What Is The All-Time Worst Game You Have Ever Paid Full Price For?


In my 17+ years as a gamer, I have played some of the greatest games of all time. Games like Super Mario World, Ocarina of Time & Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater are some of my all-time favorites still to this day. But it hasn't always been head-shots and happiness. I've played some of the absolute worst games you could ever imagine, like Wayne's World on the SNES. But this, however, is the worst I've ever had the "honor" of playing...

RASCAL - PlayStation 1

While it's been over a decade since I last played it(and traded it in to Funcoland), I still remember the day my Mom bought it for me. It was the forth of July weekend in 1998. We had picked the game up at Wal Mart for $40 before heading off to a fireworks show. I was in the back seat eying the case up and down thinking how awesome it was going to be. I might have even wanted to skip the fireworks to go play it. After the show was over, we headed home and I got to play it for the first time. Horrible camera, horrible artwork, horrible gameplay, horrible, piece of shit game. The 2 that IGN gave it is higher than I'm comfortable with. What an absolutely abysmal excuse for a game.

---"Honorable" Mentions---
Super Godzilla(SNES):
Lame, overhead grid gameplay meets almost halfway decent RPG monster 2-D fighting. Okay for $7, awful for $80.
Beast Wars: Transformers(PC): I'm not sure if my hate for this game is because of it being bad or because of it not running fast on my computer. Funny thing is that after all of this time, I still remember this song from it's soundtrack. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Euwqd720ZMg

Those were mine, so what about yours? What's the most awful, horrible, piece of shit game you've ever paid full price for?
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Full price? Probably Yoshi's Story for $60. Worst deal of all time? Tie between Star Fox Adventures and Wario World - I got both for $10 and what a ripoff.
this is easy, pokemon snap/enter the matrix

i remember that rascal game, i got a demo of it, i had more fun scrapping the layers off the disc then playing the demo
New Legends for the Xbox.

Got it hen the Xbox came out, and it has to be one of the shittiest games. I ended up enjoying it down the road more, but that's the first game that comes to mind as far as paying full price retail.
Off the top of my head, Pat Riley Basketball for the Sega Genesis. The clerk told me it had real NBA players (it was the first basketball game for the Genesis, iirc), but when I got home it had generic teams and players. Of course I couldn't return it so I was stuck with a steaming pile of crap.
Universal Studios Theme Park Adventure.

I wanted to commit suicide over having paid $50 for that monstrosity.
Short Answer: Spelunker, NES.

Long, painful story:

Actually not sure if this is my all-time worst for full price, but it's the most memorable for me. This was back in the old days when you only got a couple new games a year, they were often hard and based on patterns and memorization, and you just played them over and over until you could get somewhere. Also, there was no real web, nowhere to go to get game reviews or anything like that. I think this was before Nintendo Power, even.

Anyway, I saved up my money for months until I could afford a new game, then went to the store and picked out a game based on, you guessed it, the back of the box! What else was there to go on, other than friends' opinions and hearsay, all of which was very limited at the time? This game was not only brutally hard and completely unforgiving, it completely lacked any polish. What a crushing disappointment.
I have three:

State of Emergency (PS2) - it's fun to beat up others for 5 minutes....then it's just old.
Castlevania 64 - Castlevania should always be 2D.
Metal Gear 2 (NES) - I won't know how it was since I had one of the many defective copies that didn't work right out of the box.
Hey You Pikachu immediately comes to mind. So much time spent screaming at him to get a damn carrot only to have him dance.
The biggest dissapointment for me was Star Wars Galaxies, I am not even a big Star Wars fan, but I couldn't wait for this and paid full price the week it came out. It was supposed to be the next big MMORPG, at the time I was just coming off a DAOC addiction, but when it was released it was unfinished and buggy with very little content. The combat was boring with very little variety (not to mention all the broken or not working stuff) and it really didn't feel like a Star WARS game. With professions like dancer and entertainer that you were forced to interact with, it felt like the Sims. Plus outside of the main cities, there was a lot of bland terrain, with random enemy spawns, it was obvious very little care went into creating an immersive and interesting environment. That game left a bitter taste for licensed games, especially licensed Star Wars games.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']Even though I did get some level of enjoyment out of it, I'll say Enter the Matrix. Super-hyped piece of glitchy poo.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='BlueSwim']
Beast Wars: Transformers(PC): I'm not sure if my hate for this game is because of it being bad or because of it not running fast on my computer. Funny thing is that after all of this time, I still remember this song from it's soundtrack. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Euwqd720ZMg

Those were mine, so what about yours? What's the most awful, horrible, piece of shit game you've ever paid full price for?[/QUOTE]

Nope, that game was just awful. I bought it for the Playstation and it was terrible.
Warioland, i didnt pay for it, and the major killer, i chose it over marvel vs capcom 2, i had no idea of its rarity though, i still have the vision in my head. The marvel sitting on the far middle shelf of toysrus. Grandpa would take me once a week to by a game. Still pampers me as hes giving me his old mercedes.
Probably the old Warhammer rts game for PC. I just could never get into it ,bought it new and Warcraft II used put many miles on Warcraft II.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']WCW Thunder, which taught me to stick with the N64 for wrestling games.[/QUOTE]

Cosmic Carnage for the 32X - I was so desperate for something new for that abortion of a system that I blew $70+tax on it at Best Buy.
[quote name='Rasen']E.T. for the Atari. No joke. I still have the cartridge in my basement.[/QUOTE]
I still dont know what is better to do with it. Keep it as a collectors item of worst game ever, or destroy it.
Why hasn't anyone mentioned Pool of Radiance yet? Any PC game that fucks up your registry on install and corrupts system files on the uninstall has to deserve top honors.

I had to reinstall my OS (Win 98, natch) to get my computer running again.
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']Nope, that game was just awful. I bought it for the Playstation and it was terrible.[/QUOTE]
To quote Austin Powers, "Oh, good. Than it's not just me.":lol::lol::lol:

Looks like I have several games you guys have mentioned.

WCW Thunder/Nitro 64:
Absolutely murdered by the AKI N64 games. Loved the variety of the venues, though.

Hey You, Pikachu:
"Eat your shit! C'mon! Do it! I SAID, 'EAT YOUR SHIT!!!'":lol::lol::lol:

Enter the Matrix:
Bought it on a whim after it went platinum. Not that bad, but I never finished it.
[quote name='sadunclesnugglez']State of Emergency (PS2) [/QUOTE]

Same here. I was so pissed I ended up writing a letter to Rockstar and they let me send the game in and get something different.
FIGHTING FORCE... It was supposed to be the next Streets of Rage.

SAGA FRONTIER... It had seven quests in one!
WWF WarZone for N64. Even more terrible at $60.

Worse game I've ever played was WWF Crush Hour though, hands down. Followed by King Kong for Gamecube.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2006... I can't believe I bought that at full price on impulse. I thought it'd be like Sonic Adventure!
Haze for the ps3.

Seriously that game is so stale and forced I will forever hate that crytech bought out Free radical.
Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu for the NES. Thought it looked cool for some reason, bought it from Toys R' Us and beat it in a bout 3 hours. I was so pissed I basically made my mom give the guy a sob story so I could return it.
Do you have to have kept the game? I bought Overblood for the Dreamcast. It was suppose to be the perfect marriage between Resident Evil and Tomb Raider. The 2 were some of my favorite games at the time. An hour or 2 in, I'm thinking, what did I buy.

Luckily, I bought it at EB, so it went back.
[quote name='lordxixor101']It was suppose to be the perfect marriage between Resident Evil and Tomb Raider.[/QUOTE]

IMO that actually describes the Legacy of Kain series quite well.
hosigami or whatever its called for the DS ... Paid 30 bucks for it ... opened it (was thinking of another game) played it for 10 mins or so and just tossed it back in the box where it sits today...

same with star ocean 1 and 2 for the psp ....but one day i hope to get time to play those

about buying beating a game and returning it..

DONKEY KONG 3 for the nes.... or whatever it was called.... There was a bug that if you jumpped off the spring platform the game would freeze.... it really did not effect the game BUT I i hated the game and wanted my cash back so i took it back to TRU where they just had to a have a system hooked up and show it to them... Got my money back... Found the game boring as hell
I didn't pay full price for it but paying the 20 I believe last black friday was WAY too much. It was the World of warcraft battlechest. I had never played it or anything like it but couldn't pass up the price and everyones good remarks about it. Needless to say after the retarded multi hour install/updating and literally putting in like 25 min "grinding" my level up I said fuck it and haven't touched it yet. I do still have a valid key for the burning crusades though so maybe I can sell that to someone.
Blood Wake for Xbox on day one... I read way too much into the hype about the TOTALLY AWESOME water... and didn't realize the game blew so hard... I was sad.
ECW: Hardcore Revolution for the N64. I was such a huge wrestling fan at the time, and I wanted to support the upstart promotion from Philly. Unfortunately the game cost $60 bucks, and the gameplay was down right terrible. I should have known what I was getting into being that the game was produced by Akklaim. The internets has since helped me avoid such crap.
bread's done