What do you want Next-Gen?


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This generation left a lot of gamers a little distraught. We've seen the extinction of several things we took for granted from BC to splitscreen.

So ITT feel free to jot down some things you want to see in the next generation of consoles.

My list:

BC. One of the main reasons I was so quick to get a ps3 was the fact that it was BC..at the time. Next gen, if the consoles don't support BC I'm probably going to wait it out a little longer. It's just a nice convenience to have, especially when there aren't many games out yet.

Splitscreen. I really really don't see the logic in this. Most of my console gamer friends haven't yet jumped onto the online bandwagon and even the few that have prefer a social split screen experience. So when they pick out games, they always avoid the one's that only support online, it's about time devs realized this again. Maybe devs think this will gravitate gamers towards paying for their online systems and features, but that's not the case around my circle.

20+ mutiplayer. So many games feel barren online because we're dropped into massive worlds meant for at least 20 or more people, yet most devs stop at 8 or heavens forbid...4.
I don't know, something other than graphics? Put a lid on "next gen" for a couple more years before it comes out.

The so called "next gen" is coming about to soon these days I think. By the time developers actually get the hang of the console, it's on it's way out. God of War and Ninja Gaiden are perfect examples.

Maybe around 5 years is a bit too soon. I'd rather have less hype around the release of the damn thing and give developers time to really have a feel for it. I know this will not happen. Corporate greed and consumer stupidity will not allow for it.
- Nothing before 2015
- One of the big 3 pulling out of home consoles so the developer base isnt so diluted

Other than that, I'm pretty much fine with what we have. We dont need new hardware, we need software.
I'm pretty happy with the 360, so I'd agree that I'd like to see it stick around more than 5 years. Also agree that all co-op games need local split screen. It's more fun to play with my friend in the same room drinking beer with me, than to have to play online.

Honestly, other than a graphics and bigger hard drives (in the standard model) which we'll get for sure there's not anything else specific that I can think of. I guess better reliability from MS' next console!
I would love more support for homebrew stuff in the future. While I can definitely see why consoles keep all their stuff "closed", I don't think they need to kill user generated content altogether. If someone figured out a way to allow people to build apps for systems, it would be quite awesome.

Nintendo-wise, they need to ditch the friend code system and embrace online. I would also love it if their games stopped using certain functions of the console, just because they exist. Don't get me wrong, some games use motion-tracking wonderfully, but games that have waggle=some unrelated command just annoy me. If the motion control makes intuitive sense, then okay. Otherwise, drop it, make it a button press.
What I want is cost control from developers and publishers. Their inability to control cost structure is what has led us to higher prices, nickle and diming through DLC addons and old overpriced ports on XBL/PSN/Wiiware etc. Developers need to stop pushing their failure to control budgets on to the consumer.

I want better value across the board. Compared to what we are being offered, games are drastically overpriced and don't get me started on the tremendous ripoff that is DLC.
I'm fairly happy with my 360, so there isn't much that I want next gen. Better quality obviously, but maybe dropping prices on older dlc after a couple of months. I wouldn't mind if xbl was free too.:)
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']- Nothing before 2015
- One of the big 3 pulling out of home consoles so the developer base isnt so diluted

Other than that, I'm pretty much fine with what we have. We dont need new hardware, we need software.[/quote]

I can't believe it but I actually agree with you! Owning a PS3 and 360 purely for gaming is a bit redundant. I'm glad I finally have both but if the 360 supported Blu-ray (gaming as well as movies) I never would have gotten a PS3.

I really hope the next-gen doesn't come for at least another 5 years. I want developers to focus more on story-telling instead of multiplayer. I'm 2/3 finished with Uncharted and even though the game isn't perfect Naughty Dog is telling an EXCELLENT story so far with the cut scenes, dialogue, motion capture and audio. The presentation is top-notch (even if the actual story is straight out of Indiana Jones). I also love the "Bonus" features on the disc and I hope they become standard because I'm very interested in the behind the scenes stuff and how the game is actually made.
I want console technology to stick where it is or maybe take a small step back so that games don't cost so much to make.

I want more games than I can handle coming out, like how it was with the PS2.
i want more choice in types of games. how about more games like indigo prophecy and heavy rain? as a 27 year old i feel as if ive been playing the same 4 games over and over again and the only thing that is different is the title of what im playing.
It's going to be a few more years before there is a next gen console. Nintendo is still making sick money with the Wii, Sony has stated a 10 year plan for PS3 (at least in theory) and MS took a $1.1 billion loss on 360. The first one out will be from MS, although they don't have to be in a hurry since Sony is extending the lifespan on this cycle nor should they be in a hurry considering the epic hardware failures of the 360. MS needs to take their time and do it right. I don't want to see a new console until at least 2012, preferably 2013.
[quote name='munch']More motion techonology.[/QUOTE]

That's one I should have added as something I don't want to see.

I hate motion controls. If we ever got to a point where most games used motion controls, that would be a time I'd probably stop buying new games.

[quote name='javeryh']I can't believe it but I actually agree with you! Owning a PS3 and 360 purely for gaming is a bit redundant. I'm glad I finally have both but if the 360 supported Blu-ray (gaming as well as movies) I never would have gotten a PS3.

I agree and I've been singing that tune for a while. There's very little reason to own a 360 and PS3 for gaming. Having a 360, I have no reason to get a PS3 since I got the Sony BDP-S350 for $150 on black friday. With stand alone blu ray player prices dropping so much there's just no reason to own a PS3 unless you absolutely must have the few Sony exclusive games (and I don't).

So I'd love to see Sony and MS partner up on a console, or one of them drop out. But I doubt that will happen next gen. Would probably take one of them failing miserably.
i dont think bc will be around in the next gen unless they can pull off full software emulation. not to mention the money that can be made from reselling old games in dl form.

my main want for the next gen is games that truly let you use everything to accomplish the goal and goals that can be accomplished in more than one way. and full interacivity and more realism. ex. in a zombie game its annoying that youre in a world with plenty of places you should be able to go into or things you should be able to climb on but cant. or you enter a place with tons of times that could be used as weapons but you cant use them theyre just there to be seen or for decoration.

itd be cool to be able to climb on top of something to buy time or to get away. i want to be able to shot them in specific spots to cripple them and save ammo and facilitate my escape. if theres gas and empty bottles you should be able to make fire bombs but using them inside should burn down the building.

games are getting there but i think alot of game makers only do so much but dont try to truly push the envelope so they have something to save for later. what good isa massive world when you can only enter 20 or so buildings?
What I want for next-gen (or this gen for that matter) is for consoles to fully embrace re-releasing classic games through some form of online downloads. I know that the VC for the Wii was one of the biggest selling points for me. It saddens me to see very few classic titles being released (especially now that it has been reduced to almost one VC title a week). I know that a big problem with this is licensing issues, but hopefully that can be improved or even fixed by next-gen.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I hate motion controls. If we ever got to a point where most games used motion controls, that would be a time I'd probably stop buying new games.[/quote]


I would also love to see fully integrated/working 1st party wireless keyboard/mouse setups.
I feel pretty burn-out from this current gen... w/ the raised price of games, hardware & lack of J-RPG.. and the wii ruling over the planet could mean a big shift in the gaming market the next gen.. I don't want shoveware, & motion controllers.....
[quote name='dmaul1114']That's one I should have added as something I don't want to see.

I hate motion controls. If we ever got to a point where most games used motion controls, that would be a time I'd probably stop buying new games.


hell yeah to motion control! he's going to be stuck with the 360/ps3 gaming for the rest of his life. motion control is the thing of the future, just as how touch screen became the future and a "standard". look at the people who says what they would like on the psp2, a touch screen. a touch screen where many psp owners said was a gimmick during the early days of the ds and now they desire for it. you need to get on the train or be left behind.

i want to buy a disc which gives me a title to what i bough. so i don't want virtual downloads or digital distribution of a game. i don't mean those wiiware or xbox arcade games, i mean games like gears of war, metal gear or metroid prime. not everyone is on fios.

small size. the wii is very good looking because it's small and very sleek.
Nah, I'd just finish up all the 360 games I wanted to play and just stop gaming all together. Plenty of other hobbies which I already spend more of my limited free time on.

But I don't think it will come to that. Nintendo will stick with motion controls, with Sony and MS it will just be tacked on/optional in most games like it is with the PS3 now.

Motion controls just don't work well with most traditional games. Pointer controls have some promise though if they can find a way to get the aiming to work while not having to point at the middle of the screen or hold down a lock on button to keep the view centered when not shooting at stuff.
I want:

- Cheapish. Nothing above $400 at launch. Wish me luck on that.
- IR pointers become standard, though I still want to have two analogue sticks. Motion controls? Eh, I'll wait and see how good WM+ can make the next No More Heroes, then I'll get back to you.
- Nintendo to get its fucking act together with regards to... well, a lot of things.
- One of the big three to bow out. Or team up with someone else. Or... something. fuck the three consoles, I wanna play Valkyria, dammit, but I don't wanna buy a machine just for it!
- Minimal DLC.
- X-Com remake, Planescape: Torment sequel, KotOR III, and Starcraft: Ghost.
- None of the above to happen until I'm out of university.

EDIT: [quote name='dmaul1114']Pointer controls have some promise though if they can find a way to get the aiming to work while not having to point at the middle of the screen or hold down a lock on button to keep the view centered when not shooting at stuff.[/quote]

Heh, you added that just for me. While I still find it a bizarre objection, I am surprised that MP3 didn't let you use a toggle-lock like in Ocarina of Time...
I would need things to be less over the top. As it is, everything seems so excessive with little substance. Wii came out with motion control and it feels hollow 90% of the time. XBox 360 established a huge online console gaming structure but has such a high failure rate that even the casual public picked up on it. PS3 is epic in how many people have commented on the price vs. worth argument. Games that are hyped out the hoohah that don't deliver.
[quote name='The Crotch']

Heh, you added that just for me. While I still find it a bizarre objection, I am surprised that MP3 didn't let you use a toggle-lock like in Ocarina of Time...[/QUOTE]

Yep, wanted to stave off your bitching!

Theres' really just no good way to do it. With a mouse it's fine as its not tiring to keep the mouse pointer in the center of the screen. With a pointer it just gets old having to keep it pointed in the center--or hold down a lock on button.

Maybe they'll figure something out, but I suspect I'll always prefer dual analog controls. I'm just not big on pointers, motion control, touch screen controls etc. Guess I'm just old, cranky and stuck in my ways!
Oh, and I don't want this all-in-one media package. I want a fucking game console. See: point one, keeping the price down.

EDIT: Dmaul, like I said, they could have avoided your complaint if they made the lock toggle rather than require you to hold it. As I mentioned, Ocarina of Time had both options, and it's... what, eleven years old now?
Here's what immediately comes to mind:

- the death of all motion controls
- a D-pad on controllers that doesn't suck total ass
- a new Playstation controller (swapping the left analog stick with the d-paid is a great start)
- drastically reduced DLC (if not all together), put all the content on the retail versions or offer it as free downloads
- full keyboard and mouse support via USB
- the end of the of Mii/NXE Avatars, no-one gives a shit unless you're eight. At least make them completely optional
Surprised no one mentioned VR.

I can really see this enhancing my first person gaming experiences. Just hope my precious gaming eyes will be able to take it....

I really just want to feel something new next gen, beyond the predictable updated graphics. I almost believed that was going to happen with the Wii during all the hype, and while motion controls are a nice theory...they're pretty much just that right now.
Priority 1) A proper Chrono trigger sequel, or at the very least a high profile jrpg dealing with time travel. Which oddly enough there seems to be hardly any of, at least to my knowledge.

I would like the comeback of jrpgs and the action/adventure/platformer games, it was awesome when there was such an abundance of them on the ps2. However almost everything nowadays has to ride on the halo and Gta bandwagon which sucks.

And yes BC is important, especially since I own all thrree consoles, my outlets are basically full as it is with that, don't have the room to hoookup an older console.

- a console with a good d-pad would be nice. The best console with that imo was the snes, it was awesome playing street fighter on it.
-Full keyboard + mouse support in games. This would be awesome.
-Standardization of features, make certain features common across all consoles: wifi accessibility, backwards compatibility, full High Def output, external or user replaceable HDD, and there are probably more...
-A steam-like service for consoles
-Since it's getting so popular in theaters lately, I'd like to see if digital 3-d could work in a game. Might be kind of cool. That's more dependent on advancements in TV's/projectors, though.
[quote name='The Crotch']Oh, and I don't want this all-in-one media package. I want a fucking game console. See: point one, keeping the price down.

EDIT: Dmaul, like I said, they could have avoided your complaint if they made the lock toggle rather than require you to hold it. As I mentioned, Ocarina of Time had both options, and it's... what, eleven years old now?[/QUOTE]

I suppose. But it's still just easier to just let go of the right stick and have the view center and stay there. :D

Agree on generally not wanting an all at one package. I don't mind some extrra features--i.e. the Netflix streaming kicks all kinds of ass. But I've never used my game consoles as DVD players etc. I'd rather have stand alones for that. Usually better quality and less where and tear on the consoles.
Complete domination by Nintendo, as it was during the "Golden Age" of gaming, where Nintendo forced their will upon game developers, demanded quality gaming experiences, and suffered through all the backlash, complaints, and lawsuits to maintain their position.

I disagree with many of their tactics, but I cannot disagree with the results. I would rather have the next generation go back to 16-bits and see that level of attention and quality given to games than buy a super-powered machine with "pretty" games that are gimmicky, glitchy, and lacking in "fun".

Don't call me a "fanboy", it would be fine with me if MS or Sony did the same, but from what I've observed, history does not support the idea that they would.
I can't agree with that. The 360 is the most fun I've had with gaming since the SNES.

Nintendo is pretty much dead to me now as I've tired of most of their franchises and have no interests in motion controls or casual games and like online gaming and top level graphics. I was a huge Nintendo fan through the NES and SNES, and still enjoyed the N64 and Gamecube. But they lost me this generation.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I can't agree with that. The 360 is the most fun I've had with gaming since the SNES.

Nintendo is pretty much dead to me now as I've tired of most of their franchises and have no interests in motion controls or casual games and like online gaming and top level graphics. I was a huge Nintendo fan through the NES and SNES, and still enjoyed the N64 and Gamecube. But they lost me this generation.[/quote]

everything nintendo is doing right now is all planned out. there is reason to the subtle improvements in graphics, why motion controls and so on. the one way of showing and having you to understand on nintendo's stand point of graphics is sound quality. how do you improve sound quality in a game when sound quality is cd quality. if you look at sound quality in games back then [atari days] and now [360 days], you'll see a very small improvement in them. i understand the use of those high end speaker systems, but not everyone uses them and not everyone cares about the sound quality as long as the sound is used accordingly to the game.

btw, no 3d tv. it is ridiculous to have to wear glasses to play a game. not only that, the 3d popped images may make gaming worst because it's 3d.

have you also noticed that everyone wants a cost effective system. the only way to get that is either the company takes a massive hit like what microsoft is doing as they're more then capable [ms has money from pc sector] or make a product that isn't to costly like what nintendo is doing.

if technology is the emphasis [better graphics, processors, etc...], then more likely sony and microsoft will take a deep cut in their pocket, meaning the next 360 will probably stay at 300 while ms takes like a billion+ dollar lost and sony still selling their next ps3 at the previous price [500] and still taking losses of 1billion+ out of their pockets.

the choice is upto the consumer of what they want. based on what people have said, i can probably tell you right now that 360/ps3 will repeat. why, ms doesn't want to lose their hardcore customers and they rely on the tech and the ps3 as well. so depending on how much ms/sony is willing to lose and what they can earn, they may increase the price higher. so a 360 two will be 50-100 more then the current price. so 360/ps3 owners must decide on rather they want a cheap console [subtle change] or a pricey console [very high tech]. you can get high tech and pay cheap but it comes at a lost of waiting [probably like 3 years].
I'm saying what I want.

I don't care what other people want. I want traditional controls, good online play, and cutting edge graphics. Any system that doesn't offer those things is a system I'll never purchase.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I'm saying what I want.

I don't care what other people want. I want traditional controls, good online play, and cutting edge graphics. Any system that doesn't offer those things is a system I'll never purchase.[/quote]

i definitely know that ms will upgrade their machine just like what they did the second time based on what you have said. ms will keep things as it is and just upgrade the parts. i can tell you that the price may be higher then now. but it all depends on how much ms is willing to lose money to earn users. remember that the next year or so will be rough and companies will earn modestly.

then you'll be paying the premium prices for things. so when the 360 two is released for 400 you're willing to pay for it. but there are some here who aren't. when the games are for $70 then you'll be willing to pay for that too. again, there are some here who aren't willing to pay for that.
That's fine. I'll buy the console at $400, a good gaming experience is worth it, and that's not that much money to me. Most likely I'll wait until the first price drop as I'll be catching up on 360 games for a while into next gen most likely.

Game prices don't bother me much, I get most everything off of Goozex.

Others can be cheap asses and settle for crappy graphics and gimmick controls. And others prefer that stuff and good for them, they're all set.

As long as there's a console offering a similar gaming experience to what the 360 and PS3 offer this gen I'll be happy. And with the way games like GTAIV, Halo 3, Gears of War etc. have sold this generation you can be sure there will be plenty of those types of games around next gen, along with whatever dreck Nintendo is putting out.

There's plenty of room in the market for both types of consoles.
[quote name='The Crotch']Oh, hey, that reminds me. I want prices on games not to go up next generation, and controller prices to drop.[/quote]

Controllers will be in your mind, games will be in the cloud.
If I had to guess, game prices and controller prices will stay pretty much the same. Games at $60 on the sony/ms platforms and $50 on Nintendo and controllers in the $40-50 range.

They aren't going to roll back prices now that people are used to paying them.
bread's done