What do I do with all these games? I just don't have time anymore.


18 (100%)
Here's my story: At around age fourteen, I became a video game fantatic. I had always liked video games before that time, but once I finished Final Fantasy X and Metal Gear Solid 2 I was absolutely in love with games. Over the years, I bought tons of stuff--from expensive Saturn imports to cheap games I found at thrift stores while still staying up to date with current gaming.

Ultimately, I think that this was a waste of money and time for two reasons.

Firstly, I found little value or fun in most of the games I bought. I felt I had "missed" the golden age of video gaming, during the SNES to PSX era transition. But besides a few select games like Zelda and Goldeneye, I never really played much during my childhood, so most games from older systems like TurboGrafx or Atari meant little to me, other than boring video game history that really wasn't all that fun. I don't mean to make this some kind of "epic" story about my video game years, I just think that I was overcompensating because I missed out on some great games.

Secondly, I missed out on time with friends and family. I basically pissed away my entire high school social life on video games. I nearly always declined when people asked me to hang out. When I started getting invited to parties at the end of my junior year, I was so bored one night when the power went out at my house, I actually decided to go to one. I slowly decided that my friends and my future were more important than video games.

So yes, you could call me a recovering video game addict. I still like playing, don't get me wrong, I just don't think that I'm fit for stuff like rare fighting imports from Japan or sixty hour RPGs. Yes, my story is pathetic, but I'm glad I now have a social life and a very promising future.

This begs the question: Where do I go next? I have twelve or thirteen systems I want to get rid of, particularly two import Saturns. I have so many random games laying around that I don't know what to keep and what to get rid of. Part of me says they'll be worth something someday and MAYBE I'll really get back into games, but the logical part of me tells me that I'll barely ever have enough time to beat Twilight Princess.

At this point, what would you guys do? I'm keeping my Wii and my PS2, but the rest has to go. Shall I sell it on CAG? Sell it on eBay? Or let it rot in my house? I know I don't have much info about what I actually have--I can tell you it is a mix of very rare games (MGS3:SLE, tons of Saturn and DC shooters, a few SNES RPGs) and some absolute junk games that will probably go to Gamestop since they're not even worth selling on eBay.

Any advice would be great, thanks guys. And yes, I WILL eventually finish Twilight Princess, Zelda is one of those series along with MGS that I absolutely MUST keep up with :p
Yea, forgot to say I've posted this before and people got angry. Just wanted more opinions for a more revised and less...inciting post. Plus I wanted to check out CAG a bit. I'm getting back into video games from like, a six month time of not playing at all, to just being more of a casual gamer.
I'd also keep the systems and some of your favorite games. You never know when you'll get a hankering to play some X-Men vs Street Fighter.
Your social life isn't as important as 1 CCing Radiant Silvergun. If your friends don't understand that, they're not real friends.

In all seriousness, I once sold off a huge percentage of my games (probably around 75% of them) and I found that I kept wanting to play the games I sold. Now if I get sick of a game, it just goes on the shelf until one day I'm not sick of it anymore. I think that's a better option then selling it off for a couple bucks and then deciding that I miss it.
[quote name='dopa345']Personally, I would keep the systems and at least a few core games for each just for collection reasons.[/quote]

^ This is good advice.

Don't get rid of everything, as you'd almost certainly regret it at some point in the future if you did. Just sell those games/systems that you'll probably never play and/or those that have no sentimental value.
Honestly, selling things on CAG is quite tough, unless youre willing to give a big discount. Unload it on ebay, list the rare and expensive stuff separately, and the less valuable stuff in larger lots.

Sometimes I wonder what the point of my having 130 PS2 games is, but somewhere down the road I will look at my shelves full of 1500 games and enjoy it somewhat. Hopefully. Having the games isnt the issue, its the matter of time consumption - if they are eating away at all of your time, maybe its time to let go a little. I know if I spent as much time playing games as I would have to just to keep up, I would have no life. So a lot of them go unplayed... but at least they are cheap. :)
[quote name='botticus']Rare stuff to eBay, everything else list on CAG for a bit, then to eBay if no interest. I honestly sell just about everything on eBay cause CAGs are too thrifty. eBay is unforunately a pain in the ass, but I'm also almost done selling everything at this point.

Deja vu?



I 2nd this.

[quote name='Halo05']Your social life isn't as important as 1 CCing Radiant Silvergun. If your friends don't understand that, they're not real friends.

In all seriousness, I once sold off a huge percentage of my games (probably around 75% of them) and I found that I kept wanting to play the games I sold. Now if I get sick of a game, it just goes on the shelf until one day I'm not sick of it anymore. I think that's a better option then selling it off for a couple bucks and then deciding that I miss it.[/QUOTE]

See I don't agree I sold off most of my collection last year, and I don't miss any of it. I've set a limit as to how many games I allow myself to have now. But I've found that since I've sold off most of my collection the games I own, and play now I enjoy more. I play more, get my moneys worth. I have 20 games for the 360 that I have played and get really in depth with.

Back with the ps2 I had 200 games but only had less then under 10 hours in most of the games, and even more sealed. In the end you won't miss them. And since OP you said you realize you were addicted then I say its best to get rid of most.
bread's done