What is THE WORST video game you've ever played?

Judge Dredd for Genesis. I spent like 5 minutes with it and could not even figure out how to get past the first screen. Unless my copy is defective.
The worst game I've played is Ever Grace. That game can't get any worst. The battles were boring and the graphics looked like a 90's computer came.
[quote name='Purple Flames']E.T. for the Atari

Thread over[/QUOTE]

That was pretty freakin' bad... If more people around here had been old enough to play that game, a lot of the other suggestions wouldn't even have crossed their minds.

I also was massively disappointed in these two silicon turds:

Gotcha! - NES ... *horrible* light gun game. They designed one set of sprites, barely enough for one level, and rode that baby through for like 99.

Last Battle - Sega Genesis ... I got this free in one of Sega's promotions early-ish in the console's life. Incredibly bad play control and really worked the "throw a thousand of the same enemy at the player" level design concept that was so prevalent in the 80s and 90s. Even now, I feel a little sick just thinking about this game. I remember working through the one straight-ahead "dungeon" level with spinning axes and fucking *motorcycles* coming at me, then putting the controller down and flicking off the television.

I've had some disappointments since then, but you younger gamers seriously don't know the pain of truly awful games like those of us who have been at this for over 20 years do. There's a lot to be said for the free flow of information on the internet to prevent poor game buying choices.
Almost forgot about the Adventures of Bayou Billy on the NES... anybody remember playing that one? I remember Nintendo Power hyping it and a good amount of kids getting excited about it at school, especially since it seemed to fall in line with the Crocodile Dundee thing that was happening at the time...

Holy mother of God, was that a bad game. Terrible level design, befuddiling story, totally murky graphics even for the 8-bit era, and some of the worst collision detection this side of A Boy and His Blob...
[quote name='Scobie']Almost forgot about the Adventures of Bayou Billy on the NES... anybody remember playing that one? I remember Nintendo Power hyping it and a good amount of kids getting excited about it at school, especially since it seemed to fall in line with the Crocodile Dundee thing that was happening at the time...

Holy mother of God, was that a bad game. Terrible level design, befuddiling story, totally murky graphics even for the 8-bit era, and some of the worst collision detection this side of A Boy and His Blob...[/QUOTE]

And pretty much impossible to complete without a Game Genie. (or maybe it's just that I didn't want to put in the time to beat it? Nah...)
[quote name='Scobie']Almost forgot about the Adventures of Bayou Billy on the NES... anybody remember playing that one? I remember Nintendo Power hyping it and a good amount of kids getting excited about it at school, especially since it seemed to fall in line with the Crocodile Dundee thing that was happening at the time...

Holy mother of God, was that a bad game. Terrible level design, befuddiling story, totally murky graphics even for the 8-bit era, and some of the worst collision detection this side of A Boy and His Blob...[/quote]

Aww I used to love that game. Yea it was hard as hell and the collision detection sucked, but for some reason I have very fond memories of that game.
[quote name='sarausagi']

Final Fantasy VI: I didn't play this until the late 90's. I had been playing Phantasy Star IV, Shining Force II, and Lunar, exclusively, through out the mid 90's. I finally played it [via emulation] going in thinking it was supposed to be the best RPG ever. However, I really really didn't like it at all. I enjoyed IV, and even V, way more. Plus after VII, there was just no going back. It just seemed amazing to me that two or three years could make such a difference in the gameplay, presentation, and quality of a game..even if it's the same exact staff and company producing it...

Games I won't waste much time talking about
Resident Evil 2 and beyond
Tomb Raider 3 and beyond

Yes, there is a HUGE difference between Final Fantasy VI and VII. Mostly, because one came out on the SNES and the other on PSX. Big difference in terms of power. Final Fantasy VI is not the worst video game you've ever played. You just didn't like it as much as the others.

Resident Evil 4 is a game god crafted and handed down to men.

But back on topic...

The single WORST game I've ever played was either probably Super Godzilla on the SNES or Super Pitfall on the NES.

Those were HORRIBLE games.
Rocky Ledgens for the PS2..... I think someone fucked up when they built the controls for the game because you have to do some serious button mashing in that game :(
hmmm I'd say...I think it was NHL 1995 for the SNES. That game was so badly made it was funny. You could score from the other end with 1 guy you just shoot it down, hit the boards beside the net, keep skating forward, get the puck and shoot, and it goes in 100% of the time. Such an easy game...although due to its awfulness it made me laugh on a few occasions which most games don't...so I can't really call it my WORST game ever. Come to think of it that Suduko DS game looks pretty stupid, I mean just take a newspaper instead, that game gets my worst of all time title even though I havent played it =)
Absolutely, positively, without a doubt superman for atari. The graphics were so bad that the game was rendered pretty much unplayable. Oh and any sports game :lol:
[quote name='Scobie']
Last Battle - Sega Genesis ... I got this free in one of Sega's promotions early-ish in the console's life. Incredibly bad play control and really worked the "throw a thousand of the same enemy at the player" level design concept that was so prevalent in the 80s and 90s. Even now, I feel a little sick just thinking about this game. I remember working through the one straight-ahead "dungeon" level with spinning axes and fucking *motorcycles* coming at me, then putting the controller down and flicking off the television.

LOL, I think I got Last Battle in the exact same promotion. It was like buy two games and get one free with mailing in the UPC's. Yeah Last Battle was like that cartoon "Fist of Northstar", Kung Fu meets Road Warrior. I didn't get to far in the game because the controls sucked and the difficulty level was impossible. I have to agree with you that it was a bad game but EA's Sword of Sodan has to be the Worst Game of the 16 bit era. All this game had going for it was blood and the ability to decapitate your enemies. The controls were so unresponsive that it felt like you were controlling a tank, and the characters looked like they were animated by a 5 year old.
[quote name='remorhaz']Absolutely, positively, without a doubt superman for atari. The graphics were so bad that the game was rendered pretty much unplayable. Oh and any sports game :lol:[/QUOTE]

To be honest graphics in games does not matter one bit. Yes at times it might annoy the living daylights out of you butwhen there is a good game nothing else matters.

Graphics is only there to get people to jump the boat into buying something nowadays. Before it was cover art but at least they was artistic.
[quote name='sarausagi']Wow, couldn't have said it better myself.

I will add, as much as some people say it's "quirky" and "Japanese", I definitely feel a "Western" touch to it. The visuals, the art style, even the music, align themselves with the tastes of the cynical 20 something non gamers that seem to praise it as a "technical marvel" or "bold stroke of innovation." The only people I know who seriously like the game are the tattooed, grunge types that walk into EBGames holding a large Starbucks beverage, carrying a messenger bag with a bunch of pins on it, and listening to an obscure indie rock band on their iPods..

All I know is Katamari, the DS, the Wii, are all signs of the inevitable fall of "gaming", signs of a day we won't be able to play truly good, complex games, and all there will be is licensed movie games, monopolized football games, and so called "innovation" and "broad appeal"[/QUOTE]

Ugh. Just boo about the complaints to the Wii, I'd even arge the opposite and say your comment belongs more with the PS3 and 360. I mean you really think Strat and turn based RPG's will be completely ditched with the Wii? As it stands I just think Nintendo is trying to get people more in to the game. And sometimes complex can be another word for boring. I think some people are starting to forget about gameplay.
Now for bad game Morrowind is pretty bad, just the fatigue meter and attacking annoyed me but "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" is fucking awful. I had to FORCE myself to finish it. I think what disappointed me was Genki even made it. The Gameplay WAS solid but just boring. I'd like to see more Wuxia(Martial Arts) Fantasy based game in that setting style that are original and please don't mention "Jade Empire" to that effect. Why can't someone hire a Hong Kong director to do a game in that vein?
You also got problems for not liking FFVI. I just can't help but think something is wrong with you. Chuckle. GOD I hate how FFVII fanboyism always seems to run rampant over rightful FFVI fanboyism. :whistle2:(
It's like they think VII is the first # in the FF series and I hate them for it.
Superman 64.

[quote name='Rozz']Also, I have to add 'Katamari Damacy' to my list. Its an incredibly boring game with awful, boring, simple gameplay and lame characters and story. Read my review here if you want to see why I didnt like it[/QUOTE]
It doesn't surprise me that gaming journalism gets mocked when drek like this exists. I hope to the cheap gods that you didn't get paid for that.

[quote name='sarausagi']
Final Fantasy VI: [...]after VII, there was just no going back.[/quote]

[quote name='sarausagi']Disgaea..it's a joke if you played any strategy game made before the year 2000.[/QUOTE]No, but thanks for wasting my eyesight with your idiocy.
[quote name='lord_ebonstone']


Haha you got his #. Heart ebon. I don't understand the hate for Katamari though.
Btw since you like Disgaea there's some similar game for PS along it's lines that sounded interesting unfortunately it's import only.
[quote name='lord_ebonstone']Superman 64.

It doesn't surprise me that gaming journalism gets mocked when drek like this exists. I hope to the cheap gods that you didn't get paid for that.


No, but thanks for wasting my eyesight with your idiocy.[/QUOTE]

Oh yayies someone likes bad games and hates Final Fantasy VII....how original...what great display of pure genius you brought us here today. How about you tell us how Fallout is the best RPG and that there's no better flight sim than Microsoft Flight Sim 98.
[quote name='lord_ebonstone']

It doesn't surprise me that gaming journalism gets mocked when drek like this exists. I hope to the cheap gods that you didn't get paid for that.

So you're not suprised that other people have different opinions than you? Wow, you truly are an idiot.

And I didnt get paid for it yet...

But I will.

So fuck you.
[quote name='remorhaz']Absolutely, positively, without a doubt superman for atari. The graphics were so bad that the game was rendered pretty much unplayable. Oh and any sports game :lol:[/QUOTE]

Whoa whoa there... That is ONE of the few games I remember playing on the Atari (though I had a bunch) and I thought it was pretty good. Of course, those are ancient, hazy memories, but still, I'm pretty sure there were other games that were much worse.
I would have to say Halo, Halo 2 was only a little bit better. I never played it on Live so that may have saved it, but as a single player game I found it to be the most generic and boring shooter ever. I was so disappointed.
On another note; I must be teh only person to actually LIKE PD0. It's certainly not a killer app, but I still believe it's worth $20 (or less).

Its worth 20 bucks for me, but thats only because the online play is really fun. The story just kills it.
[quote name='Rozz']So you're not suprised that other people have different opinions than you? Wow, you truly are an idiot.

And I didnt get paid for it yet...

But I will.

So fuck you.[/QUOTE]

WOW... I just read your review - VERY harsh. I disagree entirely. Katamari was the reason I finally bought a PS2 a year and half ago. I think it is a GREAT game for $19.99. I've played all 3 versions (2 PS2, 1 PSP). It has great replay value if you want to score all the bonuses and whatnot. Anyway, I can see someone not liking it, but "Avoid at all costs" is a bit harsh, no?

I liked the music, I liked the graphics, and the gameplay is great for all the reasons you say (not a boring sequel/generic shooter/uninspired urban game). Great use of the dual shock too (PSP version is a bit lacking because of this).

Hey, I'm not like the other guy - I respect your opinion, but it is pretty extreme, you have to admit. Comparing your peers via Metacritic


where it scored an average of 86/100 (vs. your 36/100), you would have by FAR the harshest review - the lowest review there, out of a whopping 55, is a 70/100!


I mean, I have less than zero interest in playing RE4, GTA anything, Halo, etc, but I recognize that those are generally thought of as excellent games and that my opinion is pretty far outside the mainstream. I wouldn't call them the worst games ever as a result.
Umm to Rozz's quoted reply in the above thread... don't you mean:

"So you're surprised other people have diff opinions than you?"...because you called him an idiot by putting the words in his mouth stating that he basically thinks its normal for people to have different opinions, which is true. Don't know what everyones discussing but couldn't resist that one XD
Are these supossed to be the Worst Games Ever? Cause people are listing some pretty good games. I think this thread has become an outlet for people wanting to rant about games they think don't deserve credit.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']Are these supossed to be the Worst Games Ever? Cause people are listing some pretty good games. I think this thread has become an outlet for people wanting to rant about games they think don't deserve credit.[/QUOTE]I think it's supposed to be about worst games you've ever played. Maybe all those people listing good games have only played even better games :)
The WORST game I ever played is...


Its worse than E.T. even.....

It make me feel molested from the inside out.....

It make me feel terrified of both the night and day.....

It even made me terrified of opening my eyes....

It is....


Club Drive for the Atari Jaguar.
^ My worst game ever was also an Atari Jaguar game: "Fight For Life". They really made alot of crappy games for that system.
[quote name='Spades22']Umm to Rozz's quoted reply in the above thread... don't you mean:

"So you're surprised other people have diff opinions than you?"...because you called him an idiot by putting the words in his mouth stating that he basically thinks its normal for people to have different opinions, which is true. Don't know what everyones discussing but couldn't resist that one XD[/quote]

I didnt put words in his mouth. He said gaming journalism is mocked because of this. And by this, he means my opinion on the game. So therefore he's not suprised someone else has a different opinion than him. I dont really see the confusion... you might want to read it again.

And I respect Io's opinion on the game. But I came to Katamari with an open mind and expected to really enjoy it. I put hours into it but I never liked it. Maybe it's original, but I coulden't really find any redeeming values in it other than it's originanality. To each his own though :D

And based on GameRankings my review actually isn't the most harsh.

This one from Game Industry News Is

30% out of 10

I was a bit more generous with a 36% ;)
[quote name='Rozz']

And based on GameRankings my review actually isn't the most harsh.

This one from Game Industry News Is

30% out of 10

I was a bit more generous with a 36% ;)[/QUOTE]

Hehe, fair enough - I wonder why Metacritic doesn't include this review? Anyway, so there's 2 of you out there :D
[quote name='sarausagi']Oh yayies someone likes bad games and hates Final Fantasy VII....how original...what great display of pure genius you brought us here today. How about you tell us how Fallout is the best RPG and that there's no better flight sim than Microsoft Flight Sim 98.[/QUOTE]

GOD forbid he doesn't dryhump it like the legions of present day created FFVII fans who first played that then tried any other FF or didn't and vehemently stick to the idea it's the best one. And no it's not because it's their first, that's no excuse, FF was my first and I consider FFVI one of my favs.
lol well I didn't read everything, its just that usually people would take that well if he was not surprised that someone had a different opinion than him. Usually people get mad if they see others ARE surprised that they have different opinions. I read it as though he expected other people to disagree with him on whatever you're talking about, not as if he expected everyone to agree with him.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']^ My worst game ever was also an Atari Jaguar game: "Fight For Life". They really made alot of crappy games for that system.[/QUOTE]

"Fight For Life" is absolutely playable next to "Club Drive" tho.
Uh, after playing through some games, they definitely need to be added to my post.

Medal of Honor: Rising Sun- moronic AI that has enemies running right into your line of fire. Plus I had areas that for some reasons that textures missing for the ground.

Extreme-G 3- really boring compared to F-Zero GX.
[quote name='thegarageband']I will top all of that.

The year: 1994. Kurt Cobain had just died, and I was still in elementary school. I wanted an SNES so badly, but my parents thought the NES still had life in it. Goddamn it, I said. So my uncle took me to the local swap meet and said I could have any game I wanted. I had already bought Zelda 2, Mario Bros. 3 and Megaman 2 there, so I thought...

Nothing can go wrong.

I pick up this steaming pile of crap


To my dismay, and to this very day, that game has been the epitamy of suckitude for me. Goddamn you Nintendo. Seal of Approval my ass.[/quote]

HOLY SHIT MAN. I just had to quote this. That game is made of pure shit. And I beat that game just to tell people I can. WOW. Talk about being punched in the face.

But in 1994 wasn't Zoda's Revenge out? Why in blue hell would you skip out on that?
Spawn for the PSX

My brother and I were Spawn-obsessed at the time, so it didn't take much convincing to get this. Gamespot rating: 1.8

I think Software Etc. gave me $2 trade in value for this and it was the best $2 ever.
bread's done