What Game of the Year should I play?


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I'm in need of the CAG nation. I'm a huge video game fan, but for the past year I haven't been able to play as many games as I'd like. I currently have a few games that I want to play, but I don't know where to start. PLEASE tell me which of the following games I should play and why:

1) God of War 3 - The ultimate goal is to play and beat God of War 3 (which I own), but I'm about half way done with GoW 2 so I'm almost ready to play GoW3.

2) Batman: Arkham Asylum - I've heard nothing but good things about this game and with the sequel coming soon, I have to get this game completed.

3) Mass Effect 2 - Now it needs to be said that I haven't played Mass Effect 1, but I do own it. I played about 30 minutes of the first game, but I didn't finish it. A friend of mine says this is one of his favorite series out there, but I would probably have to start from the beginning right?

4) Assassin's Creed Brotherhood - I have played almost all of AC1, but it got too repeditive to beat. I played a couple hours of AC2, but got too busy to play the rest. Now I just got ACB for Christmas, but I haven't played all of AC2. If you tell me to play ACB, I would have to play AC2 first.

Ok, those are the choices. It's a weird situation where I have a bunch of games that I hadn't had much time to play until now, so I need your advice. Please remember to include why you're picking a certain game for me to play. Thanks CAG'ers!!
Mass Effect 2. Story is better if you've played the 1st one. But the game stands on it's own and is my favorite game of this generation.
Play Arkham Asylum first since the sequel is coming out the soonest, and it is one of the better games on your list. You can also jump right into it without playing any other games first. Then Mass Effect 2, since it's better than the other games. I would say play the first Mass Effect first though, skipping all the sidequests (since they are boring and a waste of time IMO). God of War 3 isn't too long, so you could tackle that third. Then skip the Assassin's Creed games altogether since you seem to not be into them very much, and they include a lot of time filler.
Arkham Asylum easy, the boss fights are uninspired, and should only be rented for cheap. Honestly, i'm still shocked it won game of the year
[quote name='dodgers2213']Arkham Asylum easy, the boss fights are uninspired, and should only be rented for cheap. Honestly, i'm still shocked it won game of the year[/QUOTE]

Other than Poison Ivy and The Joker, the boss fights in that game were amazing.
Finish off GoW2 and then play GoW3. After that, I'd go with Arkham Asylum. These games are fairly short, and won't take more than 10 hours.

Then you can move on to Mass Effect. I liked Mass Effect more than I liked Mass Effect 2 but I think a vast majority of people liked ME2 more since BioWare dumbed it down so much.
[quote name='Vinny']Finish off GoW2 and then play GoW3. After that, I'd go with Arkham Asylum. These games are fairly short, and won't take more than 10 hours.

Then you can move on to Mass Effect. I liked Mass Effect more than I liked Mass Effect 2 but I think a vast majority of people liked ME2 more since BioWare dumbed it down so much.[/QUOTE]

You mean removed all the extraneous crap that turned the game into an inventory management sim?

Play Arkham Asylum, then Mass Effect 1 and 2. Arkham Asylum is short, so you can quickly get into the Mass Effect games, and you don't want to play Mass Effect first unless you want to be really disappointed.

Haven't played God of War 2 or 3 yet, so I can't comment on those. Or Brotherhood.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']You mean removed all the extraneous crap that turned the game into an inventory management sim?

Not only that, but the deeper/more versatile character leveling too. It's supposed to be an RPG. The second game felt more like an FPS than an RPG.

I'm not saying it's a bad game, it's one of my favorite games of the year. It had a much better story, better conversation system, technically superior, no missions involving that stupid MAKO and Miranda. I'm just saying I liked the first game better because it had more depth (or extraneous crap, as you put it ;)).
Difficult choice, they're all great games. I would say play Batman first since it's not too long, then move onto Mass Effect 2. I have several friends that had no problem getting into ME2 without playing the first. It's helps to have a better understanding but I wouldn't call it necessary.
I'd definitely play Mass Effect 1 first then ME2 assuming you have the free time. You'll appreciate them both more. I just started on Arkham Asylum and it seems pretty fun but haven't played the other two yet.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Mass Effect 2. Story is better if you've played the 1st one. But the game stands on it's own and is my favorite game of this generation.[/QUOTE]
Exactly this.
Arkham Asylum. It doesnt require any other game to enhance the enjoyment. It's one of the best games of this generation. I'd say it has the best fighting mechanic. The story is good and the Riddler Challenges are the only collectible I've ever bothered to find all of off on purpose (found all the books/diaries in Bayonetta, but that was totally on acident).

Plus, like others have said, it's shorter, so it's great for those of us with limited free time. (I never did many of the challenge rooms though.)
I would definitely say Arkham Asylum.

ME2 is awesome as well, and I played it without playing ME1. I don't know if this is true on consoles, but after beating ME2 on the PC I went to play ME1 and quit after 30 minutes. The worse graphics kind of sucked but the much worse controls are what made me put it down. I would say if you want to play both ME1 and ME2, definitely start with ME1, but if you don't mind not playing ME1 then go ahead and jump into ME2, you won't miss a thing.
I had a similar dilemma. Arkham Asylum, Red Dead Redemption, or ME2. I decided to go with Arkham Asylum, and I think it was a good choice. It's easy to get into and hard to put down. There are some frustrating parts, but overall it's a really good experience. The stealth aspects, and playing with all of Batman's toys is a lot of fun. The fighting system is one of the best in any action game ever, but it does start to feel repetitive. I'll probably play through it again a month or so before the sequel comes out.
Mass Effect 2 and Arkham Asylum should be at the top of your list. Two of the best games I've ever played.

GoW3 is fine, but really just more of the same. Same with AC Brotherhood aside from the multi-player.
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