What do you want at E3?


14 (100%)
Simple. What do you want to see announced or shown off at E3?

I only want one thing: Pikmin 3. Doesn't matter what system it's for as long as we get a release window and see either screens or video to show that it's definitely coming.
That whatever Nintendo's new console is, you'd be able to transfer your Wiiware and Virtual Console games to it, similar to how DSiware can be transferred to the 3DS.
I want Nintendo to announce they're gonna try to outdo 360/PS3 with a powerful system and they're going to focus on more hardcore gamers again .. also new IPs.

I've got such a huge backlog of games across all systems that E3 has really lost it's luster for me. I used to follow it immensely and now that I've got too much to play, I know I won't be purchasing many of the titles shown at E3 for a long time.
Xenoblade NA announcement is what makes the difference between me hating Nintendo to my dying day and praising their name until the end of time. A Layton 4 or WKC: Dogma Wars announcement would also make my day.
[quote name='mtxbass1']Nothing.

I've got such a huge backlog of games across all systems that E3 has really lost it's luster for me.[/QUOTE]
I feel much the same this year as far as games go. Still curious about Nintendo and Sony's new hardware, though.
I want to see a list of maps (with preview) for UC3 multiplayer.
I want to see Microsoft do some serious convincing.
Resistance 3 (Only if it is amazing).
Dead island (I am intrigued, the graphics look nice it seems like L4d3 with open world.
bread's done