What are you currently reading? Post here!

[quote name='mrchainsaw']I happened to see When You Are Engulfed in Flames by David Sedaris when I was at the library a few weeks ago so I grabbed it. I'm just now getting around to reading it and I'm really enjoying it.[/QUOTE]

If you ever get the chance to go to a David Sedaris reading... do it.

As for what I'm reading right now... uh, I don't know, I've got like three books going right now, which is not how I like to do it, but that's how it happened.

I'm about to finish The Dead Emcee Scrolls by Saul Williams.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Finished The Fall of Hyperion. Those two books are some of the best I've ever read.[/QUOTE]

Don't forget the two Endymion books. Also his Ilium and Olympos are excellent
[quote name='rabbitt']The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins.[/QUOTE]

Great choice...one of my favorite non-fiction books from the last few years.

If you're enjoying it, you should also check out Christopher Hitchens' God is Not Great. Hitchens is a wittier, funnier, nastier Dawkins. Good stuff.
[quote name='jlarlee']Don't forget the two Endymion books. Also his Ilium and Olympos are excellent[/QUOTE]

I have the Endymion books, but I'm going to take a break from the Hyperion Cantos before I go back to that. I do plan on picking up Ilium and Olympos though.
[quote name='bmachine']Great choice...one of my favorite non-fiction books from the last few years.

If you're enjoying it, you should also check out Christopher Hitchens' God is Not Great. Hitchens is a wittier, funnier, nastier Dawkins. Good stuff.[/QUOTE]

Next on my list! It's sitting in the same pile as The God Delusion :cool:
The Ritual Process by Victor Turner
Ritual in It's Own Right: Exploring the Dynamics of Transformation by Handelman and Lindquist
Ritual Theory, Ritual Practice by Catherine Bell
[quote name='siderealshift']If you ever get the chance to go to a David Sedaris reading... do it.[/QUOTE]

This is the reason I have all his audiobooks. Nothing like hearing the words come from the man himself.
[quote name='Chairman_LMAO']This is the reason I have all his audiobooks. Nothing like hearing the words come from the man himself.[/QUOTE]

Not only that, but he often reads unpublished stories at his readings, so you're almost always in for something new. Just make sure you get a book signed, too, because he'll probably write something funny based on your little conversation. He told me that I "look[ed] fabulous," and he wrote the same in my copy of When You Are Engulfed In Flames.

Also, I love his surprisingly gay-sounding voice. (No, that's not homophobia seeping through -- if you're a D. Sedaris fan, you know what I'm talking about.)
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']Just started The Dragon Reborn. It seems to be quite a bit darker than The Great Hunt so far.[/QUOTE]

That books is probably the highlight of the series in my opinion - if I remember correctly from when I read it 7 years ago. You have a long ways to go - but by the time you get up to date hopefully the series will be finally ending.
Started The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson. This is the second Mistborn book and so far, about 45 pages in, is as good as the first, which was truly exceptional.
[quote name='Dokstarr']That books is probably the highlight of the series in my opinion - if I remember correctly from when I read it 7 years ago. You have a long ways to go - but by the time you get up to date hopefully the series will be finally ending.[/QUOTE]
The highlight of the series for me was the 4th book. Shadow Rising I think it was. I loved the series up through the 5th book, but after that it just started dragging too much. Characters just sat around doing nothing for entire books. Not to mention a lot of focus was put on characters I just didn't care that much about, Perrin for example.

I stopped after book 10. I think it goes up to 12. I really should finish it one of these days...
I have always loved the Wheel of Time and I agree that book 4 Shadow Rising is the best of the series. The series does begin to drag in some of the later books, but book 11 really picked up the pace and resolved a number of major plot lines. Book 12 A Memory of Light was finalized today according to Brandon Sanderson's, the author picked by Tor to finish the series, website. It will be published this fall with books 13 and 14 to follow in consecutive years.
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[quote name='Maklershed']Currently reading The Postman by David Brin[/QUOTE]

How is it? I've thought of picking it up, but have been worried that since i didn't much care for the movie, I wouldn't care for the book.
The book >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the movie

Don't let the shittiness of the movie scare you off. Although I must say I unfortunately have the image of Kevin Costner stuck in my mind when I read it. I try to imagine the main character as someone else the best I can though. :lol:
[quote name='Maklershed']After reading further into it, I'm now fairly certain that The Postman is the basis of Fallout 3.[/QUOTE]

If you think Fallout 3 is like The Postman, watch "A Boy and His Dog" Similarities are uncanny.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']If you think Fallout 3 is like The Postman, watch "A Boy and His Dog" Similarities are uncanny.[/QUOTE]

Damn, you intrigue me with this book and I go to buy it from Amazon and the cheapest copy is $37. :bomb:
Half way through "Handling the Undead" by John Ajvide Lindqvist.

Had to order from amazon uk. Came to only about US $20 though.
reading Hero of Ages by brandon sanderson. Not as good as the first two mistborn books so far, but still pretty good. I'm about halfway through and hoping it picks up at the end.
[quote name='kill3r7']Just finished A Feast For Crows and The Prince. Time to move on to the Federalist Papers and Blood Maridian.[/QUOTE]

A Feast For Crows was great. Wish the next book would come out. I need to know if
is really dead.

EDIT: OMG! Sean Bean got cast to play Ned Stark in the HBO pilot.
This thread is for people to discuss what they are reading and to give recommendations to
Since I finished The Postman (which was great and nothing like the movie) I'm back to Atlas Shrugged. I'm gonna finish this book yet damnit. I'm around page 700 now.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']A Feast For Crows was great. Wish the next book would come out. I need to know if
is really dead.

EDIT: OMG! Sean Bean got cast to play Ned Stark in the HBO pilot.[/QUOTE]

That's a pretty big deal. Them singing on a name that big gives me confidence this will make it past the pilot. Depending on how things look, I may add HBO solely to see this on TV.

edit: And I'm currently reading HP7. Almost done.
bread's done