What do Gamers really want in give aways?


CAG Veteran
Am putting together a list of what tops the list in terms of what gamers really want in gaming contests, freebies and give-aways. I think having such a list will help in terms of when companies or people are doing give aways for gamers etc I tend to always give out video games in giveaways and contests but looking at the contest and free stuff section it seems gamers are interested in more than just video games e.g.

MS Points
XBLA subscriptions
Beta Codes
Prized collections
Signed items from developers

So what do you guys really want? Pls list here and I’ll compile a final list afterwards
It might also help when next am planning a give away.

I Wouldnt mind a big nice can of whoop-ass...

seriously i would like Xbox live Code or A Free Cheap game like Perfect Dark Zero:)
Any type of code, especially ones for xbox points/subscription/games etc. are great, and games(disks) are great too, though I'd much prefer $10 worth of codes over a $10 game. Signed stuff is really cool also.
Besides video games here are game related things I would enjoy:

Wii Points Card
Giftcard to Gamestop, Best Buy, or any similar place.
Comic Books based on video games

That's all I can think of at the moment, I will post again if I think of anything else.
[quote name='mr.me']Besides video games here are game related things I would enjoy:

Wii Points Card
Giftcard to Gamestop, Best Buy, or any similar place.

What this man said, but add the option for PSN funds.

Also, for the sake of voicing my opinion and a display of avarice I'd explode if I ever won something like a DS, 360, or (even bigger display of greed) some smaller (read: not too expensive) televisions (preferably HDTVs).

Obviously, some are a little crazy but you did ask so I voiced my opinion.
People prefer electronic prizes, specifically XBL codes MS points codes, and DLC codes

shipping is a hassle for most people.
[quote name='dwb6']xbox live ms point cards, xbla codes, basically anything that can be used for the xbox 360[/QUOTE]

I agree, what i don't like are codes for movie downloads and 48-hour xbox live cards, they are simply not worth it make it a month, 3 months or a year and i am interested though.
I'm the oddball, but I would love to see signed items from developers would be my first choice. There's nothing like showing off what you love...
- Games (New or old, doesn't matter)
- Codes (Points, DLC, etc.)
- 360 Faceplates (Can't have enough of them)
- Collectibles, Posters, T-Shirts, etc (Can be signed or whatnot)
Limited/Collectible editions
Import limited editions, they get some interesting stuff over seas.
Amazon Gift Cards-buy any cards/games/etc you want. Also with their deals good to have a gift card in there in case you're low on funds at the time.
Goozex points
games obviously but Wii Points are nice. I mean we're gamers we're not that picky about free stuff. T-Shirts are a high get outsides of that. posters less so, action figures less so.
Hmmm we all want free games, but I find contests to be more fun (and I will be willing to try harder to win them) if they involve something unique or something I can ONLY get by entering that contest, like a special piece of swag. Or a sweaty towel ACTUALLY used by the devs as they created Gaylo 3.
[quote name='gammerwihz']Interestingly no one has said or mentioned about "posters" or maybe I've missed it in the responses above.[/QUOTE]

I don't know about everyone else, but I wouldn't want a poster. It would just end up sitting in my closet.
[quote name='CAG 79']We want to WIN!![/QUOTE]
My thoughts exactly. I want the names of the winners. Advent Rising (Xbox) had one of those contest where I could win cash (it's a sticker on the box, I think) but that fell through. I think these contests are just a scheme to get more people to buy their product. I have never met a 'winner' of these so called 'contests'.

Giveaways: Soundtracks, posters, FIGURINES, hats, t shirts, lanyards, jackets, gift cards (ex: When Nintendo released the Wii; for the midnight release at City Walk in Los Angeles, they gave out Target gift cards, which were bad ass. They were illuminated by a blue LED light. Bad ass.), backpacks, and art books would all be fine by my standards.
Game Voucher ( for any certain price game from say a particular company like UBISOFT, CAPCOM, EA, that would cover both PS3, 360 or any game)

PSN / MS point (gift card)

Store Gift card

or a limited edition collectible (figurine, vehicle, etc) something displayable
I like something tangible, long-term if I really want to support something make a reward meaning ful

unique items are cool like a Thumbdrive in a cool shape or replica of something from the game (gun, supply pack, granade etc) or a nice messenger style bag/laptop carrier
[quote name='Xenomac']My thoughts exactly. I want the names of the winners. Advent Rising (Xbox) had one of those contest where I could win cash (it's a sticker on the box, I think) but that fell through. I think these contests are just a scheme to get more people to buy their product. I have never met a 'winner' of these so called 'contests'.

Giveaways: Soundtracks, posters, FIGURINES, hats, t shirts, lanyards, jackets, gift cards (ex: When Nintendo released the Wii; for the midnight release at City Walk in Los Angeles, they gave out Target gift cards, which were bad ass. They were illuminated by a blue LED light. Bad ass.), backpacks, and art books would all be fine by my standards.[/QUOTE]

Yeah when they don't announce the winners to a contest I am just led to believe it was a fool's trick to get the contest holding site more hits and attention.
[quote name='Slappybob']A PS3 that is backwards compatable[sic][/QUOTE]you sir... I wish you were a women so I could marry you because YOU know what gamers want.

-Points or codes for all 3 systems.
-Actual retail games
-Unique, but useful accessories. aka a special edition :360: controller or something like that.

I'm not a big fan of swag or like.. signed copies of stuff.
[quote name='gammerwihz']Am compiling the list of responses so far, this should make an interesting reading.[/QUOTE]

Where did you put the list?
here's some that you didn't list: games, gaming swag (tshirts, figures, art books), gamefly subscriptions, gift cards, psn money, gaming accessories (headset, controllers, etc)
bread's done