What Happens If We Bring The Troops Home?


If Obama decides to call the troops home tomorrow what will become of the Middle East?

Will the citizens be able to take care of themselves?

Will America's security be any more or less threatened than it is now?

Will Iran and other enemies be emboldened?

We do a lot of talking about getting out of Iraq and such, just curious as to what you guys predict will happen if we do.
There's too many what ifs.

My guess is there wouldn't be any major changes. Iraq would probably see a spike in sectarian violence etc., but I don't think we'd see any international wars etc.

Hard to say about US safety. If Iraq (or Afghanistan) fell into the wrong hands there could be some risk to our assets in the area, but probably not much risk of any major attack on US soil. Outside Al Qaeda possibly having places to set up training camps with impunity etc.

Balance that with perhaps gradually lowering anti-US sentiment if we quit meddling in affairs in that region.....and we could be better off.

But no way to know as it's all just speculation of course.
[quote name='xxDOYLExx']If Obama decides to call the troops home tomorrow what will become of the Middle East?

Will the citizens be able to take care of themselves?

Will America's security be any more or less threatened than it is now?

Will Iran and other enemies be emboldened?

We do a lot of talking about getting out of Iraq and such, just curious as to what you guys predict will happen if we do.[/QUOTE]

cant say. for the most part id say yes, but it certainly wouldnt be an easy road and im sure wed gladly dump billions in aid over there.

the same.


even when we finally being the withdrawl there will be a presence there for sometime to come.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']If we "abandon" the Middle East, we'll have to replace it with something. What would you replace the Middle East with?[/QUOTE]

well, we went back to iraq. maybe its time to revisit some central american countries, maybe go a little more south and visit hugo.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']well, we went back to iraq. maybe its time to revisit some central american countries, maybe go a little more south and visit hugo.[/QUOTE]

Replace one source of oil with another? That is an answer and likely to happen, but it is shortsighted.

In the Fallout universe, it was Canada.
Lol, i dont think Obama is going to pull the troops out any time soon. When he was running before the elections, he said he'd pull the troops out as soon as he could. hes in for over a year now and he does not seem to plan on pulling them out but rather put mmore troops in. Ironic that he did that after he got the Nobel "Peace" prize. But in my opinion, The nobel Peace prize has lost its value after it was given to Yasir Arafat. Back on subject, After coming into office, Obama sees that we cant take the troops out just yet. The citizens would not be able to take care of them selve. Peace would not be held over there. And i really do not think that taking troops out will make the US a safer place. I think it is because the war we are raging over there that has kept us from another September 11th from happening. If we establish a stable state of situations in the middle east, not only will it provide us with more security, but i think also privileges. Our oil is alot cheaper than other countries currenly. With the middle east working along side us, out oil will only get cheaper. I think that former president G. Bush can be seen as a tree planter. We wont see the fruit of his work until a few years down the road. However, this i just all me thinking out loud.
Just for consistency sake, 'Id like to hear all of the people that scorned Bush over the war to act the same way towards Obama.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']Replace one source of oil with another? That is an answer and likely to happen, but it is shortsighted.

In the Fallout universe, it was Canada.[/QUOTE]
False. In the Fallout universe, oil had long since been replaced by other sources of fuel.

You invaded us over water and lumber, as I recall.

And... probably uranium. I mean, that would make sense; we've got a cuntload of it. I just don't remember that ever being mentioned in the game itself.
[quote name='The Crotch']
You invaded us over water and lumber, as I recall.

not to mention you guys are just askin for it
[quote name='xxDOYLExx']Just for consistency sake, 'Id like to hear all of the people that scorned Bush over the war to act the same way towards Obama.[/QUOTE]

I believe we should just leave, like yesterday.

However Bush got so much "scorn" is because he and his minions started the war intentionally and on false pretenses. It would be many things but "consistent" isn't one of them to believe that staying to try and salvage something dunno call it victory or peace is the same thing.
The place was a shit hole before we got there and it will be so after we leave. If we leave tomorrow or if we leave in 5 years doesnt change this.

The Taliban/Al Queda owning Afghanistan, for instance, isnt really a big deal. If I'd want my enemies to cluster anywhere, it would be where there is no infrastructure/electricity/internet with very little above ground cover. Now those elements that planned 9/11 from the likes of Germany and Florida, that is another story. However, that is a police/intelligence problem and not a military one.
[quote name='The Crotch']False. In the Fallout universe, oil had long since been replaced by other sources of fuel.

You invaded us over water and lumber, as I recall.

And... probably uranium. I mean, that would make sense; we've got a cuntload of it. I just don't remember that ever being mentioned in the game itself.[/QUOTE]

In 2067, the United States began to exert pressure on Canada to let US forces pass through Canada to reach battlefields in occupied Alaska. Canada briefly became diplomatically combative and resisted any attempts, but eventually American military units were allowed to pass through Canada. Over the next decade, the United States drew more and more on Canadian resources. Vast stretches of timberland were destroyed, drawing protests from the Canadian populace. In February of 2076, Canada, now almost completely under US occupation, was finally annexed. Canadians began to resort to armed resistance, but were put down by US troops. Despite the war in Alaska ending in America's favor, Canada was still occupied by the US, and seemed to have been until the Great War.


I'm thinking the equipment moving through Canada destroyed the timber or battles in the Northwest destroyed the timber.
This is not an issue anymore. Obama has already solved the problem and brought upon peace, hence the Nobel Peace price.
[quote name='rumblebear']This is not an issue anymore. Obama has already solved the problem and brought upon peace, hence the Nobel Peace price.[/QUOTE]

Hacked account?


Joining the ranks of bmull?
Hmm, seems alot of people disapprove of the war here. I'm pretty conservative and maybe i dont know what im talking about cause im still in high school. But has Obama actually brough any peace yet? what has he done that makes him deserve the Nobel Peace Prize. A week after he accepted the award, hes sent in more troops.
[quote name='TheEndOfMe']Hmm, seems alot of people disapprove of the war here. I'm pretty conservative and maybe i dont know what im talking about cause im still in high school. But has Obama actually brough any peace yet? what has he done that makes him deserve the Nobel Peace Prize. A week after he accepted the award, hes sent in more troops.[/QUOTE]

He hasn't really.

NPP is sort of a jackoff prize. Algore got it making a movie.
[quote name='TheEndOfMe']Hmm, seems alot of people disapprove of the war here. I'm pretty conservative and maybe i dont know what im talking about cause im still in high school. But has Obama actually brough any peace yet? what has he done that makes him deserve the Nobel Peace Prize. A week after he accepted the award, hes sent in more troops.[/QUOTE]

Ofcourse, that's why he won the Nobel Peace Prize in the first place. There are ofcourse many racist people who just will not accept the fact that a black man won the highest prestigious prize.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']He hasn't really.

NPP is sort of a jackoff prize. Algore got it making a movie.[/QUOTE]

Not just any movie, science fiction! How many others have gotten a Nobel for science fiction? Gotta give Al his due.
[quote name='rumblebear']Ofcourse, that's why he won the Nobel Peace Prize in the first place. There are ofcourse many racist people who just will not accept the fact that a black man won the highest prestigious prize.[/QUOTE]

I dont have anything against an African American winning a prestigious award, its that i dont think he deserves it. During hes first year he hasnt really done anything to create "Peace". as for Algore... Haha
[quote name='The Crotch']Um, End?

Rumble is a troll/joke character.[/QUOTE]

Ohhh... I seee. LOLOLOLOLOL. :) Thank you very much. Haha. Im a Newbieee. :]
[quote name='speedracer']I never saw Al's opus. Was it any good?[/QUOTE]

I saw parts of it and liked some of what I saw, but I never felt the urge to rent it.

Of course, Algore strikes me as a hypocrite.
[quote name='xxDOYLExx']Just for consistency sake, 'Id like to hear all of the people that scorned Bush over the war to act the same way towards Obama.[/QUOTE]

We scorn Bush because he started the whole damn thing. I think we can give Obama more than a year to figure out how to get out of the mess with the least amount of turmoil left behind.

You'd think you guys learned that it's not smart to move several Army/Marine divisions and Air Force wings anywhere without at least a decent plan.

Oh, and EndofMe, do you go to a public high school?
[quote name='speedracer']I never saw Al's opus. Was it any good?[/QUOTE]

I watched it in my biology class. Pretty annoying because every two minutes my teacher would pause the video to contradict what Al was saying. Lol. Algore's information is correct, but he manipulates it in a way to mislead people. Like how the increase in carbon dioxide is because of the rise of the temperature. But Algore switched it and said our temperature is rising because of the increase in carbon dioxide. Plus, he put the too charts on top of each other which is also misleading. The increase in carbon dioxide came a few decades after the rise of the temperature.
Well rising temperature leading to CO2 rising and CO2 rising leading to temperature rising are definitely mutually exclusive right?

It's cool though, his math teacher contradicted a video about evolution and he learned in gym that Shakespeare was an Illuminati.


Caption: How The Army 'Helps' Combat Veterans Adjust After Deployment

If we brought the troops home, we might have less of this.
[quote name='SpazX']Giving our troops free Viagra is bad now?[/QUOTE]

I doubt all 13 bottles are for Viagra. Also, Viagra is used as needed. You don't need a daily pill reminder for it.

HA! I took you seriously.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']The Taliban/Al Queda owning Afghanistan, for instance, isnt really a big deal. If I'd want my enemies to cluster anywhere, it would be where there is no infrastructure/electricity/internet with very little above ground cover.[/QUOTE]
That worked so well for us in 1992. And really, what is the problem with an extremist Islamic regime on the border of a relatively unstable nuclear power? I can see no way how this could go terribly wrong.
[quote name='dafoomie']That worked so well for us in 1992. And really, what is the problem with an extremist Islamic regime on the border of a relatively unstable nuclear power? I can see no way how this could go terribly wrong.[/QUOTE]
Actually it did work pretty well in 1992. We didnt need to go back. They also didnt flee in mass numbers into Pakistan until we drove them out of Afghanistan, though they have maintained a presence there since the 80s.

Reality is a matter of this or that, not this and not this. What are the alternatives? We can stay there forever which is precisely what Bin Laden wants us to do.
[quote name='elprincipe']Not just any movie, science fiction! How many others have gotten a Nobel for science fiction? Gotta give Al his due.[/QUOTE]

James Cameron is right behind him; he's blowing warm air up the exact same skirts that gave Al Gore the prize.

I advocate bringing the troops home, but why stop at just the Middle East? I haven't believed we need so many foreign outposts of tens of thousands for a long time.

Bring them all home, discharge most of them so they can get to work at the jobs that supposedly nobody wants, and put the rest on our borders doing what they were always meant to do - protect our homeland.
Who hear thinks that Isolationism is a good thing?

(unfortunately I feel I should add this disclaimer: the above is not an exclusive reference to the current conflict in the middle east but more of a follow up to the above poster)
The economic part of isolationism, that is to say, nationalism or protectionism is good thing. Very much so.

Now as far as political or military isolationism, not necessarily. We are connected to the rest of the world, and a countries' problems does not stop at their borders.

Regardless of your position on isolationism, having 50 thousand troops in Japan and 50 thousand troops in Germany (for example) is a straight up waste of resources. They dont serve a particular purpose there independent of ideology.
what happens if we bring home troops suddenly? The most likely scenario is an outbreak of tribal violence amongst the natives (the same thing that has been going on since the 1200's or whatever) and an outcry for US and UN help.
The sad reality is that no matter how unpopular people want to paint this "war", we are wanted and needed there. It's kind of like eating your vegetables when you're a kid, you hate to do it but you know you have to.
bread's done