What are you currently reading? Post here!

Finished The Reader a couple days ago, and I started Franny and Zooey by JD Salinger last night.
I'll hopefully finish it soon.
Catcher in the Rye is my favorite novel of all time, so I'm hoping this one at least comes close.
The cover of "Hater" by David Moody caught my eye in Hastings today, so I have been reading that.. so far so good, but I am only a few pages in.
finished The Dirdir by Jack Vance. awesome though its setting up the fourth book. Got a package today so I'm taking a break from the Planet Of Adventure series to start these



also can't wait to crack open Far Below And Other Horrors edited by Robert Weinberg
no idea if this fits or what not but my friend is selling some 1st editon D&D manuals autographed by Gygax and two are also autographed by Jean Wells.

Monster Manual 1st edition (fourth printing) autographed by Gygax and Wells

Dungeon Masters Guide 1st edition (second printing) autographed by Gygax

Players Handbook 1st edition (fifth printing) autographed by Gygax and Wells
I can't seem to get enough of modern-noir/pulp style novels lately, especially Charlie Huston's stuff. Just started The Shotgun Rule by him last night and it's amazing.

I also need to pickup Christopher Moore's new book, Fool.
[quote name='bmachine']I can't seem to get enough of modern-noir/pulp style novels lately, especially Charlie Huston's stuff. Just started The Shotgun Rule by him last night and it's amazing.

I also need to pickup Christopher Moore's new book, Fool.[/QUOTE]

add these 3 to your list by Dan Simmons
1. Hardcase (2001)
2. Hard Freeze (2002)
3. Hard as Nails (2003)

I enjoyed them and noir isn't usually to my liking. My dad who is said there are some of the best books in the style that you willfind
[quote name='jlarlee']add these 3 to your list by Dan Simmons
1. Hardcase (2001)
2. Hard Freeze (2002)
3. Hard as Nails (2003)

I enjoyed them and noir isn't usually to my liking. My dad who is said there are some of the best books in the style that you willfind[/quote]

Nice...thanks for the recommendation.

I've read Drood and The Terror by Simmons but I didn't know that he had a P.I. series, as well. I'll check 'em out.
Okay I currently have "A Game of Thrones", "Snake Agent", "Forever Peace" and "The Road" in my Amazon cart for the 4-for-3 promo. Any books I should get instead?
[quote name='v1et r1ce']Okay I currently have "A Game of Thrones", "Snake Agent", "Forever Peace" and "The Road" in my Amazon cart for the 4-for-3 promo. Any books I should get instead?[/QUOTE]

the road is fantastic.
havent read any of the others.
[quote name='bmachine']Nice...thanks for the recommendation.

I've read Drood and The Terror by Simmons but I didn't know that he had a P.I. series, as well. I'll check 'em out.[/QUOTE]

Yea he did them as some sort of tribute to Ed Mcbain
I'm slowly trying to get through The Runaway Jury, but I've already seen the movie, so I'm not really inspired to keep reading.
I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell is ridiculously funny. It is definitely NOT PC though, so caveat emptor.

I am a huge sci-fi nut, but i didn't really care for the Foundation series when i read them.
Finished "American Lion" by Jon Meacham last week. It was pretty good, more about Andrew Jackson's family and personal life while in the White House, so I'll have to find a good more traditional biography to read on him some time.

Finished "The Pirate King" by R.A. Salvatore last night. Another solid book in his long run series. Looking forward to "The Ghost King" this fall.

Will read "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" by F. Scott Fitzgerald next, then probably "Crime and Punishment" by Dostoyevsky. Taking advantage of public domain ebooks!
Farseer trilogy was pretty good as i remember. I read it years ago though, so i don't know if my opinion would be the same now. I tried to read the liveship trader series by the same author and couldn't really get into it.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']thinking about buying the farseer trilogy... you guys like?[/quote]

I liked it alot but I believe its a total of 9 books - if I remember correctly.

Three trilogies together.
I was reading World War Z, but had to stop to study for the pcat. I'm going to start reading that again. After that one, I want to read Battle Royale since I loved the movie, and then Corline. I also want to start reading the True Blood books.
Just read "Restavec: From Haitian Slave Child to Middle-Class American", and damn was that depressing and messed up. Good book though.
[quote name='DarlingNina']I was reading World War Z, but had to stop to study for the pcat. I'm going to start reading that again. After that one, I want to read Battle Royale since I loved the movie, and then Corline. I also want to start reading the True Blood books.[/quote]

World War Z is fantastic. And I've had the True Blood book set sitting in my Amazon cart for awhile now. The only thing holding me back is that I don't want the story blown for the HBO show. Speaking of books and HBO .. one of my favorite book series (The #1 Ladies Detective Agency .. anyone else read these?) starts as a show this weekend on HBO. :whee:
Instruction manuals, backs of cereal boxes, old issues of Entertainment Weekly, and some Chick Tracts.

In other words, I'm between books right now.

After almost a year, I'm finally finishing up my comic sci-fi anthology. I'd say it was 75% good stuff, 10% junk, and 15% ...what?

Needed way more Dr. Who quality stuff, though. The Day We Played Mars was a good start. My favorites are a toss up between the Forbidden Brides of the Faceless Slaves..., Colquitt's High Energy Trousers, Return of the Warrior, and Sweet Savage Sorcerer.
I'm having a midlife crisis or something. I used to read Hugo, Dumas, etc. but now I've been reading nothing but Ultimate Spider-Man.
Just finished Medstar 1: Battle Surgeons and I'm into the second book Medstar 2: Jedi Healer, both by Michael Reaves and Steve Perry.
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: The Classic Regency Romance - Now with Ultraviolent Zombie Mayhem!
by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith


Recently finished Terry Pratchett's Last Hero and Douglas Adams' Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, currently reading Douglas Adams' The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.
[quote name='DarlingNina']I was reading World War Z, but had to stop to study for the pcat. I'm going to start reading that again. After that one, I want to read Battle Royale since I loved the movie, and then Corline. I also want to start reading the True Blood books.[/QUOTE]
The book is so much better than the movie. I read the book first, and ended up hating the movie because of the changes.

Currently reading the Timeline-191 series. 5 more books to go.
bread's done