What happened to Salsa Doritos?


Haven't seen these in my area for a loooong time now (a year or more) . Been meaning to post a topic like this forever, but never had the guts. Was hoping they just went back and redesigned the bag (like the others. You know, those ugly bags. :) ), but I know that's not it. I live in N.C. Those were the best Doritos ever. Screw Ranch (they're good, but not as good as salsa). Thanks for any info.
Like all good Doritos flavors, they test market them, let you get hooked, then take them away. Because they're evil. I'm hoping one day they'll bring back the excellent BBQ flavor they had in my region one magical summer years ago, but they never do...
meh, Ive never seen salsa anywhere in wisconsin... perhaps salsa flavored torengos would sort of be the same? As long as doritos never gets rid of the peppercorn jack doritos, ill be happy.
Here's a better question... Where are my Taco Doritos? They still list them on the website, but I'll be damned if I can find them here in AZ. Sure, I can find Guacamole, and some super spicy crap, but no Taco Doritos. Stupid Frito-Lay.
[quote name='BlueWingX']Here's a better question... Where are my Taco Doritos? They still list them on the website, but I'll be damned if I can find them here in AZ. Sure, I can find Guacamole, and some super spicy crap, but no Taco Doritos. Stupid Frito-Lay.[/QUOTE]

whoa really? I work at a grocery store, and taco seems to be the flavor that sells the most out of all the doritos. Thats quite odd. Id offer to ship you a few bags, but thatd be insane since youd end up with taco flavored tortilla crumbs :)
[quote name='BlueWingX']Here's a better question... Where are my Taco Doritos? They still list them on the website, but I'll be damned if I can find them here in AZ. Sure, I can find Guacamole, and some super spicy crap, but no Taco Doritos. Stupid Frito-Lay.[/QUOTE]
People in border states like Arizona don't like Mexican-style foods. That's my theory.:D
The person delivering the chips usually have those flavors. Chip delivery guy usually determines what sells and what doesn't. Then he puts all the ones that's the most profitable. If you happen to see any Lay potato chip delivery guy at your store, you should ask them and they will get it for you.

The Lay's employee that I know told me that Ruffles potato chips have the best quality while the plain Lays original and other lays have the lowest grade. They use medium size potatos for ruffles and big potatos for lays. Something interesting to think about.
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