What critically aclaimed games, are just not for you?


22 (100%)
1) Street Fighter 4/ Modern day fighters - Last street fighter I played was for the SNES, had a blast with that with my brother growing up. Fast forward to this release, been gone a long time...Its too hard pulling off ultras on a gamepad, and even on a fight stick. Good game, but very difficult, rage quit do to its absurd level of difficulty to be good at the game.

2) Little Big Planet - Level creating is just not my cup of tea.

3) Demons Souls - I beat the first couple levels, but my rage due to the fact of dying too much, caused me to rage quit. Love the game, but not losing X amount of souls after hours of farming. I will get back to this game some day.

4) Music/Rhythm games - Fun with friends only. I dont have the patience or skills to beat on expert mode etc.

5) Infamous/ Majority of open world games - They get boring...FAST.
You don't have to create levels in littlebigplanet to enjoy it.

Your post should have been a blog post. This isn't general gaming or industry NEWS.
[quote name='mtxbass1']You don't have to create levels in littlebigplanet to enjoy it.

Your post should have been a blog post. This isn't general gaming or industry NEWS.[/QUOTE]
"Want to discuss multiplatform games, industry news, or video games in general? This is the place for you."
[quote name='punklivz']I can't and won't play any RTS... not even starcraft, nope... not 4 me...[/QUOTE]
Wow me too, I played starcraft 2 beta, and was like...This aint my cup o tea anymore. Memorizing build orders and sht.

It gets boring fast?!
:D gomikeoh, don't worry, as I'm not crazy over those titles either :D If I had to pick out of that list the fighting games and the music/rythym games would be tops. :D To each his own I say!
[quote name='gomikeoh']Wow me too, I played starcraft 2 beta, and was like...This aint my cup o tea anymore. Memorizing build orders and sht.

It gets boring fast?![/QUOTE]

Yep too boring, and even Sim type games I can't stand... I'd rather blow shit up lol.. or play puzzle type games.

The only one that LOOKED cool was Halo wars, but I just watched my husband play the demo. The characters and things were cool because they were Halo characters, but I just can't do it. I don't know how so many people love them :/
I don't get why people think Halo is so great. I got Halo 3 ODST for free from a Microsoft promotion. I tried it. Seems like just another grayish-brown generic shooter to me. No thanks. I'm glad I didn't have to pay anything for it.
[quote name='forteblast']I don't get why people think Halo is great. I got Halo 3 ODST for free from a Microsoft promotion. I tried it. Seems like just another grayish-brown generic shooter to me. No thanks.[/QUOTE]

It's an amazing shooter for consoles. If that's all you got, that's really all you know. Although to be honest, the PC hasn't dished out any FPS masterpieces since Half Life 2 was released. All development has been focused on shooters built for consoles and that demographic it seems.
JRPS grew up playing baldur's gate and the like and then my friends raved about final fantasy and I just never could get into it. Love final fantasy tactics series though.
[quote name='panzerfaust']It's an amazing shooter for consoles. If that's all you got, that's really all you know. Although to be honest, the PC hasn't dished out any FPS masterpieces since Half Life 2 was released. All development has been focused on shooters built for consoles and that demographic it seems.[/QUOTE]

Bioshock, Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Team Fortress 2. All amazing FPS games, all way better than Halo. Not exclusively for PC, but I'll take a mouse over a stick any day.
In no particular order...

Mario Galaxy 1/2 -
The first Mario games that I really struggled to finish (not that they were hard). I realized with the second one that I hated how power ups were handled...in previous games, they'd give you a powerup, and let you have fun with it...here, they gave you powerups, with a "you'll need this to complete the level" message.

Borderlands -
Perhaps because I was playing it offline most of the time, but it seemed like a sub-par FPS mixed with a watered down version of Diablo. It was just about the quest for better guns, with no real reason to try to get them. I also played it on PC, and the PC release was mired with bugs and terrible UI goings-on.

Gears of War -
I just couldn't get into the gameplay, and couldn't stop thinking about how cliche everything seemed.
I only played the first SMG and all the acclaim it got really has baffled me. I mean, I could understand the scores considering some of the worlds were really awesome -- but it was like one amazing galaxy to play through and then 10 fairly unimaginative ones with some straightforward platforming and mundane boss encounters.

I think reviewers just had a nostalgia fest. Still a great game, but...honestly..
[quote name='Chuplayer']Improper comma use is not for me.[/QUOTE]

It bothered me too.

I usually try to force myself to like critically acclaimed games, and it eventually works. You might say, "Just enjoy whatever games you naturally enjoy, they're not supposed to be work," but I just have a habit of trying to appreciate every game I play.

Some didn't work though. Wind Waker is one. I'm slowly plodding my way through OoT, but I just can't do Wind Waker. At least OoT has its "best-game-of-all-time" title and old school charm, while WW just feels like a flash game.

Civilization bores me.
And...I can't think of any more. I've learned to appreciate the rest :D.
Halo - God how I hate that Generic PoS. There are way better FPS. I think I hate the fan base more then the actual game.

Borderlands - Same as Salamando. It was just me killing guys to get better guns, so I could kill bigger guys with even better guns. No story to speak of or to make me want to keep moving forward. 90% of the guns you find are shit and you're just praying the next one is actually useful.

God of War - I think they're okay games, but Game of the Year worth? No way in hell. Very basic combat and very basic story.

Mass Effect - Very boring. Played 2 or 3 hours, then thought "This is boring" and sold it. Haven't touched a Bioware game since.

That's all I can think of right now.
[quote name='MattJ1991']I would have to say Bioshock, I can tell it's a great game but I just couldn't get into it.[/QUOTE]

I think Bioshock and Bioshock 2 are the only games that really define what the next generation can do. Those games are simply incredible.

I can't think of any games that stack up even halfway. I just want to play those two games again and again and again.

Hopefully they'll make a third.
God of War series
Sandbox games i.e. GTA or Infamous
Mass Effect 1 (and 2 to some extent, better than the first but certainly nowhere near GotY)
Any fighting/racing games
Anything Final Fantasy after 9. It's all been dumb stories with dumb characters in a dumb JRPG masturbation. I've had enough of their uninspired design!

I'm not really a fan of Halo either but I enjoy it when I play. Still have only played Halo 1, 2, and 3 while missing ODST, Wars, probably will miss Reach unless Gamefly can get it to me.

MGS doesn't really do it for me either. I only completed Sons of Liberty many moons after the release.
Braid and Limbo. I hate the trial and error and wondering whether I'm close to doing it right or I just happened upon a solution that almost works. I end up looking at a guide and then I question why I'm even playing the game in the first place.
Pretty much all the FF games (except FF2 for the SNES). I'm not a fan of JRPGs and/or turn-based games. The exception was X-Com. I can stomach action-RPGs (like LoZ, Shadowrun, etc.) if the story and action elements are good enough.

I still haven't played Mass Effect, Fables or the Kingdom Heart games.
Braid - It's half a game twice but with different puzzles the second time around.
Mass Effect - I can't play a game that runs at 15 fps and screen tears every time I rotate the camera an inch.
Limbo - It's too quiet, and my small attention span does not help it.
Any shooter ever - Multiplayer is not the reason I buy games.
Ass Creed, I mean Assassin's Creed.

Ubisoft quite possibly has the best advertisement department. They made that game with all flair, no substance. Each area was the same exact mission, with each area growing with more drunk people to fall onto you during your stalk. Don't forget the game is just technically a QTE, the button just never appears on screen but the enemy tells you what they are going to do with each attack.

Never understood this part about a developer's choice: I can fall into water, GAME OVER. Yes, I can understand that not everyone knew how to swim back then, but seriously just don't require me to go over water as if it molten lava (dude is an assassin, swimming should be a required trait).

Some of this might have changed in the second game, but the first was enough to ruin the game for me.
Mass Effect. I've tried and tried to play/beat the first one but still can't do it. Not that I hate it, I love story based RPGs, I love sci-fi but the game just doesn't do it for me.

Final Fantasy 13 so far also....I don't like the main cast that much I may not finish it. Only 9 or so hours in.
Fighting & music/rhythm games - just can't get into them, I also don't like keeping all of those guitars and drums and such around the place.

Littlebigplanet - I like to see what people can do with it, but it seems that most of the levels you'll come across are more like virtual tours than exciting platformers. I see a lot of this changing though with LBP2, plus some of the games people create are fun, like the bomb or shark games.

Demon's Souls - I like "challenging hard", not "cheap hard", and Demon's Souls seems to fall into the latter category. It's one of those games where you're rewarded for remembering which enemy will pop out at what point on your repeat playthroughs instead of being a better or more patient fighter.

"Stat Games" - I wouldn’t know what to call it, but I've never been big on games that are all about your numbers: minding the stats, leveling, grinding, collecting loot, etc. This runs from RPGS to Dungeon Hacks to even games like Borderlands. I just can't get into them.

Bayonetta/DMC - same as above but with antiquated game play, design, graphics, etc

I can't stand certain aspects of both games, namely the characters, plots, etc. but your particular complaints seem so far removed from anything I've heard that I'm just left scratching my head here. If Bayonetta's graphics are "antiquated", then we're all screwed.

To the above, I'm surprised you never heard that basically all of these issues were improved upon in ACII. In ACII You can swim(although in all fairness, you rarely ever found yourself by the water in ACI) and the missions are hardly the repetitive mess they were in the first game.
1. Most FPS games.
2. Racing games like Forza or Gran Turismo.
3. Modern Day JRPGs - seriously what happened there?
4. Music games
5. Sports titles like Madden
6. SRPGs
7. Super Mario Galaxy - I felt like I played this game while I was in Zombie mode. And like someone mentioned before, you were forced to use the upgrades to advanced in a level. Not like in the previous Mario games where you just have fun with it.
I think this topic quickly changed from "What critically acclaimed games. are just not for you?" to "What genre's/any game don't you like?"

People are forgetting the "critically acclaimed" part.
[quote name='camoor']I think Bioshock and Bioshock 2 are the only games that really define what the next generation can do. Those games are simply incredible.

I can't think of any games that stack up even halfway. I just want to play those two games again and again and again.

Hopefully they'll make a third.[/QUOTE]

I found the first Bioshock to be a bit overrated. I played it and finished it and definitely enjoyed it, but at the same time, I was waiting for that thing to happen that was going to blow my mind and make me say "wow, so THAT'S what the fuss is all about," and that thing never came. It's a great game, I just didn't think it was worth maybe all of its hype. Like Fallout, I think you can put old-timey music in any game and people will praise it for being daring and artsy.

I really had to force myself to finish Gears of War. I didn't dislike it, but I was definitely ready for it to be over. Maybe it was too "slow," I don't know what it was, but something just didn't click. Also, Arkham Asylum. I played the demo and it was on my wishlist for a long time but when I finally got it, I dunno, I just couldn't care.

I also begrudgingly loved Modern Warfare once I finally gave it a proper chance, but I still hate World War II shooters and can also really do without the Iraq-esque settings, too. I greatly dislike COD 1-3 and WAW.

I can rarely play a turn-based RPG. I want to, I want to play Final Fantasy and Earthbound and all the ones people go on and on about, but something about them just rubs me the wrong way and I can't put my finger on what it is. The only ones I ever remotely cared about were Chrono Trigger and Lost Odyssey, the latter of which I gave up and sold but I bought it again the other day mostly because it was half-off at Gamestop. I'll probably have to get the guide but I'm gonna finish that sucker, darn it.
RTS games, except for Halo Wars I liked that one, I guess it's because of the universe and the pretty good controls for a console.

Demon's Souls

Gears of War series (at least new at full price as their online is shitty except for Horde mode.)
[quote name='j-cart']Ass Creed, I mean Assassin's Creed.

Ubisoft quite possibly has the best advertisement department. They made that game with all flair, no substance. Each area was the same exact mission, with each area growing with more drunk people to fall onto you during your stalk. Don't forget the game is just technically a QTE, the button just never appears on screen but the enemy tells you what they are going to do with each attack.

Never understood this part about a developer's choice: I can fall into water, GAME OVER. Yes, I can understand that not everyone knew how to swim back then, but seriously just don't require me to go over water as if it molten lava (dude is an assassin, swimming should be a required trait).

Some of this might have changed in the second game, but the first was enough to ruin the game for me.[/QUOTE]

You really should give the 2nd game a try. Vastly superior to the first one and it's down to $20 at many places now, or just rent it.
The second game is really damn good. I absolutely hated the first AC with a passion, but the sequel is probably one of my favorite games this gen. I gotta give Ubisoft credit for showing how you do a sequel right.
Fighting games seem to require excellent hand-eye coordination, which is something that I do not possess. One time I played this random guy in MvC2 at an arcade and get my ass handed to me. He didn't even lose one character. Therefore, I don't play SF4, Tekken, BlazeBlue, etc.

I am also not a big fan of hack-n-slash games like God of War. I played through the first one and enjoyed it, but after picking up GoW Collection I didn't feel like going through it again nor playing the second one.
God of War - I like Greek mythology, so I attempted to enjoy this series multiple times. I just didn't like the way it controlled, especially after having played Bayonetta.

Grand Theft Auto - It's the controls again.
Beyond Good & Evil, KOTOR, anything Final Fantasy, Dragon Age, anything turn based really.

As for what I like: GTA, sandbox games in general, action/hack n slash RPG's
GTA series. Just couldn't get into GTA 3 at all, gave GTA 4 a shot and couldn't get into it either.

Any RTS game, just don't like the genre.
bread's done