what are the best PS3 multiplayer games


39 (100%)
Pretty sure I'm gonna break down and buy a PS3 because of these nice BF package deals. I've kept up with reviews so I know which games are great for single player. What exclusive games are great for multiplayer?
My 360 will still be my online console of choice but I'm curious about how much fun Killzone resistance and drakes are online. Also doesn't Metal Gear have some kind of online mode?
For an exclusive PS3 games I would say WipEout HD. I tend to play Rock Band 2 and Tekken 6 online the most.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Fat Princess is pretty much the only answer.[/QUOTE]

Fat Princess was the biggest waste of $15, EVER. It has absolutely no substance to it. I tried my best to enjoy it, but that was in vain.
[quote name='jlarlee']Pretty sure I'm gonna break down and buy a PS3 because of these nice BF package deals. I've kept up with reviews so I know which games are great for single player. What exclusive games are great for multiplayer?
My 360 will still be my online console of choice but I'm curious about how much fun Killzone resistance and drakes are online. Also doesn't Metal Gear have some kind of online mode?[/QUOTE]:facepalm:
Aw man, I knew there would be people hating on games in here. Well, here's my opinion:

Uncharted 2
Demon's Souls

These are in no particular order.

The MAG beta is fun too, but I can't say it's a must since it's only a beta and thus, still open to major changes.
[quote name='magicchef']Fat Princess was the biggest waste of $15, EVER. It has absolutely no substance to it. I tried my best to enjoy it, but that was in vain.[/QUOTE]

That's crazy talk, Fat Princess is great.
Fat princess is awesome, but you won't play it for long, as not everyone has a mic on PSN like Live does, so some matches can be quiet. Socom is very specific and on my personal opinion, not good unless you already loved the previous ones and have good group that play only that (aka, stay away from Socom). Resistence 2 is quite unique and very good, especially the 8 player coop. Killzone and Warhawk are the best mp games on the system IMO still (but the later is kinda dead). Uncharted 2 is very good and decent but like me, if you already played CoD and Gears style games on 360, it will feel like a downgrade on some areas.

I would say mp online wise, go with Resistance 2, Killzone 2 and the gem of the PS3, Demon's Souls, that game is a world on its own, my GOTY easy this year.
how about 007 Quantum of solace on ps3 I picked it as part of the buy one get one free (18.99 or less) at gamecrazy and Im wondering if theres any cags who play this
My take:

Killzone 2 had a lot of people playing when I used to own the game, but Resistance 2 had tighter controls and was generally more enjoyable for me.

Played the Uncharted 2 beta MP, and I liked what I saw. Can't vouch for the retail copy though.

Fat Princess was fun for a while, but me and the wife hadn't played that in months.
[quote name='lokizz']uncharted 2.[/QUOTE]

Uncharted 2's online plays WAYYYYYY too much like Warhawk for my liking and I HATED Warhawk since people did too much spawn camping on powerful weapons and vehicles.

I tried it the other night and I doubt I will EVER play the online again since it just sucked getting annihilated every 20 seconds by idiots who didn't know how to use anything other than grenades or other powerful weapons.:roll:
Thanks for the inputs. I got the Amazon bundle so I will have Kill Zone 2 and from what I have heard on here and in reviews it is an addicting MP experience. Getting Uncharted 2 for Xmas so It looks like I just need to find good deals on Resistance 2 and LBP to get a nice starter collection on my PS3,

I also picked up MGS 4, I really enjoyed the MP in MGS 3 is the mode here as good. Does anybody actually still play it I know it has been out a while.
[quote name='nightmare452'] Socom is very specific and on my personal opinion, not good unless you already loved the previous ones and have good group that play only that (aka, stay away from Socom). Resistence 2 is quite unique and very good, especially the 8 player coop.[/QUOTE]

(aka, stay away from Resistence 2)

That's what I got from his logic.
If you don't sit too far from your PS3, I'd suggest a USB mic such as the old Socom(PS2) one. It has a pretty long wire to it as well as an on/off button and a volume control wheel.

Trust me when I say that you're going to need an on/off button and volume control when you hear some idiots yelling into their mics.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Uncharted 2's online plays WAYYYYYY too much like Warhawk for my liking and I HATED Warhawk since people did too much spawn camping on powerful weapons and vehicles.

I tried it the other night and I doubt I will EVER play the online again since it just sucked getting annihilated every 20 seconds by idiots who didn't know how to use anything other than grenades or other powerful weapons.:roll:[/QUOTE]

Are you sure you had the right game in?? Warhawk is 32 people massive team battles with vehicles, Uncharted 2 is close combat 5on5. They are literally nothing alike. Warhawk has a massive spawn camping problem when playing against a good team though.

[quote name='jlarlee']Thanks for the inputs. I got the Amazon bundle so I will have Kill Zone 2 and from what I have heard on here and in reviews it is an addicting MP experience. Getting Uncharted 2 for Xmas so It looks like I just need to find good deals on Resistance 2 and LBP to get a nice starter collection on my PS3,

I also picked up MGS 4, I really enjoyed the MP in MGS 3 is the mode here as good. Does anybody actually still play it I know it has been out a while.[/QUOTE]

MGO (aka MGS4 online mode) is pretty sweet. Similar to the one in MGS3 from what people say. Many people still play it, and I think they have had like 3 map packs. The Konami ID sucks though
[quote name='jlarlee']Thanks for the inputs. I got the Amazon bundle so I will have Kill Zone 2 and from what I have heard on here and in reviews it is an addicting MP experience. Getting Uncharted 2 for Xmas so It looks like I just need to find good deals on Resistance 2 and LBP to get a nice starter collection on my PS3,

I also picked up MGS 4, I really enjoyed the MP in MGS 3 is the mode here as good. Does anybody actually still play it I know it has been out a while.[/QUOTE]

I just got my ps3 wednesday and finally got to play MGO yesterday after waiting a long time for it to update. It was fun, I'm not very sure how the servers and lobbies work but I was able to get into a tdm game for a good while with 5 other players.
[quote name='teh_minus']I just got my ps3 wednesday and finally got to play MGO yesterday after waiting a long time for it to update. It was fun, I'm not very sure how the servers and lobbies work but I was able to get into a tdm game for a good while with 5 other players.[/QUOTE]

Yea the updates took ages. The trick is to go into the lobby with the most people. I think the Octagon had like 792 when I tried it out. I was getting my ass handed to me though because I was level one and every one else was at least a level 7. My PS3 tag is listerfiend78 (just like my xbox one) add me and we can play sometime.
ALso its funny I found this headset that is probably 8 years old in a box in my garage that has all my old cables and wires and routers. I plugged it in and I'm pretty sure it worked. Its not conclusive though because no one on kill zone was talking
[quote name='jlarlee']Yea the updates took ages. The trick is to go into the lobby with the most people. I think the Octagon had like 792 when I tried it out. I was getting my ass handed to me though because I was level one and every one else was at least a level 7. My PS3 tag is listerfiend78 (just like my xbox one) add me and we can play sometime.[/QUOTE]

sounds good.
[quote name='smiggity']Socom is the best online shooter Sony has. Warhawk and Resistance 2 I would recommend as well.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='iTz Spooky']The only correct answer is socom.[/QUOTE]

Not only is Socom the best multiplayer game on the psn it also has the best CAG Clan.

If you like to play co-op the uncharted co-op is lots of fun with 3 people and several of the psn games like peggle and fat princess are good fun for the price.
I just got my ps3 a week ago I have socom, Mgo, Lbp, Demon's Souls, Warhawk and im getting uncharted 2 in a few days. add me phillyphill.
bread's done