What are you currently reading? Post here!

Reading The Proud Tower by Barbara Tuchman as my "make cardio suck less" book at the gym and leaning towards starting the Dark Tower series for some at home pleasure reading. The Proud Tower is a social history of the generation before World War 1. I am a chapter and half into it and it has been pretty good so far.
Currently reading "Pirate Latitudes" by Michael Crichton (RIP) so far so good....I have loved nearly everything I've read from him (Andromeda Strain and Eaters of the Dead were meh but I was young so maybe I couldn't appreciate them).

Looking foward to reading either "Leviathan" by Scott Westerfeld or "Life, the Universe and Everything" by Douglas Adams....you know, if becoming an optometrist ever gives me a chance to read anything other than course material.

Ambition: A blessing and a curse
Charlie Huston's new book, Sleepless.

I've been reading The Fire of Heaven (WoT Book 5) for MONTHS now... I'm so damn close to finishing it and moving on to Lord of Chaos. The plot has finally picked up a bit in the last part of the book, but Jordan spent way too much time on Nynaeve and Elayne in this one.
Reading Wastelands: Stories of the Apocalypse edited by John Joseph Adams. I am about halfway finished and this has been one of the best anthologies i have ever read. All of the stories have been very provocative and engrossing with none that have felt like a chore to read. I recommend it wholeheartedly to anyone wanting to take a break from book length fiction.
Reading The Scourge of God by S.M. Stirling. It is part of his post-apocalyptic Change series and has been pretty good, so far. It is a bit more disjointed with many more different viepoints and plolines than previous entries, but has still been a fun read.
Still pecking away slowly at Arabian Nights. Whoever thinks that is a kid's book is out of their mind. You don't even get to page 8 before some sultan finds his wife fucking a slave and cuts them both in half with a sword.
3/4 finished with Craig Ferguson's American On Purpose.

Might read Kevin Anderson's The Edge of the World or D.B. Shan's Hell's Horizon next.
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[quote name='homeland']With it coming out as a series on HBO I just started A Game of Thrones. Its suppose to be a pretty damn good fantasy Series.

It seems longgg, I'm about 35-40% of the way through this book right now.
[quote name='dastly75']It seems longgg, I'm about 35-40% of the way through this book right now.[/QUOTE]

And from what I understand the series isn't even finished. I'm about 100 pages into it now and just now getting an understanding of the characters. There's just to many families and characters to remember.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']I've been reading The Fire of Heaven (WoT Book 5) for MONTHS now... I'm so damn close to finishing it and moving on to Lord of Chaos. The plot has finally picked up a bit in the last part of the book, but Jordan spent way too much time on Nynaeve and Elayne in this one.[/QUOTE]

The bad news is he doesn't pick up the pace much in the next few books. Tons of "character development" and new plot threads developing without much wrap-up of old ones. I rmember enjoying the books but when i finished i was like"but not much really happened". at that time there was a 2-3 yr wait between books and it would take a few chapter to remember who was who and what was what. He really could have wpaped the story up in 3-4 books.
[quote name='homeland']And from what I understand the series isn't even finished. I'm about 100 pages into it now and just now getting an understanding of the characters. There's just to many families and characters to remember.[/QUOTE]

Yeah there's a lot to remember. The pace gets better when there's less to establish; although it dips from time to time, or at least that's the impression I'm getting.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']That makes me want to go back and read the Foundation books.[/QUOTE]
I stopped after the first 3. Were the others worth reading?
[quote name='pete5883']I stopped after the first 3. Were the others worth reading?[/QUOTE]
I really liked the two prequel books (Prelude To Foundation, Forward The Foundation), but I still have yet to read the two sequels (Foundations Edge, Foundation And Earth).
[quote name='homeland']With it coming out as a series on HBO I just started A Game of Thrones. Its suppose to be a pretty damn good fantasy Series.

Hell yeah! Love it when people get into this series. The TV show pilot covers the beginning of the book (including the prologue) up to about page 85. The HBO show hasn't been officially greenlighted yet though. That won't be until March at the earliest. But apparently HBO fucking loves it. At least one of the guys whose decision it is to make it a series or not has become obsessed with the books. As a TV show, this series would put everything HBO has done before to shame.
I just finished reading Mass Effect: Ascension. I thought it was good. Unfortunately, I have to wait to play my copy ME2, since my 360's disk drive just decided to stop reading disks. Guess I should read a couple more books from my backlog till my 360 can be fixed.
[quote name='shieryda']Got 2 books by Chuck Palahniuk:


And I think the library has a 3rd one for me on hold.[/QUOTE]

I read both of those on a cross country trip last year--also checked out from the library.

I liked Rant a lot, didn't care for Snuff much.
Since I started playing the Fallout add ons, I went to watch the Book of Eli. Then I started reading The Road; I'm lovin it so far. After that I'm going to read I Am Legend. :cool:
You'd never believe but if you're looking for a great post apocalypse read, try The Postman. The book and the movie (with Costner) are basically two entirely different stories.
[quote name='Ed_']Since I started playing the Fallout add ons, I went to watch the Book of Eli. Then I started reading The Road; I'm lovin it so far. After that I'm going to read I Am Legend. :cool:[/QUOTE]
I Am Legend was a great but short read. The various movies based on it were mostly stinkers.
[quote name='Maklershed']Speaking of which I started watching The Omega Man the other day. It does not hold up well.[/QUOTE]

It's got a black albino vampire with a gigantic white afro. What more do you want?

[quote name='Ed_']Since I started playing the Fallout add ons, I went to watch the Book of Eli. Then I started reading The Road; I'm lovin it so far. After that I'm going to read I Am Legend. :cool:[/QUOTE]

Have you ever read The Stand? Or Swan Song? The Stand is probably the penultimate "last people alive" book. I hear nothing but great things about Swan Song but I started reading it a while back, forgot where I was after a break, and have yet to pick it up again. It doesn't get its hooks in you like The Stand does.
No, admittedly I don't read much. I usually just borrow books off of friends when they rave about them. That's how I read Mitch Albom's books a few years back. I'm re-reading Tuesdays with Morrie now that I finished The Road. I'll be done with it later today then I'll start on I Am Legend.
I'm planning on buying books this year instead of games. I started the same way two years ago and read through the Splinter Cell series ;)
Currently reading Goth by Otsuichi. It's a bunch of short stories revolving around 2 characters that are obsessed with murder. It's pretty interesting so far. I been liking books written by Japanese writers, first Battle Royale and then this. I'll have to keep an eye out for more like these.

Finished The Maze Runner by James Dashner. Jist of the story: A boy is placed in a confined area where teenage boys have been living for 2 years with a new boy joining them every month. They run a maze during the day before the monsters come out in hopes of escaping. New boy arrives, a girl arrives the next day, shit hits the fan, and they rush to escape. Turns out it's meant for teenagers and I didn't realize that until I was 3/4 done with it. Meh, nothing special. It's part of a trilogy and I don't have any interest in reading the other 2 books.
just finished reading last argument of kings, the final book in the first law trilogy. had to say i loved all three and the last book was wild ride and an ending fit for the series.

i just started reading the burning land by bernard cornwell, the 5th in his saxon series, it finally came out, ive been waiting for this one for awhile.

[quote name='homeland']With it coming out as a series on HBO I just started A Game of Thrones. Its suppose to be a pretty damn good fantasy Series.

i thought about reading this after the one im currently reading. but its supposed to be a 7 book series and people are still waiting on the 5th book (nearly 5 years after the 4th was published). i know several people who love this series, but im hesitant to start it until its complete, at this rate in 2020. reading the burning land is reminding me how frustrating it is to wait for a book in a series you love.
I heard that the next book is long overdue but didnt know it was suppose to be a 7 book series. I finished the first book over the weekend loved it so much I bought book 2 before i finished so i wouldnt have to stop reading.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']i thought about reading this after the one im currently reading. but its supposed to be a 7 book series and people are still waiting on the 5th book (nearly 5 years after the 4th was published). i know several people who love this series, but im hesitant to start it until its complete, at this rate in 2020. reading the burning land is reminding me how frustrating it is to wait for a book in a series you love.[/QUOTE]

It's definately worth reading, even if GRRM never finished the damn thing. I'm working on book 4 now, and have loved every page of it (and there are THOUSANDS).
Finished Transcendence, the 6th book in Salvatore's Demon War series. It was pretty good, will knock out the 7th and final book, Immortalis next.

Also reading Gladwell's The Tipping Point on the side. It's interesting but a little under half way through I'm no enjoying it as much as Outliers which I read recently.
A People's History of the US - Howard Zinn. Mindblowing. As a teacher of elementary school history, I wish our simple history lessons could get this in depth. It takes a totally different perspective of history, though the other person's eyes and words. A must read for history buffs.
Unwind by Neal Shusterman

REALLY good book.

Short summary: 3 "unwind" kids(meaning: they take your body apart to donate, mostly because parents don't love them anymore) run away and run into each other. Together, they must survive at least till they are 18 so they can be free.
bread's done