What is the hardest (intended to be beatable) game you've ever played?


Just curious as to the game you remember struggling with the most. I'm gonna say Phantasy Star ][ for the time being.

Bonus question: What game (again a supposedly beatable (eg:not Tetris)) have you played that is TRULY unbeatable due to glitch, bad design, or sheer difficulty.

Let's hear it!! :bouncy:
Yie Ar Kung Fu for the GBA (Part of the Konami Collector's series). The last dude is almost impossible to beat.
Shadow Madness was unbeatable for me. I got a good way into it and then it kept freezing up at the same point. I returned the game to toys r us and got another. Then I got farther in the game (think to the submarine part) and then it happened again, so I returned it and got another. Then I got a little bit further and it wouldn't advance past a certain point again. So, basically, I never finished it. It wasn't my system as it never had a problem with any other game.

I suck at tetris, so that would be up there for hardest. I loved bust a move, buster bros. etc. so I'm good at some puzzle games. I'm decent at columns, not sure why since it's a tetris clone. But probably the hardest game for me would be one of the older pre (or early clones) romance of the three kingdoms strategy type games, or a very difficult platformer. There have been a few games where I could barely kill a couple enemies, let alone complete a level. I can't think of the names though.
Hardest game to me would be Ninja Gaiden 2. I tried several times and couldn't even beat it with the game genie. You have to get to the last guy after getting through a tough level and don't get any energy back when you reach the last guy. Then he has like 3 forms and if you die you gotta go back like 2 or 3 levels and beat them again. Talk about frustration. Come to think of it Castlevania and Battletoads were pretty damned hard too.
I remember spending hours and hours in Phantasy Star 2...and I never beat the game.

One of my most memorable games is Ikaruga. That game is so hard, that I love it, because it's so hard!

I recall that I never beat Planescape:Torment because of a bug, and I was so disapointed too because I was really diggin the story. So I restarted, got to the exact same instant again, and bugged out on me again! Maybe one day I'll return...
most impossible game of my childhood was the first TMNT game on the NES. I got to the part where you can drive the van and never figured out how to get past that part.
[quote name='Purkeynator']Hardest game to me would be Ninja Gaiden 2. I tried several times and couldn't even beat it with the game genie. You have to get to the last guy after getting through a tough level and don't get any energy back when you reach the last guy. Then he has like 3 forms and if you die you gotta go back like 2 or 3 levels and beat them again. Talk about frustration. Come to think of it Castlevania and Battletoads were pretty damned hard too.[/QUOTE]

Aw man.. flashback of Ninja Gaiden 2. That game took me well past throwing the controller and seeing blue and red into some dimension of anger that has yet to be explored or even understood.

You can tell when it's getting bad when your screams of agony stop sounding like your regular everyday (eg: driving) screams. Sometimes I'd catch myself and it would sound like someone was dying in the room. All you can do is squeeze that controller and let out a stream of non-sequitored obscenities.:bomb:
The Legend of Zelda's second quest. Try finishing that sucker back in 1986 with NO help. Just locating the last 4 dungeons were almost impossible. Bomb across the river? you've got to be kidding me. They don't make 'em like that anymore.

I also thought Castlevania was pretty tough back in the day.

For today's games I think finishing Super Monkey Ball (GCN) on Expert without continuing ranks right up there as one of the toughest things I've done.
Super Ghouls and Ghosts. If you were able to get through the game you had to do it ALL OVER AGAIN, without a game over. Not to mention the game itself was difficcult with Arthur's goddamned fixed jump. I remember just yelling at him as I realized, too late, that my jump as going to throw me into a pit of lava. Just nothing you can do.
[quote name='onetrackmind']most impossible game of my childhood was the first TMNT game on the NES. I got to the part where you can drive the van and never figured out how to get past that part.[/QUOTE]

Damn I remember the disappointment in that game. Such a huge fan of TMNT, that game was ridiculous. I think I was stuck right around that same part. The game is still hard even today....I watched a roommate beat it a year or two back, I was amazed. He still agreed on the difficulty though.

On a side note, when I was younger I thought Rygar (NES) was difficult (not hardest ever or anything, but still hard), so I took satisfaction in finishing it a while back.
I got to the Technodrome once on TMNT, but couldn't get past that part...I always figured that had to be near the end of the game, but I never checked to make sure.
I tried getting through Turok 2 on N64 twice, and each time came up against what seemed to be a bug. It was later in the game, in the level that seemed like an insect hive and all the enemies were like insects. There were energy doors that had to be opened with switches, and one door that i just could *not* find the switch to. The second time was a good year or two later, same result as the first time, same door. I backtracked through every inch of the level, spent days looking for any way to get the door open, even went out and bought a strategy guide just to prove that I wasn't going crazy. The walkthrough for that level didn't seem to match up with what I was experiencing, so that was no help. The levels in this game were HUGE, too.

I kind of just assumed that it was something that I was missing, but I had this nagging suspicion that it was actually a bug, a glitch in the game.

Someone prove me wrong. Has anyone in here actually beaten Turok 2 on the N64? Glitch aside, I really enjoyed the game.
Tetris on gameboy is beatable. My art teacher recently told us that while on a flight to Europe her son asked her to beat a level for him, and she ended up beating the game.

[quote name='coltyhuxx']Just curious as to the game you remember struggling with the most. I'm gonna say Phantasy Star ][ for the time being.

Bonus question: What game (again a supposedly beatable (eg:not Tetris)) have you played that is TRULY unbeatable due to glitch, bad design, or sheer difficulty.

Let's hear it!! :bouncy:[/QUOTE]
[quote name='karmapolice']Tetris on gameboy is beatable. My art teacher recently told us that while on a flight to Europe her son asked her to beat a level for him, and she ended up beating the game.[/QUOTE]

I've beaten it, I can spoil it if no one cares. But, I'll wait and see if anyone bitches first.

Hardest game to me would be Ninja Gaiden 2
Hah, the funny thing is I've heard more people complain about Ninja Gaiden 2 being too EASY compared to the other games, while I think it was just right. Then again it's probably my favorite NES game ever. You wanna see hard? Try the original NG, the control wasn't quite as precise and the enemies far more cheap.

Ikaruga is a hard game, but it's still easily beatable because of the credit bonus for each hour you play the game. Beating it on one credit, that's the insanely difficult part - but at least you'll be able to play through all the stages eventually if you keep trying.
Battletoads hand downs was the hardest game for me. I barely could get past the first speeder bike level (level 4 or 5?) and it had like 12 levels. The first Castlevania was also pretty damn hard - never beat that.

I guess beating Super Ghouls N Ghosts was a really good accomplishment for me. I also was really proud of beating Bionic Commando, but looking back maybe it wasn't as hard as I thought at the time.
I'm surprised some of these games haven't been mentioned. I dub these games as truly impossible (without using cheats, Game Genie, etc.):

Gradius 3 & 4 for PS2. I don't think I even bothered with 4. Three was SO difficult I had a slo-mo and basically unlimited lives and STILL couldn't beat it. It took an Action Replay code that made me invincible and STILL getting through the "maze" at the end was all but impossible.

Contra: Shattered Soldier for PS2. Without cheats, absolutely impossible.

On PC I'm going with Doom and/or Doom 2. I don't remember which we played as a kid (maybe both) but I do remember thinking without the invincibility or infinite lives code the game was so ridiculously impossible as to not even be worth playing.

NES award goes to Ikari Warriors. Without the "A-B-B-A" code, I would say it's impossible to even progress through 10% of the game, much less the whole thing.

Sega Master System award goes to Alex Kidd (I'm pretty sure it was the original) where you had to somehow divine that "praying" 100 times would remove the barrier in front of you. Never mind that "praying" required a text dialogue and a yes/no dialogue.
Jim Power in the 3rd Dimension (SNES): Ugh. One hit wonder, stupid ass jumping mechanic, but a sweet 3-D effect.

Battletoads (NES): For all the reasons already mentioned.

James Bond Jr. (SNES): The shooter level never ends. Ever. Ok, maybe it does, but I've never seen the end.

On a side note, I beat TMNT on the NES a few times, all the Contras except for Hard Corps on the Genesis, and Ninja Gaiden 1. I'm not a pro, but with work, they're reasonable.
I have a lot of games that rank up there, but I remember that I was never able to finish the first castlevania... the grim reaper usually fucked me up and if i did manage to beat him, i was low on continues and usually got spanked on the last level. I had some problems with what I played of ninja gaiden on the NES too... I'm sure there's more, but I'm drawing a blank right now.
[quote name='chosen1s']
On PC I'm going with Doom and/or Doom 2. I don't remember which we played as a kid (maybe both) but I do remember thinking without the invincibility or infinite lives code the game was so ridiculously impossible as to not even be worth playing.

I recall beating doom, but doom 2... that last room always fucked me up... never did manage to do that without the Godmode cheat.
[quote name='chosen1s']
Contra: Shattered Soldier for PS2. Without cheats, absolutely impossible.[/QUOTE]

I beat that without cheats no problem, not wtih an "S" ranking or anything but I beat it.

The one game that I never beat was he original Castlevania on NES. I got to Dracula multiple times but I could not beat his second form. I got as close as one more hit and I'd have him and I never did.

I am pretty close to getting to him in the new GBA remake but I have not tried playing for a while. Last guy I fought was the reaper and died and have not played again because I lost all my equipment and got pissed.
yeah give it up for Chakan.

I cant believe none of u hoes mentioned KID CHAMELEON.

u gotta play dat game for like... 9 hours straight to beat it
[quote name='flybrione']I beat that without cheats no problem, not wtih an "S" ranking or anything but I beat it.

The one game that I never beat was he original Castlevania on NES. I got to Dracula multiple times but I could not beat his second form. I got as close as one more hit and I'd have him and I never did.

I am pretty close to getting to him in the new GBA remake but I have not tried playing for a while. Last guy I fought was the reaper and died and have not played again because I lost all my equipment and got pissed.[/QUOTE]

Beating The Grim Reaper and Dracula is all about the boomerang. Chuck that mofo all day everyday and you'll bring both those bastards down with no problem.
[quote name='chosen1s']I'm surprised some of these games haven't been mentioned. I dub these games as truly impossible (without using cheats, Game Genie, etc.):

Gradius 3 & 4 for PS2. I don't think I even bothered with 4. Three was SO difficult I had a slo-mo and basically unlimited lives and STILL couldn't beat it. It took an Action Replay code that made me invincible and STILL getting through the "maze" at the end was all but impossible.

Contra: Shattered Soldier for PS2. Without cheats, absolutely impossible.

On PC I'm going with Doom and/or Doom 2. I don't remember which we played as a kid (maybe both) but I do remember thinking without the invincibility or infinite lives code the game was so ridiculously impossible as to not even be worth playing.

NES award goes to Ikari Warriors. Without the "A-B-B-A" code, I would say it's impossible to even progress through 10% of the game, much less the whole thing.

Sega Master System award goes to Alex Kidd (I'm pretty sure it was the original) where you had to somehow divine that "praying" 100 times would remove the barrier in front of you. Never mind that "praying" required a text dialogue and a yes/no dialogue.[/QUOTE]

Choseone.. i'm with you on Shattered Soldier (Contra). My friend and I tried to play it - we were so excited to play this one I can't even tell you. It was SO unmercifully hard that we played for hours and couldn't get past the first level. NOT fun at all. We took it back a week later after repeatedly trying to dive back into it.
The Godzilla Game for the NES with the wierd hexagon grid system and the side-scrolling levels. It wasn't hard really, but it seems like I would play it forever and not get anywhere and not have a clue what was going on to begin with. Wierd game.
[quote name='Skylander7']Chakan... I've gotten through all of the Ninja Gaidens, Battletoads, and Super Ghouls and Ghosts.. but Chakan is a beotch[/QUOTE]


Adventures of Batman and Robin on Genesis is an honorable mention. I've been told that Undead Line is the hardest playable game ever and Project X2 is laughably cheap.
Deadly Towers on the NES. At some point I know I was progressing through it (burning the bells), but I never finished it. Absolutely ridiculous game.
Punch Out was tough for me as a kid. Currently I think its MGS3 on Extreme using Tranqs only for the bosses
wow im surprised Solstice for the NES wasnt mentioned. i cant and will never understand this game. Even watching the 8 minute time attack im still dumbfounded on how to get all the pieces of the staff.
[quote name='integralsmatic']wow im surprised Solstice for the NES wasnt mentioned. i cant and will never understand this game. Even watching the 8 minute time attack im still dumbfounded on how to get all the pieces of the staff.[/QUOTE]

That reminds me. Legacy of the Wizard was a bitch too.

QFT on Solstice. I never got...anywhere on that game.
The only game within recent memory that I had a hard time with was Shinobi for the PS2. I must have fought the second boss more then 20 times before I beat him. I was having so much fun with that game I just kept trying. If I ever get a Xbox I'll like to try Ninja Gaiden. It looked harder judging from the videos I saw.

I'm currently going through Ouenden which is pretty hard. I haven't even gotten to the hard and very hard difficulties yet!

Krymner, what was the bug in Planescape: Torment that stopped you? I had to troubleshoot mine to get it to work so I might be able to help. That game is to good for anyone to only play halfway through.
Nobody ever game The Adventures of Dino Riki a shot on the ol' NES? That game was ridiculous mostly due to its poor controls. Having a poor jumping mechanism and then requiring you to master it just to get halfway through the first stage is absolutely idiotic.

And if you survive and start making it through the game, you will realize that shooter experience helps a great deal. You can anticipate patterns, upgrade your weapons, and be a complete demon...until the 4-X worlds. 4-1 isn't too bad, just absolutely infuriating for most people. 4-2 will drive you nuts if you're not very careful and have the best weapon. 4-3 is murder, plain and simple. The enemy patterns are completely unforgiving, memorization is an absolute must, and you have to be able to duck, weave, and pretty much dodge the nigh-impossible if you have anything less than the best weapon.

Fantastically hard game, yet somewhat enjoyable. I got up to 4-2 without losing a life the second time I played it but the rest was just nightmarish. Just wait until you beat the game. Just try not to throw your NES through your TV.
I have to agree with:

Ninja Gaiden II
I got to the final boss, he killed it me in like 10 seconds. It was insane. That pissed me off so much, I haven't really played the game much since.

Sometimes I can't even get past Soda Popinski in this game - funny, because I DOMINATE at Super Punch-Out!!. And when I do get to Mr. Dream (I have the newer version), he is a BITCH! Still have never beaten him.

And I'm suprised noone has mentioned the Metal Slug games...without infinite continues, they can get insanely challenging.
[quote name='karmapolice']Tetris on gameboy is beatable. My art teacher recently told us that while on a flight to Europe her son asked her to beat a level for him, and she ended up beating the game.[/QUOTE]

I used to have my mom beat it on the hardest setting just so I could watch the ending. Too bad I never inherited any of her puzzle game skills.
[quote name='Strell']That reminds me. Legacy of the Wizard was a bitch too.

QFT on Solstice. I never got...anywhere on that game.[/QUOTE]

For whatever reason, Solstice makes me think of The Immortal. That game was insane.
Alien Hominid... that game is impossibly hard to me. The hardest games that I've ever beaten are probably Ninja Gaiden (XB) and Ikaruga. I actually didn't think NG was too bad (on normal away).

And I didn't know there was actually an end to Tetris... I usually got bored after a few hundred thousand.
I'm not sure if its just cause I'm not very good at FPS or not but Call of Duty 2 on Veteran mode is VERY hard. You get about 2 hits before your dead and the AI is incredibly smart. I can't help it though, as frustrated as I get I always want to go back to playing it.
[quote name='Vinny']Alien Hominid... that game is impossibly hard to me. The hardest games that I've ever beaten are probably Ninja Gaiden (XB) and Ikaruga. I actually didn't think NG was too bad (on normal away). [/QUOTE]

Oh, God, you're absolutely right. I was all excited to get Alien Hominid because it looked so charming. Three hours later, I hadn't even made it to the first boss. I eventually put it on Amazon for half what I paid for it.
[quote name='asianxcore']Ghouls and Ghosts (you have to beat the game twice I believe)
Original Mega Man games (I don't think I ever beat any of them)[/QUOTE]

I think the mega man games had a style shift or something. I can blow through the first 2 (1 is supposed to be hard) and I can get about halfway through mega man 3 (though it takes me a long time) and I can destroy mega man x4, anything else I can only beat about half of the initial levels, at most.
Mega Man games are kinda hard at first, but you just have to play the same level over and over again. Takes me, usually, about 2 continues to get to the end boss easily, and another continue or two to beat the boss.

To me, the hardest game around is Metal Gear.
bread's done