedly stating through July 3rd was why a lot of people, understandably, waited and even if users were dumb for doing so it doesn't negate the fact that Sony changed the eligibility rules at the end of the game.

You can think that every single person who waited is a total tard but that doesn't make Sony any less slimy for doing this nor does it stop the incoming PR shitstorm as more and more of the press picks-up on it.

Sony doesn't need stupid mistakes right now period.
[quote name='sayu']I like how he criticizes people for not having common sense and then says that Sony did nothing wrong, even though Sony clearly wasn't using common sense here.[/QUOTE]

Why should a foreign company follow the US's schedule? They're not US based, so they follow their own countries schedule. That makes complete sense.
[quote name='Viche']uhh.... "through" would mean "until the end of." 11:59:59 would be the end of. The deal should have ended at that time. 11:59:59 is also ON July 3rd. Once 11:59:59 passes, we'd be into the "once this date has passed" portion. Is this really so hard to grasp?[/QUOTE]

Until the end of would have meant that it'd last until 11:59 pm on July 3rd. I think what they meant was that it'd EXPIRE on July 3rd, meaning 12 am on July 3rd. I don't believe they ended the promotion early, maybe that's where we both differ? I think it ended on time but the phrasing was a bit screwed up. That's how it's contradicting.. it obviously didn't last through July 3rd, it ended at 12 am (or supposedly did anyway, I don't know the exact time it ended). I'm done debating this since it's pointless.

I do think they should have given a time zone for the time that it'd end at.
[quote name='Viche']Yep. I can't think of any logical reason for why a person would be defending Sony here.[/QUOTE]I agree. Sony did this purposely to weed out the retarded from their user base.
[quote name='Gerry P.']I agree. Sony did this purposely to weed out the retarded from their user base.[/QUOTE]

I'm personally not trying to defend Sony. I think both sides are at fault, but it wasn't smart to redeem the welcome back stuff on the last day. It seems to me that people would rather place blame on someone or something else rather than themselves because it's so much easier.
bread's done