What are you playing?


48 (100%)
Don't think I've seen any threads here about this topic so figured I would start one. So, what are you guys playing right now and why?

Right now I'm 17-18 chapters into Project X Zone. I love the combat system, but it can get extremely repetitive at times which is why I have been taking frequent breaks from it. I just got a Wii U the other day and the guy I bought it from had 4 games with it... Mario, Black Ops 2, Monster Hunter 3, and Nintendo Land... but for now I'm focusing on completing Mario U. That bundle for $320 is a darn good deal in my opinion.

Have a few endings left on Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward to finish up before I'm done with that game.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution. I can see why people love it as it's a great stealth game. But I'm getting kind of bored with it, and I'm not sure exactly how much further I have left...

I'm playing Uncharted 2 for the first time on the console. It's a lot of fun. I'm playing Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D on the portable side. I like it but I'm kind of losing my Nintendo interest. I'll probably flip back over to the Vita when I'm done.

I beat DK3D a couple weeks ago and while it was extremely, extremely frustrating at times I enjoyed the game. I never beat the bonus world at the end, but I will eventually. 

I'm working through the DLC for Fallout 3.  Just finished Point Lookout last night.   Gonna start the Outcast Radio signal tonight.

Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Over a 100 hours into that.

Zelda: Oracle of Seasons. Saved at start of fourth dungeon.

Finished The Last of Us two nights ago. Going to check out the MP when my headset gets delivered.

Injustice. Finished story mode,  and need check out other modes. Doubt I'll get too into it as fighting games are really my bag anymore.

Up Next:

Dragonborn DLC for Skyrim

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Currently trying to get through Project X Zone on 3DS.  Finished level 35 last night.  I wanted to complete the game by the time Shin Megami Tensei IV came out, but no such luck.

PS3/Vita: Sly Cooper Thieves in Times.  Just after the 2nd Level there.

Xbox360:  Technically Resident Evil 6, but I haven't touched it in a few weeks...not sure if I'll ever get back to it. 

The next game that is on my "drop everything and play" list is Tales of Xillia.  

This thread hasn't really taken off like I thought it would... usually on other forums this type of topic gets tons of replies. Oh well. 

Just finished Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon last night so I need to decide what to grab next off of the backlog. Next month will belong to Tales of Xillia, Final Fantasy XIV, and Saints Row IV, so I'm thinking I might try to finish Saints Row 2 to get ready. I'm also in the middle of Dragon's Dogma, and I picked up Defiance for $20 so I'll give that a spin.

I've been playing a lot of Awesomenauts on PC and Donkey Kong Returns 3D. Once I finish those I will start on Soul Sacrifice and Project X Zone.

Still playing Animal Crossing for 20-30 mins a day.

Played through The Walking Dead 400 Days DLC last week.

Still working through the Dragonborn DLC and Zelda Oracle of Seasons.  Accidentally loaded an old restore point in that and jumped from the start of the 4th dungeon back to the end of the 2nd.  Got caught back up and saved at the start of the fifth.

Decided not to bother with other modes in Injustice and sold that off.

Started up Killzone 2 and played through the first couple of sections of that.

Bought the Journey/The Unfinished Swan bundle for $14.99 and will get to those relatively soon since they're both short games.

I just finished a few different games and don't know what to play next.  I played through The Last of Us and Sleeping Dogs simultaneously and I enjoyed both a ton...actually I think I had more "fun" with Sleeping Dogs because I loved the kung-fu and breaking people bones and riding around on the best bike is insanely fun as well.  The Last of Us is the better game though I suppose--more satisfying story, better acting, better graphics/superior production, sound is a wash because the diversity of the soundtrack of Sleeping Dogs was just as good as TLoU.  

I've currently been trying to finish off my create a player season in NBA2k13 as well as playing quite a bit of Pinball Arcade.  I was really surprised to find out that I prefer Pinball Arcade over Zen Pinball because of the real tables.  Both are addicting as hell though.

I don't know what to play next.  This is what I have NOT started but want to play:

Deus Ex Human Revolution

Saints Row 3



Knytt Underground



Sniper Elite V2

The Cave


Tomb Raider

and a few others.

This is what I started and want to finish:


Mass Effect 2

Bioshock Infinite

Red Dead Redemption (lost my save and can't bring myself to restart)

Little Big Planet 2 campaign mode


Spec Ops The Line

and a couple more.

The more I think about it all of the games I still want to play the more I'm trying to talk myself out of buying a new system this winter.  Not to mention I'm definitely buying GTA5, Beyond Two Souls, and Gran Turismo 6 this fall.  Too many games thanks to PS+

Finished up DKCR3D on 3DS. The Last Boss was a douche. I'm nearing the end of Uncharted 2, Chapter 25 out of 26 I think. I'm probably going to start MGS3 on Vita next on the portable side.

I just finished a few different games and don't know what to play next. I played through The Last of Us and Sleeping Dogs simultaneously and I enjoyed both a ton...actually I think I had more "fun" with Sleeping Dogs because I loved the kung-fu and breaking people bones and riding around on the best bike is insanely fun as well. The Last of Us is the better game though I suppose--more satisfying story, better acting, better graphics/superior production, sound is a wash because the diversity of the soundtrack of Sleeping Dogs was just as good as TLoU.

I've currently been trying to finish off my create a player season in NBA2k13 as well as playing quite a bit of Pinball Arcade. I was really surprised to find out that I prefer Pinball Arcade over Zen Pinball because of the real tables. Both are addicting as hell though.

I don't know what to play next. This is what I have NOT started but want to play:

Deus Ex Human Revolution

Saints Row 3



Knytt Underground



Sniper Elite V2

The Cave


Tomb Raider

and a few others.

This is what I started and want to finish:


Mass Effect 2

Bioshock Infinite

Red Dead Redemption (lost my save and can't bring myself to restart)

Little Big Planet 2 campaign mode


Spec Ops The Line

and a couple more.

The more I think about it all of the games I still want to play the more I'm trying to talk myself out of buying a new system this winter. Not to mention I'm definitely buying GTA5, Beyond Two Souls, and Gran Turismo 6 this fall. Too many games thanks to PS+
Finish ME2 and then start Tomb Raider.

I just finished Halo 4. I still play Mass Effect 3 MP at least once a week, but I'm trying to decide what to really dog into next. I am deciding between:

Assassins creed 3
The Witcher 2
Bioshock (1)
The Walking Dead
Bioshock Inf. Clash in the Clouds DLC

Lots of good stuff on the shelf to keep me busy for a long while.
I'm alternating my time between Skyrim and Fight Night 3. I've had Skyrim since launch but only put about 15 hours into it, which is pretty much criminal considering Oblviion is one of my favorite games of all time. My go-to excuse has been that I just don't have time to delve into such a deep game with work and school, but with the latter on hiatus, I'm going all-in. As for Fight Night: I bought FN Champion back during the PSN sale and was really disappointed with the way it plays... I've always enjoyed Fight Night, but I guess I prefer the older, arguably inferior/unbalanced gameplay... so I went out and bought it for $3 at Gamestop.

Speaking of older, the impending release of the new consoles has also put me on a real nostalgia kick too: I'm considering revisiting a bunch of launch window games like Kameo, Perfect Dark and Condemned. I'm curious to see how well they hold up.

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I'm working my way through the last two DLC packs of Borderlands on my 360 now, kind of working on Back to the Future on the PS3. WiiU, I still have to finish New Super Mario U...

I'm starting to get burned out on Borderlands though, after I finish all the chiveies I may start The Last of Us or the Bioshock Infinite DLC before Borderlands 2.

About to finish up Story mode in Dynasty Warriors 8, probably tonight. Then it'll sit on the backburner for a couple months before I tackle Ambition mode. DW is my guilty pleasure.

Started playing Indiana Jones: The Fate of Atlantis off the Staff of Kings disc for the Wii. It's okay, but I am getting a little bored. I wanted to give an old point n' click adventure a try. I may not even finish it since....

Tales of Xillia is week. I can't believe that I'm playing two highly anticipated JRPGs in the same year. This and Ni No Kuni. Did I time travel back to the PS2 era?

I'm cursing my way through Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge on Wii U and just barely started Tales of the Abyss on 3DS. NG3 is insanely awesome, I can't believe how low the review scores are. But I will agree that some sections are incredibly cheap to the point of frustration. I am trying to finish the dinosaur boss right now and it's a headache. Was really happy that I found a complete copy of Tales at a Gamestop because I had a $10 off used game coupon I needed to use (only reason I ever set foot in a Gamestop to begin with) so I got it for like 19 bucks.

Finished Project X Zone (game is about 10 stages too long IMO).

Now I'm in the middle of Muramasa Rebirth. Game is so much more enjoyable on the Vita. I didn't realize how much I hated pressing up to jump on that game until now.
I finished Uncharted 2 so I'm now on to playing God of War III. Only played a little bit but the opening was pretty epic.

Finished Project X Zone (game is about 10 stages too long IMO).

Now I'm in the middle of Muramasa Rebirth. Game is so much more enjoyable on the Vita. I didn't realize how much I hated pressing up to jump on that game until now.
Got 2 questions for you... I am about 13-15 hours into Project X Zone (I don't remember what stage) about how long is the game? I just got burnt out on the game completely and I heard it's like 40 hours of the same thing.

Also, how is the Vita? I am so intrigued by the system - but from what I personally can tell - the only games available on it are basically remakes of older games.

I've finished Donkey Kong Country returns and have started working on Project X Zone.  Also I'll been slowly working on Skyrim on PC and Soul Sacrifice on vita.  

Got 2 questions for you... I am about 13-15 hours into Project X Zone (I don't remember what stage) about how long is the game? I just got burnt out on the game completely and I heard it's like 40 hours of the same thing.

Also, how is the Vita? I am so intrigued by the system - but from what I personally can tell - the only games available on it are basically remakes of older games.
Project X Zone took me about 52 hours.

Right now it is Project X Zone and Paper Mario on the Wii VC for me. I rarely play two RPGs at once but right now I figure what the hell.

Got 2 questions for you... I am about 13-15 hours into Project X Zone (I don't remember what stage) about how long is the game? I just got burnt out on the game completely and I heard it's like 40 hours of the same thing.

Also, how is the Vita? I am so intrigued by the system - but from what I personally can tell - the only games available on it are basically remakes of older games.
My final save clocked in at 54 hours. I never saw a game over screen, but I believe twice I restarted a board because of bad unit placing when new enemies popped in.

I enjoy my vita greatly. I bought it mostly for Persona 4 Golden, which had enough new content in it that it didn't feel overly familiar. Golden Abyss, Gravity Rush, Assassins Creed Liberation, and Muramasa I've also enjoyed. Still have Virtues Last Reward, Dragons Crown, and Ys I want to play as well. I do wish there were more exclusives, but I do like being able to download and play ps1 RPGs on the go. Also, I never had a PSP (although my husband does).

Finished all 6 endings of Muramasa Rebirth.....just in time so I can start Tales of Xillia.
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Finished the Dragonborn DLC for Skyrim the other day, and Raam's Shadow DLC for Gears 3 last night.  That cleared out my 360 backlog and I traded it in today--got Fire Emblem 3DS and Bioshock Infinite on PS3, and $75 of Amazon gift cards I applied to my PS4 preorder.

Played through Journey on PS3 tonight for the first time.  Loved it and will replay that again.

Still playing Killzone 2, about half way done with that.

Playing Mario Golf (GBC version) on 3DS as I nabbed that with Club Nintendo Coins, also got the Brain Age Sudoku.

And of course, also still playing 30 mins or so of Animal Crossing daily. :D

Right now I'm back and fort playing Persona 3 Portable on the Vita and Animal Crossing on the 3DS. Even though there are a lot of changes in New Leaf, it still feels like the same old Animal Crossing. Maybe I'm just burn out on the series.

bread's done