What have you received recently?

[quote name='iKnowledge']Are they the devil?[/QUOTE]

Not sure. But I really get a kick out of their fans crying over what I do with these units.

This started as a gag when the PS2 came out and it was on the news and web as being bought for outrageous prices. Summer/Fall of 2002. Well, I won one during a Magic/Mageknights tournament in NYC at a place known as Neutralgrounds. I won the lead prize and it was a PS2 but I was sort of done with consoles with the DC. I was going to hand it down to the next guy but then...

I joked about breaking it and the fans and ppl that wanted (all adults sadly) began to ask, beg and cry for it. Offering money, pleading.... So I was mockingly looking like I was going to break it when some grown men started crying for me not to do this. I mean crying. Tears. Like if I was about to kill their mother or child. I'm not talking joking tears either these dudes had their lips quivering and shaking with snot in their nose. I was like 'WTF?' So I did a Bruce Lee stomp on the main unit (several times with the sound effect) and these people flew to the floor crying and gathering pieces of it. I mean this thing was shattered to fucking bits. I folded the games it came with and at this point my friends and I was asked to leave. I kept the controllers and made some belts for comic con that year. Some of the people there were calling me a terrorist at one point. Wanting to fight me but that went no where. I mean it was pretty sad. This was also a free tournament too so it was not like they lost bout money from the pot.

Since then I've done it with other things like an Iphone (broke 2 that I won so far). I once saw a grown woman with kids run into traffic (she had the common sense to leave her kids behind at the apple store, though) for a smashed Iphone that I kicked into the street during oncoming traffic.

Dickish thing to do, I know but....wow. I've done this stuff at Wall Street and other spots and seen hipster and suits go nuts and it fascinates me so.

To stay on topic...

2 x Free Anthon Berg Chocolate Liqueurs with Original Spirits - 64 pcs. Gift Box - Broadway Wine & Spirits

^ For this I did some friends a favor by Mystery Shopping for them. I was in the area and saw some deals and took orders from FB and GoogleVoice. For every $200 spent I got 1 free box. Spent $429.37 - Got back $450.00 + those items above. I don't drink but I know ppl that do - So their gifts are got.
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2 x 8 GB MP3 Player - Coke Rewards
1 x 5-in-1 Wireless Headphones - Coke Rewards

I ordered these so long ago it's disgusting how long they took to get here. :cry:
[quote name='The Bryant']Lindsay Lohan PlayBoy.
Hopefully it'll be worth money in the future.[/QUOTE]

Maybe I'll get that issue sometime this week. I got the December issue with Leeann Tweeden today.
[quote name='Royal High Knight']tell me that shit isnt photoshopped.[/QUOTE]

It is. Big time. I am quite shock that Playboy still has a physical mag these days.
[quote name='Megazell']Not sure. But I really get a kick out of their fans crying over what I do with these units.

This started as a gag when the PS2 came out and it was on the news and web as being bought for outrageous prices. Summer/Fall of 2002. Well, I won one during a Magic/Mageknights tournament in NYC at a place known as Neutralgrounds. I won the lead prize and it was a PS2 but I was sort of done with consoles with the DC. I was going to hand it down to the next guy but then...

I joked about breaking it and the fans and ppl that wanted (all adults sadly) began to ask, beg and cry for it. Offering money, pleading.... So I was mockingly looking like I was going to break it when some grown men started crying for me not to do this. I mean crying. Tears. Like if I was about to kill their mother or child. I'm not talking joking tears either these dudes had their lips quivering and shaking with snot in their nose. I was like 'WTF?' So I did a Bruce Lee stomp on the main unit (several times with the sound effect) and these people flew to the floor crying and gathering pieces of it. I mean this thing was shattered to fucking bits. I folded the games it came with and at this point my friends and I was asked to leave. I kept the controllers and made some belts for comic con that year. Some of the people there were calling me a terrorist at one point. Wanting to fight me but that went no where. I mean it was pretty sad. This was also a free tournament too so it was not like they lost bout money from the pot.

Since then I've done it with other things like an Iphone (broke 2 that I won so far). I once saw a grown woman with kids run into traffic (she had the common sense to leave her kids behind at the apple store, though) for a smashed Iphone that I kicked into the street during oncoming traffic.

Dickish thing to do, I know but....wow. I've done this stuff at Wall Street and other spots and seen hipster and suits go nuts and it fascinates me so.[/QUOTE]

I call either BS or total dickheadedness. I'm not going to call you a liar, as there's no way to prove it. But really...you expect us to believe that you'd just destroy such things rather than sell them or give them away?

Here's a prime example: you could have donated one or more of these items to CheapyD's Child's Play Charity '11 event, and that'd be very cool. I can *easily* see you (or, heck, *me*) doing the PS2 trashing that you did the first time. It'd be hard *not to*...but that's a pretty special circumstance wherein the people present were being genuine idiots in and of themselves. However, after doing it once, the effect would never be as grand, and anything after that would just be stupidly wasteful. Why would you even enter sweepstakes to begin with just to destroy the prizes?

In the future, if you're honestly not just trolling, I implore you to donate your unwanted electronics winnings to CheapyD's charity thing, or to a local hospital, or what-have-you. Destroying them is counterproductive, and also: it's against the spirit of CAG.

Submitted as a challenge to your way of thinking, whether you're being truthful or not.
[quote name='boagman']I call either BS or total dickheadedness. I'm not going to call you a liar, as there's no way to prove it. But really...you expect us to believe that you'd just destroy such things rather than sell them or give them away?

Here's a prime example: you could have donated one or more of these items to CheapyD's Child's Play Charity '11 event, and that'd be very cool. I can *easily* see you (or, heck, *me*) doing the PS2 trashing that you did the first time. It'd be hard *not to*...but that's a pretty special circumstance wherein the people present were being genuine idiots in and of themselves. However, after doing it once, the effect would never be as grand, and anything after that would just be stupidly wasteful. Why would you even enter sweepstakes to begin with just to destroy the prizes?

In the future, if you're honestly not just trolling, I implore you to donate your unwanted electronics winnings to CheapyD's charity thing, or to a local hospital, or what-have-you. Destroying them is counterproductive, and also: it's against the spirit of CAG.

Submitted as a challenge to your way of thinking, whether you're being truthful or not.[/QUOTE]

In terms of electronics I donate computers, laptops and netbooks as I find them to be more of a positive and progressive way to 'waste time.' I don't do the child's play thing but I do donate them to local orgs that I personally know are doing things that I believe in. Places like Toys For Tots, Montefiore Children's Center, St. Mary's Afterschool program, NYC Foster Care Program and others. These devices can be used for multiple endeavors - Gaming, Homework, Communication, Movies, Research and more. I really hate consoles and the current atmosphere they implore.

You don't have to believe me. This is the internet and you how that goes.

I hear what you're saying but unless things change in the console scene I doubt I'll stop. I just know now not to break this stuff in front of my kids ;)

I enter contest for the thrill of the win. Especially, if it's a free thing. I win a lot of stuff I don't have any intention to use or play but I donate them as I move along.

We can continue this via PM if you like since this will derail the thread if we continue. :)
I won a GTAIII 10th Anniversary t-shirt/sticker pack from Destructoid and a GTAIV prize pack(including shirt,foam finger, license plate, pins and lots of stickers) via Social Club event, within 3 days of each other :D
I received two copies of PS3 NCAA Football 12 on Saturday; they were from a Fall MCR contest (along with Sports Illustrated subscriptions). They arrived a few days before the end of the college bowls, so I suppose it could have been slightly poorer timing. I opened one and will be trading off the other... I'm not sure if I should use Goozex again or another route (CAG marketplace, CL, etc).
A lacoste sample, a few magazines(except Maxim, which has apparently started becoming MIA again, due to my mail carrier I assume), and several steam games through contests. I also came across an old PM on Facebook I missed somehow that had a Ms Splosion Man code in it. Then right after that I won a different contest for another code plus a code for the PFX2 table. Strange luck.
I don't really recall what I've received the past few months. It's been pretty spread out.
Been on a cold streak. My Maxims have been MIA as of late as well. I got a travel Alaska book but out of all the sample things I filled out that was the only thing that came.
Free - Itunes Gift Card $15 - Secret Santa
Free - The Darkest Hour - Movie Tickets - 6X - Village Voice Promotions
Free - The Guardians Of The Galaxy - Volume 1 #01 to 62 + All Annuals - Near Mint Condition - Bagged and boarded - Craigslist
Free - ROM - Volume 1 #01 to 75 + All Annuals - Near Mint/Fair Condition - Bagged and boarded - Craigslist
Free - Drawer Lateral File Cabinets - 32" wide "36" high "18" deep - No Company Brand - Brand New - Craiglist
Free - L shaped Desk - 6’ x 6’ - Techni Mobili - Used - Craigslist
Free - Dinner For Two Under $250 - Le Bernardin - AM New York Newspaper (Free Edition)
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[quote name='slowdive21']^^^ How are you getting free comics on CL?[/QUOTE]

People post up on it that they are getting rid of their comics. I swing by and pick them up. Go to the free section for The Bronx it's here - http://newyork.craigslist.org/brx/zip/

The family (Riverdale) I went to this morning had long boxes ready to roll in front of their house. There was an older woman there trying to stake a claim to them. She was screaming at someone on her cellphone to pick her up.

There were 11 long boxes and 8 short boxes stacked and in order. I only took what I was interested in reading the rest I either read before or were not as interesting to me.
That's crazy! I would have grabbed all of them. Things like that just don't happen in Chicago, though I did find a crate of records by a dumpster when I was walking home one night.
[quote name='slowdive21']That's crazy! I would have grabbed all of them. Things like that just don't happen in Chicago, though I did find a crate of records by a dumpster when I was walking home one night.[/QUOTE]

Well, my space was limited since I was making rounds and picking up computers and furniture for the place where I volunteer at.

Comics in NYC are pretty easy to get free or dirt cheap because the books overall have going down in price for a long time. Regular candy stores have recent books 2 for $1.49 with a sports card. Places like Carbo Comics sells every single issue comic out for 99 cents. You get them 20 to 30 days behind and the place in Brooklyn is far and boxes are disorganized but from to time to worth it because you get TPB for $2. I got all of my Walking Deads like that and turned around and sold them once I read them for more. You also have places like STRAND's Bookstore and they sell new issues for $1.49 each and TPB and HC for 1/2 price or lower. Also the NYC library gives away free TPB all the time.
I won a product code for Parallel via twitter.
AFAIK, Parallel is pretty cool product for Macs that allows you to use Window's apps and things of the sort. It's like using Windows on a Mac

But I don't own a Mac atm...
2 x - Free Movie Tickets - UNDERWORLD AWAKENING in 3D - NYC Library - Kingsbridge Branch
$25 dollar to GS from e-rewards
400 msp from bing rewards. my account. 400 more msp waiting to get redeemed in my wifes account
I received a couple of new issues from Marvel Comics in the mail today which are Ultimate Spider-Man, Captain America, Thor, and Future Foundation (FF).
[quote name='slowdive21']That's crazy! I would have grabbed all of them. Things like that just don't happen in Chicago, though I did find a crate of records by a dumpster when I was walking home one night.[/QUOTE]

Craigslist is good. If you're interested, you may want to check freecycle.org as it can be decent.

I don't really follow them much though, tbh, as we usually end up finding a ton of stuff here. When we moved last time, our neighbor moved as well as our houses were both bought out through FEMA. I got an asston of awesome older wooden hangers from random dry cleaners. I also convinced my dad to just load up the kerosene heater they had and he ended up giving it away to someone who needed it. Now where I'm at, our neighbors like to put stuff in the corner of our yard as we're by the highway. So we got two adult bikes, a razor scooter, a weed eater that needed a new string and a lawnmower that needed a spark plug (and the self propelled was shot).

Oh and haven't gotten much lately.

$5 amazon GC from swagbucks, which I recently started again after being banned a year or so ago.
Cashed in bing rewards for 300 msp as I got a working 360 again.
a 12 pack coke coupon from mycokerewards
and some Rachael Ray dog food I don't even remember ordering anytime recently.

Oh, and last month-ish I got a wireless headset for the 360 from club.bing and used the $50 best buy GC to get Saints Row the Third and the $8 3-month Live extension.
Apparently I won 1600 MSP today, which I almost missed, since the email strangely fell into the spam folder, and usually I just empty out my spam folder without looking, but today, something got the better of me, and when I looked, viola, 1600 MSP. I wonder how many other contests I secretly won without knowing...
[quote name='Bro Code']1000+ MSP from Bing Rewards
$25 Amazon Gift Cards from SwagBucks.com (about.me/swagbucks for more information)
$10 Amazon Gift Cards from Bing Rewards[/QUOTE]

Here's a little excerpt from the first post:
[quote name='Foladar']Nothing from referrals. Free stuff and contest wins only![/QUOTE]
4 pack of sugar free Red Bull from the new years revolution promo

Wendy's t shirt

Armani Code cologne sample, actually a small bottle and not the packaged swabs
bread's done