What are you dressing up as on Halloween?

For the past two years I've scared the crap out of little kids. I dress up as a scarecrow/dummy (with straw poking out, stuffed clothes, gigantic boots... the whole shabang), and cut the hood off of one of these to hide my face (it's like a two-way mirror). I pull up a lawnchair, and seat myself in a wierd position. I have a fog machine that I hook up; I hide the remote in my glove.

I put a big bowl of candy on my lap, and wait for the unsuspecting little fuckers. When they grab for the candy, I blast the fog machine in their faces and jump up in front of them. Generally, they're scared shitless...it's awesome.

Last year there were these retarded middle schoolers that came over. It was a couple stupid, giggly, moronic girls, and a jackass who was trying to impress them by being tough. The idiot kicked me in the shins a few times to see if I was real. The cushioning in the pants softened the blow, but I was still pissed. I didn't move while he was doing it, and waited for him to take the candy. When he turned around, I kicked his ass (literally), and chased him down the street. He was crying the whole way down.
[quote name='Greetard']For the past two years I've scared the crap out of little kids. I dress up as a scarecrow/dummy (with straw poking out, stuffed clothes, gigantic boots... the whole shabang), and cut the hood off of one of these to hide my face (it's like a two-way mirror). I pull up a lawnchair, and seat myself in a wierd position. I have a fog machine that I hook up; I hide the remote in my glove.

I put a big bowl of candy on my lap, and wait for the unsuspecting little fuckers. When they grab for the candy, I blast the fog machine in their faces and jump up in front of them. Generally, they're scared shitless...it's awesome.

Last year there were these retarded middle schoolers that came over. It was a couple stupid, giggly, moronic girls, and a jackass who was trying to impress them by being tough. The idiot kicked me in the shins a few times to see if I was real. The cushioning in the pants softened the blow, but I was still pissed. I didn't move while he was doing it, and waited for him to take the candy. When he turned around, I kicked his ass (literally), and chased him down the street. He was crying the whole way down.[/QUOTE]

That's awesome. I hate kids.
[quote name='Greetard']For the past two years I've scared the crap out of little kids. I dress up as a scarecrow/dummy (with straw poking out, stuffed clothes, gigantic boots... the whole shabang), and cut the hood off of one of these to hide my face (it's like a two-way mirror). I pull up a lawnchair, and seat myself in a wierd position. I have a fog machine that I hook up; I hide the remote in my glove.

I put a big bowl of candy on my lap, and wait for the unsuspecting little fuckers. When they grab for the candy, I blast the fog machine in their faces and jump up in front of them. Generally, they're scared shitless...it's awesome.

Last year there were these retarded middle schoolers that came over. It was a couple stupid, giggly, moronic girls, and a jackass who was trying to impress them by being tough. The idiot kicked me in the shins a few times to see if I was real. The cushioning in the pants softened the blow, but I was still pissed. I didn't move while he was doing it, and waited for him to take the candy. When he turned around, I kicked his ass (literally), and chased him down the street. He was crying the whole way down.[/QUOTE]

Dude, you officially kick ass.
I'm not dressing up this year. Last year however I went as a gangster...as in the mafia, not a rapper or pimp. :p My black fedora is sweeeet, still have it hanging up on a wall.
[quote name='zewone']I assume he thinks you're black.

Also, Morbid: Stay out of my topics.[/QUOTE]

fuck off. I'll post where I want. If you don't like it, suck it.
[quote name='MorbidAngel4Life']fuck off. I'll post where I want. If you don't like it, suck it.[/QUOTE]

Awww...that's cute. More gay jokes.

EDIT: Reduce the size of that fucking sig. It stretches out the screen.

It's not like it's anything cool to look at anyway.
if no one said a lamp yet, then i am going to be a lamp, ive done it in the past, just put a lamp shade on your head and your good to go.
[quote name='MorbidAngel4Life']fuck off. I'll post where I want. If you don't like it, suck it.[/QUOTE]
Look nobody likes you, not even your OTT "friends" who talk behind you're back when you're gone. If you want to be the site joke/sad sack of shit then be my guest. All I'm saying is, it's in your best intrest to find a different forum other than this one. Try out some goth/"needs a hug" boards. You'll fit in better over there.

So get the fuck out of my thread because you're tarding it up.
[quote name='zewone']Look nobody likes you, not even your OTT "friends" who talk behind you're back when you're gone. If you want to be the site joke/sad sack of shit then be my guest. All I'm saying is, it's in your best intrest to find a different forum other than this one. Try out some goth/"needs a hug" boards. You'll fit in better over there.

So get the fuck out of my thread because you're tarding it up.[/QUOTE]

And you would know this.....how?

Try out some goth/"needs a hug" boards.

Cause, you know, I am acting goth right now. fuck you and your fucking stereotypes, you peice of shit. I could be mean, but I don't feel like being banned, you sorry sot.
[quote name='MorbidAngel4Life']And you would know this.....how?

Cause, you know, I am acting goth right now. fuck you and your fucking stereotypes, you peice of shit. I could be mean, but I don't feel like being banned, you sorry sot.[/QUOTE]

Stop posting you're useless shit until you get that sig reduced. One of the pictures doesn't even work.

When you get that done, you can come back and cry and whine about how misunderstood you are.
[quote name='Greetard']Stop posting you're useless shit until you get that sig reduced. One of the pictures doesn't even work.

When you get that done, you can come back and cry and whine about how misunderstood you are.[/QUOTE]

Dude, there isn't much I can do.
[quote name='Greetard']The other pic was the one that worked. This is the broken image.

Thanks for the effort though.[/QUOTE]

Meh, I don't need a sig.
[quote name='MorbidAngel4Life']And you would know this.....how?[/quote]

Know what how? Explain yourself better tard.

[quote name='MorbidAngel4Life']Cause, you know, I am acting goth right now. fuck you and your fucking stereotypes, you peice of shit. I could be mean, but I don't feel like being banned, you sorry sot.[/QUOTE]
First of all, it's piece. Second, you couldn't even think of something bad enough to say, with your limited vocabulary, to get yourself banned. Third, what the hell is a "sot"?
[quote name='jughead']hopefully, 8 of my friends and I are going as two Double Dare teams and the host. I hope I can be Mark Summers.[/QUOTE]
That's pretty cool. I would like to see that.
[quote name='zewone']Know what how? Explain yourself better tard.

First of all, it's piece. Second, you couldn't even think of something bad enough to say, with your limited vocabulary, to get yourself banned. Third, what the hell is a "sot"?[/QUOTE]

I think it's British.

Is he trying to sound smart?
Calling me a drunkard? :rofl: Oh yeah. You're too mean. Someone ban him.

Taken from his profile:

I'm a metalhead, what more is there to know?
Trying to Learn Bass, Death Metal Growling.

:rofl: @ Trying to learn Death Metal Growling
[quote name='zewone']Know what how? Explain yourself better tard.

First of all, it's piece. Second, you couldn't even think of something bad enough to say, with your limited vocabulary, to get yourself banned. Third, what the hell is a "sot"?[/QUOTE]

Explain how you know how everyone "talks behind my back". And, right now, I don't care about the spelling at all.

And, I was just throwing a random insult out. *shrugs*

[quote name='zewone']Calling me a drunkard? :rofl: Oh yeah. You're too mean. Someone ban him.

Taken from his profile:

I'm a metalhead, what more is there to know?
Trying to Learn Bass, Death Metal Growling.

:rofl: @ Trying to learn Death Metal Growling[/QUOTE]

So fucking what? I like that. Is there a fucking problem with it, Zewone?
karla, if you keep throwing around offensive terms like "drunkard" im gunna have to ban you

...i mean, youre not jimmiemac or anything ;)
[quote name='punqsux']karla, if you keep throwing around offensive terms like "drunkard" im gunna have to ban you

...i mean, youre not jimmiemac or anything ;)[/QUOTE]


Well, I shall take my leave from this thread, as I am done with this mockery of a feud with Zewone/Jimmie/Ugamer/anyone who is on Jimmie's nuts. Good day, sir.
[quote name='MorbidAngel4Life']:lol:

Well, I shall take my leave from this thread, as I am done with this mockery of a feud with Zewone/Jimmie/Ugamer/anyone who is on Jimmie's nuts. Good day, sir.[/QUOTE]

change your avatar.....its fucking disturbing.

unless thats your school portrait, i say change it.
[quote name='MorbidAngel4Life']Explain how you know how everyone "talks behind my back".[/QUOTE]
Because they do. If you read the OTTs when you're not around a lot of people make fun of you (in a serious manner, not the LOL kind). Either way it's up to you if you want to keep looking stupid here. No one thinks you're cool, no one likes you, and no one "understands" you here, so I don't get why you even come back. I like when you went to Z-5 (I'm definately not the only one). You should do me, you, and everyone else a favor and get lost.

Have a great day, douche.

[quote name='zewone']Because they do. If you read the OTTs when you're not around a lot of people make fun of you (in a serious manner, not the LOL kind). Either way it's up to you if you want to keep looking stupid here. No one thinks you're cool, no one likes you, and no one "understands" you here, so I don't get why you even come back. I like when you went to Z-5 (I'm definately not the only one). You should do me, you, and everyone else a favor and get lost.

Have a great day, douche.

[quote name='JSweeney']The bickering between the two of you has long since ceased to be entertaining. Can't one of you just put the other on ignore so that the rest of us aren't confronted almost daily with these same tired pissing matches?[/QUOTE]
You're act has cease to be entertaining. Don't be the next contestant on that Summer Jam screen.
[quote name='jughead']hopefully, 8 of my friends and I are going as two Double Dare teams and the host. I hope I can be Mark Summers.[/QUOTE]

I saw Double Dare live "back in the day". I had a Double Dare shirt for a long time, too. I was proud of it.

And get on Slsk, zewone. Download your last two tracks and tell me what you think.
settle this now... like men! EN GUARDE!!!(sp)

[quote name='Brak']
And get on Slsk, zewone. Download your last two tracks and tell me what you think.[/QUOTE]
I've been waiting to read these words. :D
I'll go to this party in my underwear, so when people asked me what the hell I dressed up as, I'll just tell them I came in my underwear.
[quote name='Goatman']who the hell is Hobo Joe?[/QUOTE]

A homeless guy who lives down the street from me. He smells of burnt hair and pickles.:booty:
[quote name='dudecool320']A homeless guy who lives down the street from me.[/QUOTE]

Absurdly hysterical sentence.

And I'm not knockin' it, 'cause I know exactly what you mean. There are a ton of regulars (in terms of hobos) that I see all over town.

One I know, named Husky, is the shit. I named him "Yeah Right", though, 'cause I asked him what he was drinking one time. "Scotch", he replied. I said, "Gimme a sip." And he goes, "Yeeeeeah right..."
[quote name='Brak']Absurdly hysterical sentence.

And I'm not knockin' it, 'cause I know exactly what you mean. There are a ton of regulars (in terms of hobos) that I see all over town.

Up here too. My favorite is "bottle man". He has a regualar trash can route that he follows everyday to collect bottles. He's always carrying 3-4 huge trash bags of them. We have a kind of twin city thing (the mayors are even brothers), and he goes from one end of the first city to the other end of the other city. When I worked at McDonald's with Jaket and our friend, he came really close to the drive-thru window. The friend stuck a bottle out, and yelled, "Boooottttlllleeee mmmaaaaaan....I got some bbboooottttllllesssss...."

Bottle man got closer and screamed at him...

I just about died laughing.
I'm trying to come up with something with a full beard for myself. I was thinking possibly either Gimli or Aragorn. I don't know though... I think next year I should start early on making a real high quality Uruk-hai costume. But then again, they don't have beards... :?
bread's done