What are you currently reading?

[quote name='tauruskatt']Oooh ooh! *raises hand*

Watership Down. :lol: I blame Lost.[/QUOTE]

I remember that book. It's been ... 10 years since I had to read it. :lol:
Ah, Battle Royale. I picked it up two years ago when the English translation came out. At that time, I did not know of the book nor the movie. I just happened to find a weird looking book by a Japanese author in the Sci-fi section of Borders. Picked it up and speed through the book in about a week. Went online and looked up Battle Royale and found a big following of the book/movie (and the second one coming out shortly later that year).

Wonderful book, would recommend it to anyone who's reading this thread. Don't watch the movie first though. I think it kinda ruins the fun...
[quote name='BigSpoonyBard']Save yourself some disappointment and don't read Haunted. It's just not all that good. And I love Chuck, even his non-fiction.

Anywasy, I'm currently reading Heart of Redness by Zakes Mda. He's a South African writer who visited my school eariler this year. As a bonus, he signed my copy![/QUOTE]

Someone sent me a link to a hype story about a chapter (?) called Guts from that book, and then I read the chapter. I was severely disappointed, and most certainly not bothered by it. Is this chapter typical of what he writes? I only ask because I read *a lot,* and the time I have for reading stuff I want is very minimal. I've heard good things about Palahniuk (sp?), but I must say that chapter was pretty bad. The writing was okay, but the visualization techniques he used were nothing more than what a high school sophomore might use when describing a vulgar scene.

The people love their Fight Club, though. What to read if I want to give him another chance? If you don't think I'd like it, based on what very little I've read, please tell me so.

[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Same here. I own everything he's written except the new one. And I have an autographed copy of Stranger Than Fiction, which I haven't even read yet. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Touche, I've got a signed copy of Diary, however.

Myke: Either Fight Club or Survivor I'm pretty sure are the two palahniuk favorites by most.
I'm doing the whole Palahniuk thing backwards. I'm starting with Haunted and working my way to the "greats." Perhaps that's why I'm actually enjoying Haunted. I mean it's not excellent, but I'm having fun reading it. However, I'm only a quarter of the way through it, so what do I know?
I just finished "The Girl Next Door" by Jack Ketchum.

Now I'm working my way through the Hitchhiker's Guide books. Needed something a bit lighter after Ketchum.
[quote name='crystalklear64']I'm currently reading Song of Susanna, book #6 of the Dark Tower series. I'm enjoying it so far. Also, I'm reading The Inferno of Dante whenever I need to take a break from King. Both are amazing books. I recommend both!

For school, I just finished reading Grendel, a book telling the story of Beowulf from the monster's PoV, and I must say, It is an AMAZING book! I reccomend that over the other two.[/QUOTE]

Thats a good list there, crystalklear. I just finished the Dark Tower saga myself, and am planning on starting The Inferno after I complete The Once and Future King. Also, I teach HS English and we do Grendel every year; really a great book that everyone should read after Beowulf.
[quote name='mykevermin']Someone sent me a link to a hype story about a chapter (?) called Guts from that book, and then I read the chapter. I was severely disappointed, and most certainly not bothered by it. Is this chapter typical of what he writes? I only ask because I read *a lot,* and the time I have for reading stuff I want is very minimal. I've heard good things about Palahniuk (sp?), but I must say that chapter was pretty bad. The writing was okay, but the visualization techniques he used were nothing more than what a high school sophomore might use when describing a vulgar scene.

The people love their Fight Club, though. What to read if I want to give him another chance? If you don't think I'd like it, based on what very little I've read, please tell me so.


Well, I've greatly enjoyed every Palahniuk book I've read (all of his fiction, except Haunted), but I absolutely hated Guts. Some of his books do have some sick stuff kind of like Guts, but not nearly to that extreme. That story's not a very good representation of his work, IMO, so give him a shot. I would recommend trying either Fight Club or Survivor.
I am reading thise right now...

Star Trek: The Next Generation Infiltrator (Great story about eugenics)

I have bought a fairly large number of second hand Trek titles (including some DS9) so I will have plenty to read for awhile.

I am also reading the Ranma 1/2 mangas but I am waiting fo some that I ordered to come in.
right now im going over homosexuality in eighteeth-century england, a sourcebook compiled by rictor norton: the life and death of john atherton
[quote name='mykevermin']Someone sent me a link to a hype story about a chapter (?) called Guts from that book, and then I read the chapter. I was severely disappointed, and most certainly not bothered by it. Is this chapter typical of what he writes? I only ask because I read *a lot,* and the time I have for reading stuff I want is very minimal. I've heard good things about Palahniuk (sp?), but I must say that chapter was pretty bad. The writing was okay, but the visualization techniques he used were nothing more than what a high school sophomore might use when describing a vulgar scene.

The people love their Fight Club, though. What to read if I want to give him another chance? If you don't think I'd like it, based on what very little I've read, please tell me so.


If you give anything a shot, go for Survivor. Guts is a bit more "vulgar" than most of his work, though they all have their moments.

I actually haven't read all the way through guts yet. :oops:
I am reading:
Bel Canto (Ann Patchett)

I am looking forward to reading in the future:
Haunted (Palahniuk)
Harry Potter 6
some of the Star Wars extended universe books (don't know where to start though!)
Reading? Are you kidding? It's summer time, I'm a slave to KOTOR. I guess I'll be reading the 6th Harry Potter soon, but that's about it. Play some damn video games!
I tried starting Dune, butcouldn't get into it atm, so i'll have to pick it up again later. But damn if the satanic bible doesn't have some really good philosophies.
I just finished Infiltrator last week. One of my favorite Trek novels for sure.

Now I am starting Star Trek Deep Space Nine: Unity.
I just picked up the Juiced book by Canceso at the library. I read like 5 pages and it made me laugh, so I just have to read it.
Just finished off The Great Hunt, book two of The Wheel of Time. Now I'm reading The Gunslinger, the first part of The Dark Tower series.
I just finished Da VInchi code

I was dissapointed when I found out Russel Crowe was replaced as the lead role

Great author is James Patterson such as "pop goes the wiesel" "Roses are Red", "Kiss the Girls", "Along came a spider" "Big bad wolf"
I'm currently readying...

Stalingrad The Fateful Seige: 1942 - 1943, by Antony Beevor

The Song of Roland

Russian Fairy Tales, Collected by Aleksandr Afanas'ev (out of the 11 tales I've read so far, only about 3 have had something that could be considered a good ending.. most of them end with horrible things happening :D )

Neal Stephenson's 'The System of the World' which is the third part of a very lengthy period piece covering the period between 1650 and 1750. It's sort of a reverse science fiction novel. Rather than explore how a new technology or change in our worldview would affect the future, this instead explores how major shifts in human understanding of the world really did change things. We modern folks talk about the difficulty of keeping up with the pace of change but this was felt centuries ago as well. The changes didn't come quite as fast but that was due to the glacial pace of communication. People like Isaac Newton and Christopher Wren left them a very different world than the one that existed at their births.
COWBOY BEBOP manga, 3x3 Eyes Vol 1 House Of Demons, and a few other graphic novels/mangas haven't been reading many books lately nothing out there is getting my attention, last good book I read was Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six, but that was ages ago.
shatterpoint is an excellent book...loved that one...just finished star wars republic commando, now i am on to the next book in the clone wars series, star wars ceteus deception
currently reading for pleasure:
When will jesus bring the pork chops - George Carlin
Ultimate Hitchiker's guide - Douglass Adams
Haunted - Chuck Palahniuk
The Shroud of the Thwacker - Chris Elliot (cabin boy)

currently reading for school:
A History of god - 400 painful pages
The Lenses of gender - (see above)

Just Finished:
The vagina monologues
A history of Patriarchy
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

I'm in over my head!
Adolf vol.1 -- Osamu Tezuka
Hellsing vol.7-- Kohta Hirano
The Jungle -- Upton Sinclair
Godel Escher Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid -- Douglas Hofstadter
Embroideries -- Marjane Satrapi (for school)
bread's done