What is the longest time you have ever spent...

[quote name='spoo']About 8hrs with only a short piss brake....damn you Mt. Dew![/quote]
How dare you curse Mountain Dew. Without Mountain Dew I wouldn't be alive this very day. But the longest I've spent without moving or going to the bathroom would have to be no more than 4 or 5 hours playing either Alpha Centauri and Civ 3. I always tell myself just one more turn before I quit but its never just one more turn.
i know ill get yelled at for this...because its apparantly cool to hate final fantasy on here....but back when ff7 first came out....i spent over 24 hours playing it with a friend....we drank soda and ate snacks...but never went to sleep
Zelda: OoT...it was about 13 hours straight. Also, like DCFox the Dew is my lifeblood. If I could have an I.V. of Doritos and Mt. Dew hooked up to me I would do it.
I spent about a solid 8 hours yesterday playing amplitude in solo mode trying to get good enough not to get my ass kicked online. There's only like 20 people online that play and they all are like zen masters or something and are incredibly good. I've had the game since it was released but only got the network adapter last weekend and sadly it's my only online game other than socom.
about 4 hours on each of the Heroes of Might and Magic 2-4!!! i am a HUGEEEEEEEEEEEE fan of the series, too bad 3DO bankrupted.
half life, oh god i remeber that night i don't even know how much time it was but I never wanted it to end. Sweet Sweet cannndddyyy

:shock: MEYnerd :shock:
About 10 hours of FFXI straight one day. I'm not even gonna try to top Mr. Anderson's record.

BTW, some guy in Korea played Lineage for something like 72 hours straight without sleep. Supposedly, he died at his keyboard. I'd like to see somone top THAT.
[quote name='trustcompany1013']i know ill get yelled at for this...because its apparantly cool to hate final fantasy on here....but back when ff7 first came out....i spent over 24 hours playing it with a friend....we drank soda and ate snacks...but never went to sleep[/quote]

What are you talking about? It's cool to hate Final Fantasy everywhere! :D

Joking aside...the longest, for me, was on a day when I was in middle school (between three and five years ago) and home alone for the entire day. I spent almost all of it playing Pokémon Red. That was a lot of fun, actually. :)
Since i was once an EQ junkie i have a few outragous in game times, without getting up from my chair i say that i have done a few 12 hour shifts no problem, but straight playing including pissing and walking to the fridge to get snacks/drinks to bring back to the computer and no sleeping i have spent probably 36-48 hours on more than one occasion, yes i would spend the entire weekend without sleep, that is how horrible that game is and needs to be stopped!
I've swung around 24 hours of straight gaming in 36 hours, but with breaks in between and not to mention a couple hours of sleeping. but the longest straight most likely was about 10 hours. i played VC into the night. and played dark cloud 2 around 9 hours straight into the night. I think i might have peed once. and ate while i played because i'm skilled like that.
Damn, you guys are some crazy mofos. I do know how EQ can be, though.

But the longest gaming grind I've ever done was play FF3 for about six or seven hours straight with my cousin. We were soooo addicted to that damn game.

I still think Kefka was one of the coolest bosses in a game.
Pretty sure I spent about 12 solid hours with a buddy on Monster Rancher 2, probably played FF VII for about the same straight (friends watching), and NCAA Football 2000 definately saw a few all-nighters. The king of the hill for me however was Age Empires (all of them, from the first to the conquerors expansion). A buddy and me used to be top 100 in the world (maybe higher....top 10 in US maybe). We spent 5 years not sleeping or doing anything but playing that game...Kinda depressing to think about how much time I used to have for my games. :(
couldve gone about 8 straight on MGs, but me mum made me stop for dinner.

i did beat vectorman 2 in one 5 hour sitting. i didnt even stand up or pause.
Without any breaks? Probably Warcraft II when it first came out. Like 6 hours straight before hunger set in. Zug zug
Age of Mythology. Me and my friends were horrible at the game at first and it would take us about 2 hours to level up to max. We would then play about 3 or 4 games like that, play an FPS then go back to AoM. I remember going to sleep like 11 in the morning couple of times. Ah those were the days.
I hate to admit it, but I used to do 7 hour marathon sessions playing the first version of Magic: the Gathering for the PC. The one made by MicroProse.

/hangs head in shame, and wanders off to a corner.
for me its any rpg game or good hack and slack games like the Dynasty Warriors series which can kill time about 5 hrs non stop for me.
my longest times:
1) FF7 I don't know how long, but I beat the entire first disc in two sittings, I got up out of my seat once.

2) RE2, spent around 10 hrs straight when I first got it, beating the game as both characters (starting with leon, ending with claire)

3) Smackdown! Shut Your Mouth, don't ask why but I felt compelled to beat season mode in one 5 hr + sitting.
wow i cant top those records, but ive came close. I spent 42 hours straight playing FF7, with the occasional bathroom break. No eating, no sleeping. now THATS intense.
I beat MGS: TTS twice in two days (probably about 20 hours total)
Beat both Shenmue's in 4 days

back in the day me and my friend would play like 250 matches of MKII in a row just to play pong
[quote name='MorbidAngel4Life']wow i cant top those records, but ive came close. I spent 42 hours straight playing FF7, with the occasional bathroom break. No eating, no sleeping. now THATS intense.[/quote]

My friend you just topped the record without even realizing it. Well, besides the guy that played 5 years straight.. *coughnolifecough* ...
:joystick: is this how your face permanently looks? :)
I could never play a console game as long as some of you guys have. My hand and arm would just cramp up after a few hours. On the pc its not so bad especially with strategy games where it doesn't require quick reflexes and theres more down time in between.
bread's done