What Is So Great About WoW


I've played it and personally thought Diablo 2 was better.

Say wut ever you want but I'm probly not gonna play it again.
answer: not a damn thing.... Diablo 2 is better, plus it is free to play online.

I bought the game when it was released and was sick of it in a matter of hrs.
[quote name='sfriedlander']I've played it and personally thought Diablo 2 was better.

Say wut ever you want but I'm probly not gonna play it again.[/quote]

Though I stopped at level 55 (orc hunter) a few months back I really had a good time in the early game. For me, it was tremendous the first time I saw a griffon fly over my head (I want that!) and the first time I arrived at the elevators of Thunder Bluff I just got the chills.

I also really loved the night and day cycle. Something to behold when you first notice the sun rising on your monitor and then look out your window, "whoops, played all night!".

So, for me, it would have to be the sense of exploring that vast world - even though some of it was a little bland - all in all I think they did a killer job.

Uh, what do you think is so much bout Diablo 2? I don't know.. it was cool five years ago but christ, collecting and leveling later in the game is SLOOOOOW.
um Diablo 2 and WoW are two completely different type of games, each is great in their own respect. WoW has a lot of community depth, dungeon crawling with huge a huge party, it's a MMO, while Diablo 2 is more action based and just a completely different type of game.

thread = fail
Nothing is great about WoW unless you enjoy spending every waking moment raiding. I will admit the game is kinda fun until you hit 60, but then it just becomes a complete time sink/grind fest for very minimal gains unless you dedicate your life to the game.
Here is what is so great about WoW: it requires no thought.

Seriously. The best thing about MMORPGs is that you never have to think "what game should I play?" or "what should I do after dinner?" You just logon and play. It's like the default thing to do when not doing anything else. Most people just turn on the TV and veg out, MMO'ers just double click the shortcut. It's IRC with a mini-game to keep you busy.

(Yes, the game absolutely blows once you hit 60)
There's really no point playing after level 60. Once BC comes out, all level 60 "high-end" items will become obsolete since the level cap will be raised to 70. That's why I quit WoW after getting my full teir 2 Judgement Paladin set.
#1 Blizzard
#2 Not as time consuming for progress as other MMO
#3 Popular hype and popularity
#4 Dick in your ass

btw I think WOW is a piece of crap as well
I got bored with it around level 30.

The best way I can put it(I would imagine all other MMOs are the same way) is that it's the same thing level after level, things just get shinier and the numbers get bigger.
Simple : It is fun. After a while it stops being fun. That is it. It just differs from person to person when it stops being fun. For me it was after level 45. It stopped being fun.
[quote name='odhen']I got bored with it around level 30.

The best way I can put it(I would imagine all other MMOs are the same way) is that it's the same thing level after level, things just get shinier and the numbers get bigger.[/quote]

ya i got board after lvl 7, lol

i just don't like it
It is a game that doesn't end.

Yes it goes on and on my friend.

Some people started playing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue playing if forever just because...
I personally see no point in it. A few of my friends are addicted to Dark Age of Camelot when they have the money to fire up their accounts. One of them used to sit there for hours on end and play. Hell several years ago, him and another friend would tag team and level up characters.

Reason why I can't get into MMOs is because I don't care for fantasy, I'm a sci-fi guy.
[quote name='HumanSnatcher']
Reason why I can't get into MMOs is because I don't care for fantasy, I'm a sci-fi guy.[/quote]
Unfortunately for you there are plenty of sci fi MMOs out there if you care to look.
The end game is retarded... going through a dungeon 8000 times (that takes 3 - 4 hours a try) with 40 other people hoping to win one single piece of armor is not fun by any means.

I recently tried to get back into it, I played it for maybe a week before I was bored again.

CounterSeal makes a great point, all those items people worked so hard for will suddenly become worthless when the expansion comes out, the cap is raised, and better stuff is introduced, so those same people will grind a new dungeon for days upon days upon days just to get shiny new armor.
Well, in cheapass tradition I'd like to find a decent one thats free. And not many sci-fi MMOs that I've run across are. I know Anarchy Online is "free" but not that great from the little I've played. I guess the biggest hinderance for me is tha I don't want to have to play a game for a minimum of a week to just learn how to play it. I've toyed with the idea of reopening my Dark Age of Camelot account because it was sorta easy to play. Then again, I have a couple of friends that know it inside and out. Not to mention one has an Elder title from when he was a beta tester

Strell mentioned in an OTT about Continuum/SubSpace. I've DLed and installed it, but haven't played it yet
Quite honestly I thought Diablo 2 was one of the most boring games I'd ever played. WoW had it's moments but I quit a long time ago, the end game reminded me too much of Everquest (timesinks, grinding, etc).
Well, over 6 million people worldwide like WoW. So.. if it's not your cup of tea, great. No need to complain about it - there are plenty of other games out there.
ummm...like...Street Fighter 2 is better than WoW.

(i can show myself the door.)
[quote name='CrimGhost']Avoid WoW like the plague.[/QUOTE]

Pure Pwnage Ep. 11 reference...?

Anyways, perhaps Guild Wars is something you WoW haters should try. There really is no end-game to it. You can get to the max level (20) in less than a week. After that, it's about finding rare skills and experimenting with builds for competitive pvp. The great thing about GW is also that you can just log on and play for 15 minutes and log off. No uber time commitment like WoW, where you must stay sometimes for up to 6 friken hours in one raid.
[quote name='CounterSeal']Pure Pwnage Ep. 11 reference...?

Anyways, perhaps Guild Wars is something you WoW haters should try. There really is no end-game to it. You can get to the max level (20) in less than a week. After that, it's about finding rare skills and experimenting with builds for competitive pvp. The great thing about GW is also that you can just log on and play for 15 minutes and log off. No uber time commitment like WoW, where you must stay sometimes for up to 6 friken hours in one raid.[/quote]

I dont like guild wars factions at all...the underground warehouse environment really sucks...i hear the first one is 10 times better. anyways the best mmorpg ive ever played was runescape, the classic one. I might even go back one day...it was so much better than my trial experience with world of warcraft
you can bash WoW all you want, but you cannot doubt what an astounding success it has been. Blizzard kicked everyone's asses for sure and is raking in the fat cash
bread's done