What is the best gaming April Fool's joke?

Of the ones you listed, I went Valkyrie Wile [although wasn't that in PSM?]

The Aeris one is just too cruel.

Although the best gamer-to-gamer one is the classic: 'Oh, you didn't beat that game yet? Sorry, I deleted your save.'
I always liked the GameFAQs jokes. Couple of years ago, when Pokemon was dominating the most requested list, the site was turned Pikachu yellow and called PokeFAQs. I think last year they went all Xbox and changed the site to Xbox green. The slow-on-the-uptake Nintendo/Square fanboys (lot of redundancies in those last few words) crapped their pants and threw a fit.

Sadly, now that GF has gone corporate, I doubt we'll see any more stuff like that. They had no change today.
I find it amusing that there are quite a few people who still believe it is possible to unlock Sonic and Tails in SSBM.

And while not exactly an April Fools thing, I think today would be a great day to play Eternal Darkness and see what happens when you go insane.
[quote name='PsyClerk']I always liked the GameFAQs jokes. Couple of years ago, when Pokemon was dominating the most requested list, the site was turned Pikachu yellow and called PokeFAQs. I think last year they went all Xbox and changed the site to Xbox green. The slow-on-the-uptake Nintendo/Square fanboys (lot of redundancies in those last few words) crapped their pants and threw a fit.

Sadly, now that GF has gone corporate, I doubt we'll see any more stuff like that. They had no change today.[/quote]

I remember those! Definitely confused my eyes....'Am I on the right site?'
[quote name='WeaponX2099']I think the Terrance and Phillip episode of South Park was the best April's Fool prank ever.[/quote]

That pissed me off.. I was actually looking forward to that episode after I read previews of it.
[quote name='PsyClerk']I always liked the GameFAQs jokes..... I think last year they went all Xbox and changed the site to Xbox green...[/quote]

I was going to do something similar here, but I decided against it.
I was thinking of saying that CAG was bought by Nokia and it was going to only feature NGAGE deals.

I thought the Best Buy story was slightly more believable.
Sheng Long from Street Fighter II. I believed it, especially since no one really did April Fool's joke in the gaming mags.
man i thought the coolest one was last year gamespot ran a story that bill gates had moved from microsoft to nintendo...the story was cool and had a pic of bill with a gamecube logo...i had the pic saved but hd crashed and now the pic is lost for ever
i would like to find screens of the valkyrie wild , i'll take anything. i have some friends who doesn't beleve that it was an aprile fools joke.
[quote name='bootslando']does anyone have any pics of valkyrie wild.[/QUOTE]
Google "Valkyrie Wilde" and don't bump 3 year old threads in the future.
Wow, resurrecting a 3 year old thread??

Anyways, the ONE April Fool's Joke that actually got me was EGM's ad for the SEGA Neptune.

The SEGA Neptune combined SEGA Genesis and 32X into one console. It never got past the prototype stage but the ad claimed they had "found a warehouse full of them and were selling them for $150". There was a website listed where you could purchase a console.

Being a complete and utter MORON at the time, I begged my mom to let me buy one and we went to the website, clicked on the "Click here to purchase" link and found a blank screen with the words:

"April Fools!"

I was PISSED. :lol:
Since there is no stopping this thread now...

The first (?) one is still the best. Back after TMNT II on the NES came out, EGM did their first April Fool's joke by running a screenshot of Simon Belmont as a playable character in the game - at the time, it seemed at least feasible because TMNT II was done by Ultra Games (aka Konami). The code they listed to pull it off was one command too long to be able to complete. I remember trying it constantly, thinking if I could just somehow do it a little faster it would work.

The name listed was "AP Riphulls, Fromegem, HA." I thought it was weird and realized "HA" wasn't a state and the guy's name sure looked like "April Fool's," but for some reason I wasn't deterred. A few months earlier I can remember them printing a code for Thunder Force III that, due to some error, told the reader to "presslks" where the real code was supposed to be. I just thought someone fucked up in this case too.
Valkyrie Wylde was an april fools joke by Ultra Gameplayers or PSM or whatever their magazine was at the time, not gamepro.

Most tragic gaming event to happen on April Fools: thegia.com closing :/
The Sheng Long one was great.

Of the recent ones, I seem to remember the Mushroom Kingdom Hearts one getting a few people here.
Stll say the SFII joke was the best of all time, I can not even think about how many hours and levels of frustration I went threw trying to get that to work...

Damn you
Def Sheng Long for me.

Back then the internets werent as prevelant, so it was harder to see it as an instant hoax. Plus people still played SFII in arcades. That rumor only came about because thats what all the kids were talking about in the arcades at the time. So when it was actually published, it seemed plausible.
bread's done