What is the earliest age you have any memories?


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I mean detailed memories. The furthest thing I can remember for sure is my kindergarten class. I specifically remember the times in class would would take out construction paper and cut shapes with safety scissors. I know some people say they can remember as far back as 3 years old, but I barely remember back to 6.
Probably 4, because I definitely remember some preschool. There's fragments before I went to a school, but I wouldn't call them especially detailed.
[quote name='Rocko']Probably 4, because I definitely remember some preschool. There's fragments before I went to a school, but I wouldn't call them especially detailed.[/quote]

What he said.
I remember my third birthday. I have some vivid memories from when I was three, but a lot of them are pretty much still images.
i remember when i was 2 and we were going to move. My parents left and i stayed at home with my grandma and cried because i missed them. Then i remember watching the simpsons because there was a marathon.
Anyone who took a basic college psych class will tell you that you cant have any memories before you are around 4-5 when your brain matures enough. So people who say 2 and 3 arent lying, just remembering memories from stories told to them, or false memories. Its just not possible to have a real memory from that age.

I remember when I was about 4 eating those little heart shaped clovers outside with my friend Chucky. Then he would try to bite me:| Freaks, haha.
[quote name='musha666']Anyone who took a basic college psych class will tell you that you cant have any memories before you are around 4-5 when your brain matures enough. So people who say 2 and 3 arent lying, just remembering memories from stories told to them, or false memories. Its just not possible to have a real memory from that age.

I remember when I was about 4 eating those little heart shaped clovers outside with my friend Chucky. Then he would try to bite me:| Freaks, haha.[/quote]

im honestly not lying. Im guessing you know about this more than i do, but how would it be possible for me to remember that?
I had a dream about something that happened to me when I was 3 (picking up a lamp from and apartment when we were moving and putting it into a truck). I asked my parents if that really happened when I woke up, and they say it did. I described the apartment perfectly (layout, color of walls, etc). I have never seen pictures of the apartment nor have I been there since I moved (17 or so years).
It's hard to say. I imagine back to when I was 2 and my family moved into the new house (I remember the clean carpet and stereo system, etc.) but that is probably melded from family videos I've probably seen of when I was young.

For sure I remember 3 - 4 at daycare and preschool.
Probably around age 5, i can't believe some people remember anything earlier than that. You'd have to have one hell of a memory to remember something like your first birthday.
I can remember some stuff from preschool. What's weird is that I swear I can remember my brother's fourth birthday, even though I would only have been 3 at that point. Maybe I inducted it via a home video?
I remember my dad playing Pink Floyd albums when I was around 2. The main riff from Another Brick In The Wall is cemented in my mind. That's my earliest actual memory. It's fuzzy as hell but I remember my dad had his big wooden vinyl case in a particular spot in the living room. I remember where I was laying on the floor and the specific song.

Basic college psych can eat shit.
[quote name='musha666']Anyone who took a basic college psych class will tell you that you cant have any memories before you are around 4-5 when your brain matures enough. So people who say 2 and 3 arent lying, just remembering memories from stories told to them, or false memories. Its just not possible to have a real memory from that age.

I remember when I was about 4 eating those little heart shaped clovers outside with my friend Chucky. Then he would try to bite me:| Freaks, haha.[/quote]


I have many memories from when I was three. I remember dipping my finger in a Cool Whip-like substance and accidentally putting it on my nose (as opposed to in my mouth).

No one ever told me this, and my parents rarely took pictures (and we didn't have a camcorder).

I also remember various times when I would take a bath. I recall hating warm water, and insisting that if any water got in my eyes, that my mom came and wiped it off. Once again, these are memories, and nothing that anyone told me.
It's really hard to be sure something is a real memory. Everything from dreams to the stories of others can give us the false impression of a memory. About the only way to be sure is to confirm it with somebody else, see if they have the same memory.
10, everything else is a blur. but i also have short term memory problems, i forget names and places 3 seconds after i learn them, its embarrasing to ask someone their name after they already told you 3 times.
Hmm, probably when I was about 6 or so. I remember my first day of school and crying because I was leaving home without my mom for the first time. The tradition continues .. mostly because I can't imagine waking up at 5am and commuting an hour to Harrisburg for next 31 years. :lol:
[quote name='musha666']Anyone who took a basic college psych class will tell you that you cant have any memories before you are around 4-5 when your brain matures enough. So people who say 2 and 3 arent lying, just remembering memories from stories told to them, or false memories. Its just not possible to have a real memory from that age.

I remember when I was about 4 eating those little heart shaped clovers outside with my friend Chucky. Then he would try to bite me:| Freaks, haha.[/QUOTE]

I have memories of when I was 3 and my parents were still together. It's not so much a memory of them, but of our babysitter and me hiding behind a big chair in the living room in our apartment in Ann Arbor. We have no pictures from then, and my parents never told me of that time but I remember that, and it's the only memory I have of that time. I also remember hiding from my stepdad and the smell of diesel fuel when we moved to the Upper Peninsula. The whole parents getting divorced and me, my mom, and my sister moving was (at that time) to me a pretty crazy experience. And I think that's why I remember it.
I have one memory before preschool, and a supernatural one at that, but I can start remembering in detail from preschool, specifically the environment, a mean teacher (who used to wield a shinai), and the graduation ceremony where I received a toy truck (which I still have somewhere).
[quote name='chasemurata']I have one memory before preschool, and a supernatural one at that, but I can start remembering in detail from preschool, specifically the environment, a mean teacher (who used to wield a shinai), and the graduation ceremony where I received a toy truck (which I still have somewhere).[/quote]

i remember preschool when my dad came in and gave everyone footballs and all the girls in the class were mad at me.
[quote name='becuzimbrown']i remember preschool when my dad came in and gave everyone footballs and all the girls in the class were mad at me.[/quote]

Ah, that's neat. Your dad is a nice guy for doing so. :)
[quote name='Rocko']Probably 4, because I definitely remember some preschool. There's fragments before I went to a school, but I wouldn't call them especially detailed.[/quote]

[quote name='musha666']Anyone who took a basic college psych class will tell you that you cant have any memories before you are around 4-5 when your brain matures enough. So people who say 2 and 3 arent lying, just remembering memories from stories told to them, or false memories. Its just not possible to have a real memory from that age.[/quote]

While it's a good rule of thumb, not everyone matures/develops at exactly the same pace, so you don't really know that for sure.

Now, I knew this girl who swears she remembers the doctor who delivered her. It's pretty safe to say that that definitely is not true.
I had just turned 3 (medical records say so). I remember being at the hospital when I had surgery to repair a muscle behind my right eyeball. I remember going into surgery and they told me they were going to be putting on a mask and that I was going to be blowing up a balloon. I remember staring up at the doctors when they put the mask on and trying to blow up this balloon. The bastards lied to me, there was no balloon!

Afterwards, I also remember they gave me a needle, right in my butt cheek and my mother having to hold me down. I also remember her never leaving my side. I'd wake up, and there she was.
I remember dancing to AC/DC when I was 3. I also remember trying to pick up a toy with my feet when I was 2 but that memory is also on home video. I know it isn't a false memory though.
I remember the day my little brother was born. I was 2 then.

Also, I know what Psychology books state about early memory. But I can guarantee that this isn't a false memory .
I actually have a brief memory from when I was 1 1/2 (I asked my mom about it recently to see if I had somehow made it up and she told me that I was not yet 2 at the time). I have a brief memory of having a balloon and standing outside this large building (I'm guessing it's the outside of the apartment building we used to live in...) and then the balloon flying away. I started to cry and my mom told my dad to go get me another one. Then flash to another very brief memory of me walking up the stairs with my parents and my mom telling me to hold onto the balloon tightly (I'm guessing this is after they had replaced my first balloon). Losing my balloon must have been an extremely traumatic experience ;)

I also have a memory of when I was 3 and standing by the door waiting for my mom and listening to my dad yell. Other than that, most of my memories start in preschool.
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